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"Wait, you like, invited him here!?" Kitty asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked while doing my makeup.

"Well, like, first off, I'd like to know when someone is coming over here so I can get dressed!" She said getting off the couch and walking towards her room. She was only wearing a purple muscle tank and really short white shorts. "Second, I don't want that creep knowing where I live!"

"Oh, hush! (Y,N) isn't a creep, he's just misunderstood!" I said. "He wasn't exactly a creep when you told us about the Maximoff Twins and Emma Frost, either."

"Its possible to not like someone and still be a decent human being and caring when that person is in danger!"

"And what? You think he's gonna come and abduct you in the dead of night?"


"What would he do with you if he did? He used to rob banks! It's not like he's a serial killer or something!"

"Used too? The only time I met him we stopped him while he was robbing a bank." Allie said. She and Jubilee were moving their stuff in earlier today after we told Xavier about how Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Emma Frost all being around him yesterday. They had helped us move in and decided to stay after we explained the situation to them. Jubilee seemed more than happy to stay, she practically jumped at the idea. While Allie was strumming her guitar, Jubilee was looking at her phone. "And that was less than a week ago."

"Yeah, well, okay 'used to' isn't the right term, but I've just got this feelin' that he's on the right track now."

"Uhhhhhhh..." Jubilee went after that like she wanted to say something but also keep it a secret at the same time.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing."

"You know your voice gets all pitchy when you're hiding something." Allie said.

"He's uhhhh... all over the news for trashing this street last night in a fight." Jubilee showed me her phone.

"And in other news, new sources are reporting that the fight that took place last night, destroying Jones Street was between intergalactic Superhero and Avenger; Captain Marvel, and a man who was apparently dressed as a spider. The Spider-Criminal has never been caught on tape but has been known to the public for his trademark of webbing up the police and security at his crime scenes in a sticky adhesive. All video proof of him being at the scene seemed to magically disappear as everyone's phones at the scene seemed to have gone missing at some point between the fight and interview, and they don't seem to recall much of last night either. However local newspaper The Daily Bugle have released a photo taken by one of their employees of the criminal in mid kick, attacking Captain Marvel. The webs in his hands match the same as the ones from various crime scenes. This is the first ever photo to be released of The Spider Criminal." The report said followed by a picture of what looked like someone in (Y,N)'s costume kicking Captain Marvel.

"I'm... sure he had his reasons! I never did like Captain Marvel, anyway."

"Rogue, I'm not necessarily Captain Marvel's biggest fan either but I doubt she just picked a fight with a criminal whose virtually a nobody for no reason." Allie said.

"Why are you, like, defending him so hard, anyway?" Kitty asked phasing through her door. She was now wearing a white tank top underneath a pink button up and some jeans.

"Because, Kitty, I love ya like a sister, but you have a serious bad habit of judging people on their past mistakes." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Kitty asked defensively. "And past mistakes!? That was last night! How do you know he didn't rob a bank on his way here!?" Kitty asked before there was a knocking at the entrance to the apartment. I shot Kitty a glare letting her know this wasn't over and I walked over to answer the door as Kitty crossed her arms and looked away from me. I opened the door and there (Y,N) was, however he looked worst for wear. He had a black hoodie on and his face was covered in scratches, marks, bruises, and bandaids.

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