Why Do You Hate Me?

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"Can you put down the comic book and focus?"

"No I can't because from what it looks like they just retconned the main character's aunt of the last 50 years into being his mom and that his dad had an affair on her sister with her!" I shouted at Betty. After I did Kitty grabbed the comic out of my hands. "Hey!"

"Why do you even have this? You, like, live in New York. Probably the most superhero populated state in America. If you wanna see crime fighting just, like, look outside your window."

"The point of comic books is to escape from the shitty real world, stupid." I said.

"Well you can escape the real world when it doesn't put my 93 average at risk."

"Couldn't make it to 100?"

"Shut it. If we're going to do good on this project we all need to try to learn everything we can about Doom." Betty said.

"What? That's stupid." I said.


"We're supposed to defend this asshole. How are we going to defend him if we know how much of a jerkoff this guy really is?"

"I don't know. How do people defend you?"

"They don't. Everyone hates me." I said matter-of-factly.

"That's a little harsh on yourself don't y-" Kitty began.

"Oh no. Don't you dare start trying to analyze me or tricking me into being your friend, too. I already got one person to do that to me and I only went along with it because I got a free meal out of it." I said interrupting Kitty.

"Ugh! Whatever, I was just trying to be nice." She said crossing her arms and looking away irritated.

"Oh no, don't pout about it. How will I ever survive?" I asked sarcastically.

"And what do you suggest we do instead?" Betty asked me.

"Dig up shit on all of the other tyrants, duh. The best defense is a good offense. We've gotta go so far deep into their history that even their defenders don't know how to respond."

"That sounds ludicrously stupid."

"Okay, let's try it." I said.


"Ask me about something you hate about me."

"Okay, why are you so mean to people for no reason? Like Kitty? She didn't do anything to you and you were just kind of mean to her for no reason."

"I mean there's something there about childhood trauma I'm not necessarily comfortable talking about you with but are you really one to be talking about being mean to people for no reason? You treat every guy in the school like a piece of shit."

"That's because they a-"

"No they're not. Flash? Yeah. Me? Hell yeah. But people like Mason Kelly and Ned? They're fine. Harry Osbourne may not be my type of people but he still as least seems like a gentleman. What's the real reason you don't like them? Is it because of your inability to get a boyfriend." Betty scoffed.

"That's not it at all."

"Of course not because you aren't unable to get a boyfriend. I mean you're pretty, smart, and not one of the Barbie doll gals at the school and you're actually real. It's just that you don't let guys ask you out because you're afraid."

"Afraid? Afraid of what? And also, are you ever going to answer my question of-"

"Oh I'll get to that, don't worry, but you also asked what you're afraid of and I think you're afraid of the idea of ruining a relationship just because you don't want to get it on if you catch my meaning." I said. Betty's eyes slightly widened and her cheeks reddened.

"W-what!? That's stupid I-"

"Well I mean why else would Flash Thompson break up with you?"

"I-I broke up with him!"

"Sure, that's what you agreed to tell the school. I have to say it's one of the only stand up things Flash has ever done. The only other people who know the truth are in the football team. I got a swirly for just happening to be in the locker room while they discussed the secret nature of how Flash understood he's got a certain rep with the school and you've got another and how you went crying to him to change the story and since he still thought you were a nice girl he went with it. And you're afraid that you're gonna date someone else, and catch feelings for them, and then once they want to take the relationship to the next level you won't be able to and once they break up with you you're going to be heart broken because you couldn't go the distance with the person you thought was the one. Am I right?" The whole time I went on with this Betty looked more and more uncomfortable and was visibly squirming in her chair. When I was done she was the most embarrassed I had ever seen a person and was on the verge of crying I felt.

"I-I... I..."

"So yeah something like that. We've gotta hit them with something out of left field they won't be able to defend. Who should we target first? Stalin? I think Stalin." I said. Betty got up and ran away and I looked for another comic to start reading in my bag.

"That was... wow." I looked up and saw Kitty staring at me. "Why did you do that to her?"

"Because she's annoying and called my idea stupid." I said.

"You're seriously the biggest jerk I've met!"

"So, like, what's your problem with me?"

"Besides the fact that you're, like, a raging psychopath?"

"Well I wasn't that mean to you two days ago and you had a crush on me." I said before Kitty practically jumped out of her chair.

"I DID NOT!" She shouted. I looked around at all the other people in the library staring at us.

"You'd think I'd notice them staring at us a lot sooner than now. Possibly when the girl left the room crying." I muttered. Kitty cleared her throat and sat back down staring a hole through me. "But seriously what's the deal? I don't mind you hating me, I'm just interested in knowing why considering how nice you were to me."

"If you must know, it's because you're a criminal." She whispered looking to not alert the rest of the people in the library of our other lives. "I know it was you that was fighting with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver at the arcade a few nights back and like, I'm the only one who seems to realize that you're kinda a bad person, and even if you wanted to join the X-Men, it's not exactly a good idea. You have no care for anyone but yourself as shown by the fact you made a girl run away crying because she just asked you to do some work and put your comic book away for two seconds. And by the way, if you do anything to hurt Rogue, then we're like, seriously going to have some problems..."

"...Okay." I said before opening up a new comic.

"Really? Okay? That's it? You're not going to like threaten me or anything?"

"No. I told you I don't care if you hate me. I just wanted to know why. And I'm not going to attack you or any of your buddies unless you get in my way or try to kill me like Silver and Witch." I said. Kitty blinked in surprise when I said that last sentence. "Now if you're just gonna keep bothering me and Betty's not gonna come back, I'm just gonna go home." I said before closing my book and getting up. "Remember, look up stuff about Stalin and not about Doom." I said before walking away. I walked out of the library and into the hallway and was about to make my way out of the building before I heard someone say something.

"Hey, webhead."

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