Music Bug

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The day after MJ gave me the tabs for everything and it all looked relatively simple enough. I spent a lot of time talking with her and Felicia and drifted out the conversation whenever Brant or Gwen showed up, but then I would talk with Rogue, Kitty, and Laura. Kitty has been surprisingly chill lately. What was weirdest was when she called me last night using Rogue's phone.

"Hey, Rogue what's up?"

"Hey (Y,N), it's Kitty."

"Kitty? What are you doing with Rogue's phone?"

"Well, like, I don't know how much Rogue has told you about it but like, we were going back to Professor X's for the weekend to meet with our friends and we all agreed that like, we should invite you to come with since you've never really met that many mutants and stuff. Maybe get a crash course on how to use your powers. We wanted to know if you were interested."

"That doesn't answer the Rogue thing."

"Because for some reason she's getting real defensive about you coming with us like she's embarrassed by the rest of the X-Men or something. I think she sees this as you meeting her family for the first time and she's nervous they're going to embarrass her."

"Well I mean you haven't chased me away yet so she has nothing to worry about."

"Oh come on I wasn't like, that bad."

"A week ago you hunted me down to try to arrest me because of the crimes I'm being blackmailed to do for my job."

"I wasn't going to arrest you! I just, like, was gonna get you to put the money back!"

"Anyone ever tell you X-Men you're really bad at lying?"

"So like, are you gonna come with? We all think it'd be really cool even if Rogue won't admit it."

"Yeah, sure why the hell not? Sounds fun."

"Great! I'll see you later. Now I have to phase back into the apartment before the fear of this few story fall gets to me."

"Why are you hanging onto a wall outside of your apartment?"

"Needed to give Rogue a chance to cool down and also not try to put me into a coma to stop me from calling you. Anyways, see ya."

The day at school was pretty uneventful after that though. After school I went to a record store to try to find something new to listen to. I was looking through various CDs, I thought about giving Hole a try, I remember Felicia once brought up a band called NOFX, but then I noticed a CD that I had seen before. London Calling by The Clash. I went to reach for it and someone else's hand touched mine as they also went to grab it. I noticed the Star logo on her fingerless gloves and had an idea on who it might've been and I'm getting a little more used to it now but I'm in the same room as the fucking Dazzler again holy shit.

"Oh, hey, (Y,N)! Small world, huh?" Allie greeted me.

"Hey, Allie! What's up?"

"Oh you know, same old same old. Thought I'd listen to something new for a little more range in my stuff. London Calling is the holy grail of genre mixing."

"I've never heard it before I've just seen the cover."

"You've never heard The Clash!?"

"I've always meant to but I've never gotten a chance."

"Dude, this album fucking rules! Universally it's accepted The Clash was a punk band but this record literally goes from punk to surf rock to Rockabilly to classic rock to power pop. I've only listened to a few of the songs on Spotify so I'm excited to listen to the full thing. So anyways, how've you been? I feel like we never talk. Everyone's got a cool story about you except me."

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