Beer Run

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"So you want me to just... surrender my beer truck?"

"Yeah look, I know how it sounds but here's the thing, this is best case scenario for you." I began to explain to the truck driver. "You seem like a nice enough guy, and I don't really wanna hurt you, but I kinda have to commit a crime as part of my Spider quota. Especially before I head out of town for a minute. So I'm just thinking you give me the truck for some pictures, I web you up for a second, we take some pictures as proof I did the crime and no one really gets hurt. You won't get in trouble with your boss because what are you going to do? Fight Spider-Man? I mean, come on."

"... Why can't you just take one case?"

"That's not very super criminally of me to take one case now is it?"

"What's so super criminal about stealing a whole truck of alcohol?"

"I don't know I could dilute the water supply or some shit! Maybe I just have super alcohol tolerance and I really wanna get drunk!"

"Why would I let you dilute the water supply?"

"I'm not actually gonna dilute the water supply! The longer this goes on the more I want to actually beat you up!"

"Are you sure you're the Spider-Man from the news?"

"Why do people keep asking that!? I swung on webs before summersaulting onto the roof of your truck and peaked down before saying 'Hey can we talk' what part of that makes you think I'm some dork in a cosplay costume!?"

"I know but you don't seem like that bad of a guy."

"I'm still threatening to kick your ass and take your truck but okay whatever you say. So are we doing this or what?"

. . .

"Alright can you still breathe or what?" I asked the guy. I had just finished cocooning him in webs.

"It's a little snug."

"Can you still reach your phone?"

"Yeah I can get there."

"Alright then give me like a five minute head start and then call the cops." I said before my own phone started ringing. I pulled open my sleeve and grabbed my phone before answering. "Hey, R-....R."

"R? That's kinda a lackluster nickname ain't it, sugar?" Rogue asked.

"Well it's because I'm in the middle of doing... super cool stuff you wouldn't understand."

"Oh! That makes sense. Robbin' another bank?"

"Beer truck. I'm changing it up."

"Oh, that's pretty good. S'pose less people will get hurt with that."

"No people get hurt. I worked out a deal with the guy so he surrendered easily. I didn't have to fight him."

"That's real nice, sugar! If you aren't careful people'll stop thinking you're such a bad boy." Rogue teased. I know she was joking but there was some truth to it, and I didn't really mind it.

"I realize that yeah." I said before getting into the truck. I gave the guy a thumbs up before driving away. "Plus it gives us a couple of drinks for the road trip tomorrow."

"Drinks? (Y,N) we can't drink stolen drinks."

"Why not? Your mouth broken?"

"You know that's not what I mean. Besides one of us'll be drivin'."

"Cmon, loosen up, sugar." I said before there was a silence on her end. "Rogue? You still there?"

"S-sorry, I'm just not used to bein' called sugar like that is all!" She said with a bit of an embarrassed tone.

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