The Mutantz

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"Where the fuck is she!?" Felicia asked obviously irritated. Felicia, MJ, Brant, Allie, and I were all waiting at practice for Gwen to show up. Brant was frantically working on three different things at once while the rest of us talked amongst each other. "The one time we have someone to tell us whether or not we suck and she can't be bothered to be here on time!? Fuck on time, she can't even be here twenty minutes late!?"

"Maybe she's sick. She hasn't been to school the last couple of days. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think she's responded to any of my texts to her." MJ said. My gut feeling was telling me that I may have had something to do with it and I felt a little guilty. Then I heard somebody knocking on the door upstairs.

"That's probably her." I walked upstairs to get the door but instead of her it was two people I wasn't planning on seeing with Allie present. It was Wanda and Pietro, or I guess I should say "Scarlett" and "Peter".

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

"We heard about your little get together and thought we'd stop by." Wanda said.

"Who told you?"

"Mary Jane texted me." Wanda said.

"Why do you have her phone number!?"

"The more important question is do you guys suck? Because I have money riding on this." Pietro said.

"Forty bucks say you do, twenty bucks say you don't." Wanda said.

"Why forty?"

"Alvers bets it's going to be 'fake punk bullshit'."

"Why does that guy know anything about my personal life!? I don't want the hood to know anything about me!"

"You forget it's supposed to be a Brotherhood." Wanda got slightly more serious.

"Well anyways you guys know Allie is here, right?"

"You mean one of the two we hung out with no problem yesterday? Relax, it'll be fine." Pietro said.

"(Y,N)? Who is it?" MJ asked.

"It's Scarlett and Peter!" I called down. I looked at the two of them. "Behave."

"When do we not?" Wanda asked with a smirk on her face. We walked back down the stairs and Felicia looked like she was getting ready to blow a gasket.

"You're telling me we have a whole crowd and our drummer is nowhere to be seen!?"

"It's only three people, Felicia." MJ replied.

"Janey, have you never heard three's a crowd!?"

"Guys it's cool, don't sweat it. If anything I've been prepped for her to suck anyways." Allie said. "Hey, Scarlett. Peter."

"Hello all." Wanda said. "Have we come at a bad time?"

"Gwen is flaking on us." I said.

"She's not flaking! Maybe she has a good reason!" Brant defended her. "Maybe Rhino is out of prison and she's..." I shot her a death glare. "Stuck in traffic! I was always going to say that!"

"Or maybe she's sick, which is a much more believable explanation, retard." I said. Then I realized, why do I care about whether or not Brant exposed her secret identity?

"WOAH, COOL KIT!" Pietro said before jumping over into the drummer's stool.

"Um, Peter, Gwen doesn't really like people messing with her-" MJ was cut off by Pietro hitting an extremely impressive drum solo out of nowhere. Everyone was left speechless, although Wanda was less surprised and more impressed, like she knew he was good, just not that good.

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