Trust Issues

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"What the-!? Pietro what the hell are you doing!?" I heard someone shout as I began to come to and untangle myself.

"Wanna guess again?" I heard Rogue ask. I looked over and saw she had that other spider guy trapped. "Look, I'm a reasonable gal! Either you tell us where you're hiding (Y,N) (L,N) and no one else has to get hurt or I go into your memories and I find out the hard way!" I tried hard to get myself untangled while also scanning the area. Everyone looked out of it except the spider person and Rogue.

"Wait, (Y,N) (L,N)? Why the hell are you looking for him and why do you think I know where he is!? Also how the fuck are you this strong to hold me in this for so long!?" I finally got myself out and staggered up to my feet.

"Wrong answer!" /////// Rogue said before spinning around the masked man before she unmasked him and-

"Oh my god..." I whispered as I saw (Y,N) in the suit. Wait? What? That can't... There's no way... How could he-?... Wha... I couldn't think straight as I was trying to process what I just witnessed. The next thing I knew (Y,N) webbed me to the wall and tried to hide his face behind the mask like an idiot instead of putting it on. I felt like he had a feeling deep down that I knew who (Y,N) (L,N) was. He finally put the mask on and grabbed a handful of cash before filling a cup with water and splashing the villain girl in the face. She coughed as she woke up and he ran off with the money.

"Huh!? What?" The girl said as she came to and looked around. "Wha-? Where's (Y,N)!? Shit!" She said before jumping up and looking like she was about to run out before grabbing her head. "Ugh! Damn brat! Your little gang is going to pay for this I swear to god!" She shouted at Rogue who was now webbed to the ground. That must've happened after I spaced out when I saw (Y,N). She walked over to her other friend who was groaning before grabbing him and they teleported away. After she did Kitty phases through the door of the hurricane simulator she was trapped in.

"Ugh... my head..." She groaned before looking around. "Like, What happened out here?"

. . .

"Hey, Gwen." I said as I met Gwen at her locker. Something seemed off about her today. She kept her head dug into her locker getting her books out. "Uhhhhhh, Gwen?" I asked. She didn't respond again. "Gwen, are you alright?" Then she like slammed her door shut and looked at me. It felt like she was glaring daggers at me. Wait is she pissed at me? What did I do? She seemed fine when we were on the phone last night.

"I'm fine." She said.

"...You don't sound fine."

"Well I am. I mean, we're best friends, right? Why would I keep anything from you?" She asked. ...What the fuck is she talking about? 

"Gwen, seriously, what's up with you? You're not acting like yourself at all." I said. Gwen sighed in irritation.

"Look, (Y,N), I'm not going to get into it with you right now, alright? I just need some space to think about things right now." She said before closing her locker door and walking away, presumably to her next class. As she walked away someone wrapped their arm around me.

"What's up with nerd girl?" Felicia Hardy asked.

"I don't know, and even if I did? I wouldn't tell you." I said unwrapping her arm from around me and beginning to walk away before Felicia tugged at my sleeve.

"Don't tell me you're both on the rag! I never knew periods were contagious."

"Bite me." I said before removing Felicia's hand from my arm and rushing to catch up to Gwen. Thankfully she stopped to join a group of people surrounding someone telling a story. I walked over and it was that Betty chick again.

"It was crazy. One moment Brock was hitting on me and trying to get me to help him uncover this story on those spider people when one of them showed up with these two other guys. They were tearing up the place before Brock started recording them and the spider guy broke his phone. Then the girl he was with was going to attack me or something! She was real freaky looking, dressed like a weirdo. I was scared for my life but the spider person saved me for some reason? He like, talked the girl out of attacking me. And then after that I ran out."

"Why do you think he saved you?" Some kid asked her.

"I have no idea. But I'm gonna get to the bottom ////// of it. I still might be able to write that story my coworker was talking about with me and maybe I can-" Wait, Huh? I looked around and saw a football hurdling towards Betty's face. I could've swore I saw a red glow around it. I was able to catch it before it hit her in the face and launched myself over the crowd. I would've landed on my feet but that definitely would've given me up as some sort of weirdo, so instead I purposely hit a kid or two in the head with my feet as a fell on my back.

"Ow!" I said as I hit the ground. I got up and dusted myself up as everyone stared at me. Gwen let out a gasp and looked at me like she was hurt for some reason.

"Hey, nice catch, (L,N)!" Someone said. However I was looking around and sure enough, at the end of the hallway I saw Wanda in a red leather jacket with a black tank top and jeans standing next to Pietro in a black t shirt over a white long sleeve and wearing kakis, waving at me.

"Oh fuck me." I said before putting my hood up and walking away from the scene and the siblings.

. . .

"Really, sis? We've been here for less than 5 minutes and you're already almost murdering the other kids."

"She said I was dressed like a weirdo!"

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