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"Remember when you ask Gwen to join it was your idea. You saw her in a video from this gig she played with a couple of assholes a few months back and thought she was the star of the whole thing." I told Mary Jane at her locker.

"I just don't get why I can't tell her you told me she was a drummer? Help put whatever it is the two of you are fighting about behind you."

"Because maybe Brant was right about me. I'm a huge asshole and Gwen's life might be way better if I'm not around her anymore."

"(Y,N) you're being way too hard on yourself and Betty is wrong. In the last couple of days I see the (Y,N) that Gwen has seen for the last ten years."

"Yeah, and maybe the (Y,N) she saw was through rose tinted glasses." I said. "Look I can't get into it, I've gotta get to detention."

"Alright, I'll see you later, Tiger." She said before walking away.

"That like your girlfriend or something?"

"JESUS CHRIST!" I said as I felt a hand slap my back. I looked over and saw Quicksilver standing there. "When the fuck did you get there!?"

"Approximately 4 seconds ago."

"And what happened to not talking to me at school?"

"I did reconnaissance, the X-Pests are all out. By the way how's that whole thing going?"

"Well I talked to Laura earlier today and we're on pretty friendly terms. I'm pretty sure Kitty Pryde still doesn't like me."

"I wouldn't say that. She seemed pretty concerned about you earlier." He said with a snicker. "Wait, Laura? Oh, Wolverine 2.0! How'd you become friends with her? It's literally in her DNA to be an antisocial asshole."

"Wolverine 2.0?"

"Oh shit did you not here? Bitch is a clone, bro. Guy about ye high, anger issues, hairy, almost impossible to kill, and will 100% kill you if he finds out about our little plan."

"Well that's fucking good to know!"

"Relax! We've already got plans for that guy! Just keep earning their trust and everything'll be fine! Now let's go do something fun. Wanda's waiting at the front of the school. Maybe you can show us some of the big tourist traps in NYC, huh?"

"I would love to, but I have detention." I said. Pietro blinked.

"Dude, you're a mutant. Why would you even listen to these normies?"

"I have to keep it on the down low that I'm a mutant, Y'know? So they won't see it coming when I'm the one that has them as my personal servants."

"Well I mean I guess that make sense. Tomorrow, then?"

"I've got a whole week of this shit. Kinda flipped out and almost broke this dude's arm." I said. "We'll hang out eventually. I mean it." I told him before walking to detention. When I got there I banged my head on the door frame seeing only one other person in detention. "I'd rather be stuck with the twins." I muttered.

"Is there a problem Mr. (Y,N)?"

"Besides spending an hour in here? Being stuck with her." I told the teacher pointing at Betty Brant.

"Well it's your god damn fault I'm stuck here with you!"

"Betty that's another hour of detention."


"Every word the two of you say from now on until 4:30 without being prompted to speak by me will add another ten minutes to your detention as well." The teacher said. Betty was about to blow a gasket but put her hands over her mouth. "Also, (L,N), you were already stuck in here for two hours, you're lucky we didn't suspend you."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because we knew that's exactly what a degenerate like you would want."


"That's another ten minutes." The teacher said. I shrugged because I wasn't planning on spending the whole time in detention anyway. I just came up with that bullshit so Pietro would leave me alone. I'd been abusing my abilities long before they made me apart of some weird minority with a bunch of other creeps. And I didn't want him or Wanda to get in the way of the one man crime spree I had planned for tonight to deal with the absolute rage that Brant had put me in. I walked in and sat down and started reading a comic book with Brant staring a hole through me. I gladly flipped her off behind my comic page.

"Excuse me but (L,N) just-"

"50 minutes."

"This is like capital punishment." I joked.

"50." I flipped the teacher off behind my comic book. I looked over and saw Brant flip him off too. I raised my hand. "What is it, (L,N)?"

"Brant just gave you the middle finger."

"Betty that's a Saturday Academy for you."


"That's an hour on Monday."

"Why Monday!?"

"Because I'm pretty sure you two have already spoken to the point that I can't give you more detention for today." Betty let out an exasperated groan and hit her head on the desk. I chuckled before going back to reading my various selection of comics. About an hour past before I realized that the teacher had fallen asleep. That's my cue. I got up and started packing my stuff and Brant lifted her head off the desk.

"Where are you going?" She whispered.

"Out. I have plans. The only reason I didn't skip detention was because I didn't want any unwanted parties following me around."

"How can you be so desperate for one friend but hate everyone else?"

"Because go fuck yourself, that's why." I said. "Now speaking of not wanting any unwanted parties following me..." I said before walking to the teacher's desk and knocking on it, waking him up.

"Huh, Wha?"

"Teach, I've gotta take a leak." I said.

"Huh? Yeah, sure, go."

"He's trying to leave ea-"

"Another 50 minutes, Betty." The teacher said.

"She's just mad because I saw up her skirt earlier." I said when I got to the doorway. "By the by, you'd look prettier in pink, Betty. I honestly mean that." I said before leaving and walking towards the entrance. I looked at the time on my phone.

"Better get a move on. I've got a long night of teenaged angst ahead of me."

Sucks to Suck (Spider-Man/X-Men Females X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now