White Queen of Mean

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I walked into History and saw Brant talking to Kitty. The class had been rearranged so it was three kids three desks next to each other like a makeshift table so we could work on our projects. I immediately stared a hole through her which Kitty noticed before she did. Brant looked over at me unfazed and raising an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked in an annoyed tone. I just walked to the seat next to Kitty and sat down before pulling out a comic. "Do you plan on doing work today or are you just gonna sulk and pretend you aren't the asshole?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Kitty asked.

"Brant is a colossal cunt that doesn't know when not to snoop in other people's business because she's desperate for dick and the only other way she gets off is by making the other people around her's lives miserable because she doesn't have one of her own." I said.


"What, are you deaf too?" I asked. Brant stood up in her seat in anger.


"Ahem." Someone said. I looked up and- ahakakowoaoalalakakakajajaosoxjshsjwowoowksjzh

In front of the class was this fucking hot chick in all white. She was a blonde with the hugest rack I've seen in my life. She was like one of those hot subs you always hear about... probably because she was literally a hot sub. I took a quick break from checking her out when I saw Kitty giving her a weird look.

"I will not tolerate that type of language in my classroom. What is your name, Miss?"

"Uh, Betty Brant, ma'am."

"Well Miss Brant, congratulations. You have detention." While this exchange was going on, I leaned behind Kitty and shot a web onto Brant's seat. Kitty looked at the seat and then back to me before I put a finger over my mouth telling her to be quiet.

"What!? Just for swearing!?"

"And for making a threat, which I assume you were about to do. Besides, it clearly states in the student handbook that swearing is strictly against school policy."

"No one actually reads that!"

"As a matter of fact, I did. Now, I don't want to hear another word out of you for the next 40 minutes unless it's work talk on the assignment." The teacher said. She has a sexy voice too? God, I think I'm actually in love. In defeat, Brant sat down on the seat and I let out a snicker. Brant gave me a death stare and I flipped her off. She opened her mouth to say something before she looked at the teacher and stopped. To my surprise a saw Kitty stifle a laugh. The teacher looked around the class before stopping at me. Wait, is it really that clear I'm checking her out? She smirked for a second before she spoke. "Now, I'm sure you're all wondering where your usual teacher is, so I must inform you that she is in fact on vacation and for the next couple of weeks I shall be subbing in for her. You may call me Ms. Frost." Wait, Frost? Why does that sound important, again? "I have been told about your current project and I have been giving a pacing sheet to help run the class. Today I understand is 'a work day' meaning you'll be working on your assignment in your groups. So if you need anything I will be at the front of the class. Do not make too much noise and do not break any rules. Oh, and you?" She said looking at me. "What's your name?"

"Uhhhh, (Y,N). (Y,N) (L,N)."

"Mr. (L,N), see me after class." She said. What the fuck does she want with me? "Not get to work everyone." Everyone began talking in their groups and Brant looked at me.

"I hate you."

"And I hate you more than you can ever possibly fucking imagine." I whispered. "If you thought I was an asshole before, imagine what I'm gonna be like after what you did."

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