Not Friends

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The next day I decided would just be a day for me to relax at home again. Nothing to bug me since it was a Saturday. I practiced my bass again for a little while, I guess MJ kinda relit my passion for music and started playing video games afterwards. While I was in the middle of playing one there was a red light that went off in my room causing me to look to my left and see Wanda standing there in a red sweater that exposed her shoulders and the straps to her black bra and black leather pants.

"I could've been naked, you know." I greeted her.

"Please, I can also check in on you before I go teleporting in. I would've avoided something like that."

"That just means you could be spying on me when I'm naked and I wouldn't know!... have you seen me naked?"

"If you keep asking stupid questions like that I'll go somewhere else." She said walking over to the couch.

"Alright, fine, why are you here?" I asked.

"Pietro is being unbearably annoying right now. I needed a place to relax."

"And you chose to come to me? Wouldn't you have more fun at a library or something than watching me play Crash Bandicoot?"

"If you don't want me to be here just say so."

"That's not what I'm saying at all! Fine, Jesus, I'm just saying I thought we weren't friends."

"We aren't friends. I just tolerate you more than the rest of the Brotherhood."

"You like me. Is that so hard to say?"

"Yes." She said before sitting on the couch on the other side of it, away from me. She put her feet up and curled up in the corner before pulling out her phone.

"So you're just gonna sit there and ignore me in my own apartment?"


"I... had a surprisingly okay day yesterday so I'm not gonna fight with you." I said before I went back to playing Crash. Wanda and I just sat there in silence for a good three or four levels, she would occasionally look up from her phone to look at the game or me. At one point she started looking around the room. Eventually she spoke what was on the line.

"...So, I've been kinda wondering something."

"And that something is?"

"Where are your parents?"

"In the ground." I said in a monotone statement. Like when I told MJ. I find that's the only way I can really talk about them with someone.

"Jesus." She said. "Were you close to them?"

"Yeah. Unbelievably close to them. I was telling one of the X-Men the other day, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be good at the few things I'm good at. Like this one fighting game my dad was into. I now know how to win a round in a full combo because of him. I remember the first time I hit a three button combo on him in that game. 'I'm proud of you, buddy' he told me. It was like I single handedly won the super bowl in my house that night."

"Really? He was proud at you for just that?"

"Yeah, and to think he never saw how good I got with his favorite character."

"And he meant it when he told you that?"

"I still remember the smile on his face. It was genuine. He wasn't propping up his kid for no reason. He genuinely believed I would've been smart enough to save the world by curing cancer just based on me remembering how to hit the three colorful buttons in what order." I paused the game and looked over at Wanda who was staring at me. She seemed sad for some reason. "What's up? Not close with your dad?"

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