Instant Fireworks

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The next day had been pretty boring for the most part. I really just kinda lounged around, although I did find myself playing my bass guitar a little more, trying to learn a couple songs by ear. I managed to get one and I actually got a little excited by it, to be fair. I opened my phone to text Gwen... only to remember I don't really want to talk to Gwen right now. Well now this place is kinda a bummer. I decided I could go out to an arcade or somethin'. Not the one by my apartment because that was probably still dealing with the property damage from last week. I put on my mask before swinging out of my house over to an apartment I knew wasn't too too far away. I slid into an alley way before walking out with my mask off, now in my pocket of my hoodie. I walked into the arcade and the selection of games was pretty decent. The one I was eyeing the most though was Tekken 4. However, it was currently being occupied by this chick with a kinda weird looking getup. Yellow leather jacket was something I thought didn't actually exist but I was looking at it. I could see that she had translucent pink shades on and she had earrings with x's dangling down. If you couldn't tell, I'm not a people person, so playing against someone wasn't really on my agenda. I'll just play Tekken later then. I thought. I moved on to play Mrs. Pac Man a bit, got on the top 5 leaderboard and looked back over at Tekken. The girl was still at it, had a couple people watching her now. I then went to play Terminator Salvation. That was cool for a bit but got bored of mindlessly shooting robots. Looked back at the girl, a couple more people watching her play, but her opponent was Heihachi so she was about to beat the game so I wouldn't have to wait much longer. I played DigDug with the sole purpose of killing two minutes and I looked back at Tekken to see she was still playing, except now she was starting a new arcade mode with a different character.

"Oh fuck that." I said before walking over. I pushed my way past the horny teenaged boys who are losing their minds a girl can play a video game to confront her. "Hey, take a hike, you've already beaten the game. You're hogging the machine."

"Cry about it."

"Real cute. I mean it, some of us are just tryna to enjoy their Sunday and play a fighting game as a giant bear and beat up a space ninja."

"Buy a Xbox." She was responding without taking her eyes off the screen and obviously disinterested in the conversation. She absentmindedly put a piece of bubblegum in her mouth and started chewing like a cow. That's it I've had enough of this. I thought as I put my hand on the screen. Finally she snapped out of her killer's trance. "Hey! What gives!?"

"I've already explained it. My turn."

"Hey man, let her play th-"

"You better stop talking before I put that lazy eye back to work." I said pointing at one of the nerds watching her. "Any more white knights wanna feel brave I'll come up with a zinger to make you cry faster than it'll take you to cream yourselves if she looked back and smiled at you guys."

"You're gonna ruin my win streak you turd!" The girl said.

"So just leave and it'll remain in tact."

"Fine!" She finally gave up the sticks and I took her spot next to the machine.

"Thank you. Was that so hard to-" I began to say before she put a quarter in the machine and hit the two player button. "Hey!"

"Alright buddy, if you wanna play so bad then let's play. Two outta three. Winner stays on."

"That doesn't do anything for me."

"Or you can just be a chicken. That works." She said drinking the last sip of a large soda on a table next to the machine before tossing the empty cup onto the ground.

"A chicken? What are we? In preschool?"

"Might as well be with all that crying you were doing."

"Alright, fine. But instead of winner gets to play the game, let's make it loser buys the other whatever they want from the kitchen here too."

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