A Mötley Crüe

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"What are you guys doing here?" I asked Pietro and Wanda. Wanda was dressed up in her Scarlett Olsen disguise and Pietro... had blue hair and goggles on.

"In case you forgot we have something we really need to talk about." Wanda said.

"And I'm bored." Pietro said. Wanda gave him a glare. "Oh yeah, and I totally care about what happened at the old man's! I've been staying up late at night for anticipation."

"Oh. Well that's cool, but I gotta meet up with some people at the roller rink across town-" I said before Pietro gasped.

"There's a roller rink and you never took me!?"

"I'm not dating you why would I take you anywhere!?" I responded before Wanda cleared her throat to get our attention.

"Not to interrupt this little lover's spat but (Y,N) I think what we have to talk about is much more important." She said.

"Alright, alright. But how come you're in disguise?"

"We couldn't be sure you weren't with any of our other friends so we took the liberty of keeping up appearances. Plus it wouldn't hurt if you saw Scarlett Olsen a little more so I'm not just some girl you were extremely close with in front of X-23 and then never saw again."

"Alright, I guess. We're gonna have to go somewhere else though because there's someone inside that I am now actively trying to avoid." I said. Wanda grabbed my hand and Pietro's arm, snapped her fingers, everything went red, and next thing I knew the three of us were on top of a building. Pietro ran to the side of the building and threw up.

"What did I tell you about that!? Just tell me where you're going and I'll run there!" Pietro said before throwing up some more. "You know teleportation messes with my stomach!"

"So you don't get sick going from place to place in a second but you'll get sick if Wanda teleports you?" I asked.

"I may mess with his stomach on purpose." Wanda whispered to me. "So anyways, details. What happened over the weekend?"

"You know you two can stop holding hands right? Ride's over." Pietro told us. We looked down and saw we were still holding hands and Wanda jerked her hand away while looking off. She cleared her throat again.

"Well, don't freak out, but you know Wolverine?" I asked. Pietro and Wanda both looked at me wide eyed.

"I know of him, yes." Wanda said.

"Well he knows of you, too. He smelled you guys on me."

"Oh my god that fucking gross little troll man!" Pietro said. "Why is that a thing!? Is that what Wolverine's are known for!? What the fuck even is a Wolverine!?"

"That is extremely worrying." Wanda said. "There's no way he doesn't tell Xavier."

"I don't know, maybe he doesn't." I said. "I uh... convinced him that I was actually looking for a way out." I told them. Wanda looked at me with a bit of a skeptical look but also like she was kinda hurt.

"Oh, shit, really? Maybe the dog is losing it in his old age." Pietro said.

"Right." Wanda said. "What else happened?"

"I'm pretty sure A-... Rogue trusts me whole heartedly. I don't think I'm closer to anyone else." I said. Wanda seemed like she was even more hurt.

"What about X-23?"

"She's... complicated. I spent a lot of time with her at the Institute though."

"Would you say she trusts you, too?"

"I mean... yeah."

"This is all good. I think maybe you can move on with convincing them to join the Brotherhood now." Wanda said.

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