The Goth Girl

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"Yeah I don't know where you get your intel from but it was dead wro-"

"What my idiot brother is trying to say is that this (Y,N) (L,N) guy isn't actually a mutant. He said he got his powers from some sort of radioactive spider. He's actually a mutate." I clarified glaring at Pietro.

"You two are actually dumber than you look! I can't believe I trusted you with such an important task! Tolansky would have produced better results than you!" Mystique shouted at us making us shrink in fear.

"Beg pardon?" Pietro muttered.

"I didn't send you two idiots after him because of his... 'spider powers'! You numbskulls seriously never saw it!?" She asked.

"Wh-what's 'it', Mystique?" I hesitantly asked.

"(L,N) doesn't just have spider abilities but also the ability to nullify the powers of other mutants and mutates!"

"Wait, you mean the reason my powers were wonky last night was because of him!?" I asked.

"Imagine what type of power we could've held with him in the brotherhood! A Wolverine that can't heal! A Rogue who can't drain you of your abilities! A Storm who can't cause storms! A Professor X who can't read minds!"

"L-look Mystique we didn't-"

"You will have one more chance. By Sunday I want (Y,N) (L,N) right here! Wether he's here willingly or in shackles does not matter to me! Do I make myself clear!?"

"Y-yes!" We said at the same time.

. . .

"Owwwwww... shit, my head..." I said when I woke up. "Did I sniff too much glue again? Could've swore I had a dream where I robbed a bank before this bitch in a dumb helmet tried to stop me and then Dazzler was there and a superhero and-"

"You awake?" I heard a girl with a southern accent ask. I looked around and saw the goth girl from last night sitting next to me. I started to back up but when I tried to put one of my hands on the ground it landed on nothing and I nearly fell off the roof we had apparently been sitting on. "Careful!" She shouted as I was able to grab onto the wall. "Here, let me-"

"Oh no you don't!" I said slapping her hand away from me. I climbed my way back onto the roof and stood up. "It's coming back to me now! Your name's Rogue or something like that! You're with those X-Men assholes aren't you!? You better get away from me or I swear to god-"

"Relax, sugar! I'm not here to fight!" She said putting her hands up defensively.

"Bullshit! Then why'd you guys knock me out!?"

"That wasn't us, that was your friend!"

"What? What are you talking about? Do you mean Spidergirl? Believe me, that bitch is not my friend."

"Wait, so she didn't tell you either?"

"Tell me what?"

"Look, it's not my secret to tell so I won't."

"Oh that's just grea-... wait, why are we on a roof? Why didn't you bring me to the cops and-" I felt my face. "Where's my mask!?" Rogue pulled my mask out of her hoodie pocket and I snatched it out of her hand before putting it over my face.

"I took it off to confirm a couple of things. I was supposed to take you someplace else but it didn't feel right if I didn't take you willingly. Listen, there's something I've gotta talk to you about-"

"If it's about joining your X Pests forget it! You guys have the wrong guy anyway! I'm not a mutant I'm a mutate!"


"I got my powers from getting bit by a bug, okay? I already talked to Scarlet and Silver about it."

"Well, that my be true for most of your powers but I don't think that's true for another one of them." She explained. I raised an eyebrow. "You have a power that Spidergirl doesn't have and I'm pretty sure you were born with it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Listen, I need you to take off your mask again."

"Why would I-"

"Just trust me, please." She said. For some reason I listened and hesitantly I pulled my mask off. She then proceeded to pull off one of her gloves.

"What are you-?"

"Listen if I end up hurting you with this I'm really sorry." She said before she touched the side of my face.

"Is this your weird fetish shit from last night?" I asked her. However she didn't respond. She just kept touching my face completely focused on me. She had a twinkle of amazement in her eyes and she let out a shuddered breath. "Alright seriously you're freaking me out."

"S-sorry!" She said pulling away from me with a blush. She put her glove back on her hand and regained her composure. "My power is that I can steal the powers, abilities, and memories of anyone I touch. Sometimes if I touch people long enough, I can put them in a coma... and I can't turn it off. I could never touch a living thing before last night... but, it didn't work on you. You are a mutant, (Y,N), and your mutation is that you can cancel out other people's mutant powers!"

"Stop it stop it stop it!" I said walking away from Rogue. I looked back at her and she had a confused look on her face. "Get the excitement out of your voice. This doesn't change anything about me! And stop giving me all those cute looks! I don't know why my other power isn't working, but I know your pals are probably around the corner ready to jump me!" I looked around but no one ever showed up.

"There's no one else here. Just you and me." Rogue said.

"And why you, huh? Why is it you're so nice to me exactly? There's only been one other person who was this nice to me. What do you get out of this? What's your angle?"

"I know what it's like. You're confused right now. You wish you had someone to talk to right now but you think the one person you could talk to wouldn't understand... I was told a lot about you earlier today and we ain'T so different you and I. You're lonely but you don't wanna tell anyone because you think you hate everyone as much as they hate you. You pretend you're fine with just being the outcast but you're not. You want to meet more people like you who are willing to accept you for who you are and who make you feel whole. And right now you're being offered a chance to meet people who are just like you and are willing to accept you, even after they hear you used to be a super criminal. I won't make you go if you don't want to but please, come with me to Xavier's. Please."

"... I still am a criminal. Sorry to burst your bubble but if you really know what it's like to be me it's gonna take more than plucking at my heart strings for me to trust anyone, especially someone who tried to beat me up less than 24 hours ago."

"I get it. I also said no the first time." Rogue said before walking over towards me. I was going to get ready to punch her but my tingly thing wasn't going off. "There's one difference between the two of us. That you have someone to turn to if you ever feel alone." She said before holding out her hand with a piece of paper in it. I slowly grabbed it and there was a number on it. I felt like I was supposed to make a dumb joke about her giving me her number but nothing came to my mind. Then she began to walk away. "Call me if you ever change your mind, sugar. Also, you should talk with Gwen Stacy." She said before walking down the stairway of the building we were standing on. I looked down at the number she gave me before putting my mask on and slinging away back to my apartment.

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