After Dark (Dazzler Alternate Ending to Road Trip)

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"Oh, hey you." Alison said coming up behind me with a guitar on her back and two soda cans in her hands. She was wearing a brown jacket over a Pearl Jam shirt and she wore black leggings with spikes on the sides of them."Whaddya think of the view? Dope, right?"

"Yeah it is."

"I always come up here when I need a second to be by myself or some real peace before writing a song." She sat next to me, opened a can, and gave it to me. She placed the other one next to her and then brought her guitar in front of her. She started strumming for a little bit before suddenly strumming the strings to match the vocals on the song. She then stopped during the first part of the chorus before playing the riff of the chorus. Once it finished she looked over at me. "Hey, this song's pretty cool. What's it called?"

"Did you just perfectly play the guitar to a song with no guitar that you've never heard before?"

"That's a weird name for a song."

"That's not-"

"I know, I'm messing with you. Yeah I did. It's part of my powers. Kinda. It's hard to explain."

"I got time."

"How about you go first."

"What do you mean?"

"I know that look you had on your face when you thought you were out here on your own. 'Why the hell am I here? Why did is it always me? Why Is It Always This Way? Why Can't We Be Happy?"

"Now you're just naming punk songs."

"Can you blame me? Why Is It Always This Way doesn't get the love it deserves even though it's on Rocket to Russia! People rather just talk about the fucking Surfin' Bird cover!"

"Didn't you put Surfin' Bird on your driving playlist?"

"I didn't say it was a bad cover! Anyways, you're dodging the depressed boy allegations! What's up?"

"I really don't wanna talk about it here. I don't feel comfortable talking about it here."

"Alright, let's go somewhere else then. I know another place we can go. I have a friend that lives not too far from here, we can go to her house." She said getting up. She then kicked her soda off the roof. "I have a key to her house for when she needs me to house sit. We can also grab something better on the way. More liquory." She said offering me a hand.

"...Yeah, okay."

. . .

"Hey how's it going?" Alison asked the cashier as she put the six pack on the counter. She had a goofy smile on her face behind the fake glasses she was wearing with a big nose and a bigger mustache. She had also started playing "Blind" by Korn in her pocket very loud as she did so. I was stood underneath the security camera with a long blond wig and pink star shades plus a doctors mask. The two of them stared at each other as the song played for a little bit.



"Come on dude, seriously?"

"What?" Allie asked.

"Put it back."

"Why? I'm 21. You have to ask me for my ID. It's the law." Once Allie said that I knew it was my cue to use my web to quickly pull down the security camera while he was distracted by Allie's big ass grin. The cashier rolled his eyes before putting out his hand.

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