A Quick Chat

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(Y,N) and I walked back to my apartment in silence. I didn't wanna let him know what I found out about him. We got to the door and I looked back at him.

"So, I guess this is my stop." I said with a chuckle. (Y,N) let out a short "heh" but he was still clearly upset about earlier. "Hey, I'm sorry about messin' up the date and everything. I shoulda been more careful. I know how my powers can affect someone and you've barely had your's for a week and-"

"Rogue it's okay. Don't worry about it. I'm fine." He said. I frowned because I know he's lying. He's anything but fine. I felt myself gravitating towards him before I realized if I did what I wanted to do, there was a chance I'd activate my powers again and I might knock him out. I pulled myself away and quickly opened the door.

"Just, call me again sometime, so I can make everything up to ya. I mean it." I said walking back into the apartment. I closed the door and held my head before sighing.

"Things didn't go too well, huh?" I looked up and saw Kitty watching Project Runway on the TV.

"Where's Allie, Laura, and Jubie?" I asked.

"Laura went down to a gym, Allison went to see a band at Max's Kansas and Jubilee went with. Anyway, what's up? You seem upset. Did you finally realize how much of a douchebag (L,N) is?" Kitty asked. Immediately I felt my demeanor change into a hostile one. I dunno if it's because I'm still holding onto (Y,N)'s personality or if it's me genuinely being upset with that statement after finding out what I did touching him.

"You have no right to call (Y,N) a douche bag! You have no idea what he's gone through!" I said.

"Woah! What's with you all of the sudden? Wait, did you touch him?"

"Let me ask you something, Kitty: Have you ever really had your heart broken?"


"And I don't mean some meaningless fling with Avalanche, I mean having a real connection with someone ripped away from you! (Y,N) has had a lifetime worth of tragedies and emotionally scarring and trauma inducing situations in 18 years, so excuse him for being a little cynical about everything!"

"Rogue, relax! What the hell did you see?"

"I... I'm sorry Kitty. I don't understand much of what I saw. It all happened so fast but... the summary of it is everyone (Y,N)'s ever loved has either died right in front of him or abandoned him forever. Everything was goin' fine and I thought I was helpin' him but I don't know if I can help him... you should've seen the way they looked at each other."


"Him and Gwen. The Spidergirl. They were in love."

"Wait, what? The Spidergirl and him?"

"Kitty don't say 'him' like that like you know the first thing about him! Because ya don't! I don't think you can know him and not just wanna hold him forever."

"Wait, Rogue do you... like him?"

"Yeah I do. And I realize that at least for now I can't have him. And it's funny." I said laughing a little while wiping a tear from my eye. "I think I just felt two hearts break today." Kitty looked like she was upset for me. "I'm gonna go take a shower. And for the love of god his name is (Y,N). Not (L,N). He may be a mutant-mutate hybrid and a criminal, but he's still a human being." I said before walking into the bathroom.

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