Hit (In) The Gym

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"(L,N), you look terrible. Take a lap." Mr. Howerton said after we all lined up for gym class. Interestingly enough, Laura was now on the roster with us. She stood next to me.

"I-... huh?"

"You heard me, jabroni." He blew a whistle.

"I'm getting a lap for getting beat up? That's not-"

"Stop making up excuses (L,N) and take the lap!" Flash said. Mr. Howerton blew the whistle.

"No speaking out of line, Thompson. Take a lap. But also he's right, (L,N), stop bitching, take two laps." Flash gave me a glare and growled like I was the one to blame for him trying to bully me.

"Coach Howerton," Felicia Hardy began to say raising her hand. "my stomach has been bothering me since last night and I really think should take it easy-"

"Nothing heals better than exercise, gotta rebuild the muscles after stretching them, take a lap."

"What? I said it was like a stomach bug that has nothing to do with tearing-"

"I just said no bitching, two laps now." He said.  Felicia groaned in annoyance and I quietly laughed at her misfortune. "How come I don't hear the sounds of three pairs of sneakers running around my gym right now?" He said looking at all of us. Howerton kinda freaked me out because he didn't scream like other gym teachers and he wasn't out of shape either. He was visibly fit, just not overkill with the muscles, and he spoke with a very "I don't care" tone. Kinda like me. Oh god am I gonna grow up to be Mr. Howerton? "Alright, any worm sucking idiots feel like taking a lap too?" He asked.

"I gotta steal that insult." Felicia Hardy, Flash, and I all whispered to ourselves at the same time as we got ready to start moving. I stretched my back and neck which still hurt like hell. Felicia was really holding onto her stomach like it was actually hurt and not an excuse. Laura raised her hand nonchalantly as the class began to murmur.

"Fine, new girl I haven't bothered to learn the name of, take a lap." Howerton said before blowing his whistle. Laura walked over next to me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"It's just running around the room. And it's better than sitting there and listening to him explain the rest of the class." She shrugged. Howerton blew his fucking whistle again.

"Laps. Go." He told us and we all started running. "Alright, I'm sure you all get the vague idea of this week by the balance beams and what not. It's an Olympics year and the school wants you to embrace it or some shit, I don't know. So we're doing a bunch of gymnastics stuff because of it."

"Wouldn't it make more sense to do Olympics related stuff during the winter?" I asked while running.

"Yeah, you know with the actual Olympics?" Felicia added.

"Stop poking holes in the school's moronic logic. Another lap." He said. "Everyone pair up with a partner and go do the stuff. I want everyone to do two sets of everything." He blew his fucking whistle one more time before heading over to his little island in the corner of the room. He had a comfy chair and a radio playing Jimmy Buffet. He sat in the chair and opened up a gossip magazine before chuckling to himself. "Hehehehe, you dumb bitch." He said to himself as we kept going. Felicia, Laura, and I all kept the same pace while Flash trailed behind. Laura seemed like she was holding back to hang out with me, though.

"So partners after this?" I asked Laura.

"Obviously." Laura responded. "But are you sure you can really do much considering what we talked about earlier?"

"I'm stronger than I look." Literally. "Besides, we can spend some more time getting to know each other now."

"Seriously? You're gonna leave me with him?" Felicia asked nudging back at Flash.

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