Blinding Lights (Jubilee Alternate Ending to Road Trip)

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"Sup, bozo?" Jubilee said walking up next to me and sitting down. She was wearing a black and white crop top with a pink line running between the black and white. She also wore a hot pink skirt with fishnets and white gogo boots. She still had her usual pink shades and hoop earrings, also wearing a collection of bracelets. "Hey, FYI, the jerk store called and they said they were out of you."

"Fucking what?"

"Yeah, that sounded a lot cooler in my head." She said. "What I mean is you totally disappeared, dude. What's the matter?"

"Oh, wow. Jubilation Lee is concerned with my well being?"

"Fine, you got me, I really don't care. I just wanted to ask you something." She said. "Tabby and I are supposed to go to this party in town and I was wondering if you wanted to come with."

"I dunno, Jubie. I have a lot on my mind." I said. Jubilee's smirk faltered for a second and she looked genuinely disappointed. Something about her reaction made me do a complete 180. "Actually, you know what? What the hell why not? I'm not gonna be here much longer." I said. Jubilee's eyes then lit up as she gave me a big smile before bursting "LET'S FUCKING GO!" before regaining her composure.

"I mean coolio. Should be fun." She said after clearing her throat.

"Awwwww, is someone excited to hang out with little old me?"

"Shut up." She said before looking out at the sunset. "It's pretty nice out."

"Yeah, I definitely got the best view around." I said looking at her. After a few seconds she looked over and realized what I was talking about. She blushed for a second before lowering her shades and looking back at the sunset.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She said. I humored her and pulled out my phone. She started to giggle as I took the first picture. She fixed her posture and arched out her back a little for the second picture. She then started posing as I took more of them, ending off with one of her blowing a kiss to the camera. She then came over and looked at the pictures over my shoulder. "Wow, those are cute." She told me. "Too bad you'll have to delete all of those."

"What? Why?"

"Cuz I don't feel comfortable having those pictures on the phone of a chronic master debater if you catch my meaning."

"You think about me jacking off a lot."

"I am feeling generous, though. I'll let you keep those pictures on your phone if and only if you make one of them your Lock Screen."

"Hmmmm, hard bargain. Don't know if I want a rat like you as my Lock Screen. I usually reserve that spot for cute girls. I guess for you I'll make an exception." I said and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"C'mon don't be mean. You think I'm pretty. Gorgeous, even."

"What gave you that idea?"

"The way you looked at me in the pool. Or possibly a better example, that time when I went over your house."

"I don't seem to recall what you're talking about."

"Oh really? You don't remember-" She said before imitating my voice. "Can I touch you? I really wanna touch you."

"One, I don't sound like that and two I don't remember saying that!"

"I have it on tape."

"No you fucking don't!"

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