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"Guys, guys, guys! It's the twenty first century! Organized crime stopped being cool in 1980!" I told Hammerhead's goons trying to rob a ////// mob museum of all places. They all turned to me and started shooting. I maneuvered my way around all the bullets before kicking one of them in the face. "Get it? Because that's when Henry Hill snitched? You know, from Goodfellas?" I asked before dodging a couple of punches and smashing a picture of Al Capone over over his head. I then jumped on his back before kicking him into another monster while also using him as a launching pad to backflip behind another monster trying to shoot me and I shot webs at his shoulders and slammed him into the ground. "How are you guys in the mafia and never seen Goodfellas? That's like being a boxer and never watching Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali." I said. One of them ran at me and I just kicked him in the chin and he was out like a light. And with that all of them were done.

I went to check the bags the guys brought in with them to see if I could put back anything they already took and instead found explosives. "So this was a demolition team not a cash grab.  Makes more sense I guess." I looked around and noticed a car in the corner of the room next to a few highly flammable materials. Then I realized the car was Frank Rosenthal's, aka the guy Casino was based on. The movie starts with him getting car bombed and this was the same car that was blown up. "Were they seriously going to car bomb the same car twice?" I asked myself. I put them in the trunk of the car before saying "As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to bust gangsters." and closing the trunk. I lightly chuckled at the joke. "(Y,N) would've liked that one." I said before realizing what I said. "Why did I say that?" I then asked myself.

To be fair, I only ever knew anything about these movies because of (Y,N). And thinking about him made me think about how I never apologized to him at band practice. Or how I almost blurred out that I still dream about him. And how come it was almost easier to say that then to apologize?

I've only felt good the last couple of weeks when I'm busting criminals. The only other time has been band practice and watching (Y,N) play bass and watching him get all excited and get that cute smirk he gets because he realizes he's the best there is at bass when he really gets going and-

"Ugh!" I pulled my hood further down to cover my embarrassed face because the mask wasn't enough. "Get it together, girl! You threw him away! You don't get to keep fantasizing about him when he moves on!" I told myself. I looked out the window at the night sky. It looked a lot like the night I found out about (Y,N). The night the X-Men asked me for help. "I wish I never met the X-Men." I muttered. The last couple of weeks I've felt almost completely alone and isolated. It made me sick to my stomach like no matter what I've done I had messed up. Usually I had some sort of support but... not anymore. And I'm really all there was to blame. And it just ate away at me ////////// like-

Great. Just what I needed. Another Black Cat run in.

She tried to tip toe past me with a duffel bag and something she took from one of the monsters in the trunk (judging by the fact she opened it back up) before I shot a web at her hand that stuck her to the wall.

"Do you always have to be such a freaking buzzkill!?" She asked before slashing the web with her claws and running off. I quickly started running after her and through the building.

"Alright I'll bite this one time! Don't you steal jewelry and artwork!? What could possibly be worth stealing for you in a mafia museum!?"

"Would you believe me if I told you I only took Adrianna's tiger outfit?"

"Who's what?"

"You've never watched The Sopranos!?" She asked before dropping caltrops on the ground. I webbed up to the ceiling and ran on the roof. "And to think I thought you had the makings of a varsity superhero!"

"Is that a reference?"

"Oh my god you suck!" She said before I webbed her foot and started pulling her towards me.

"Tell you what, I'll binge it while you're in prison!" I told her but as I pulled her closer she sliced the web in half and she grabbed my arms, pulling me down into a bench from a famous mob trial. She kipped up and kicked me in the face.

"Hun, even if you could catch me you'd probably only make it to episode three before I got out. And that's if you started the show while you swung away. Speaking of, I gotta go." She started running off again. I regained my senses as quick as I could before running back after her. She  broke through a window and I slingshotted myself through it to see her grappling onto a nearby water tower. I ran up the wall of the building next store and shot a web at her with so much impact she went flying into a billboard. Her duffel bag fell off her shoulder and landed on a flagpole hanging out from an apartment building. I made my way over there as Black Cat regained her senses.

"And let's see what's in bag number /////// one, shall we?" I asked picking up the bag before Black Cat lunged at me like she wanted to throw me into the concrete.

"That doesn't belong to you!" She said with a sense of real anger in her voice.

"It doesn't belong to you either, you stole it!" I responded shooting a web out at a wall and bringing us crashing into a greenhouse. I say crashing but we both rolled a bit and landed on our feet.

"Shows what you know!" She said before coming at me with her claws. I dodged all her attacks and tripped her but she rolled through again before spraying something in my face making me cough.

"What the *cough cough* hell was that!?"

"Why do I half to end up running into you half the time!? With Spider- the other spider, I mean, at least the chase is fun. With you it's just annoying!"

"Oh god give me a *cough* break! You're just saying that because I'm pretty sure right now he'll stick his tongue down anyone's throat to get back at me!"

"TAKE THAT BACK HE WOULD NOT- I mean... wait, get back at you?" She asked before gasping. "Oh my god you totally slept with him didn't ya?"

"NO I DIDN'T! And if I did it's none of your business, nosy!" I said before webbing her in the eyes as I tried to regain my composure (mentally and physically). It felt like she almost put me to sleep. Black Cat threw her ///// mask to the ground and threw a spin kick at me that I barely dodged and webbed her by her hair.

"Ow! You bitch!"

"What did you hit me with!? I was aiming for your chest how did you knock my senses so bad!?"

"It's called Cat Nap so the better question is why aren't you napping!?" She asked before I pulled her into a kick but afterwards I fell to my back.

"I'm very stubborn against bedtimes." I said before looking at the web in my hand. There was something attached to the other end. I looked closer and it looked like hair. "Oh my god did I just hit you so hard I made you bald?" I looked up and saw Black Cat holding her face. But she wasn't bald. Instead she was blonde. She looked at me with anger in her eyes and that's when I realized I've seen her face before.

It was Felicia goddamn Hardy.

Felicia angrily ran over and kicked me in the face. Now I was really seeing stars. She was more of a blurry set of colors than anything else as she felt her head and wiped the blood from her face. She grabbed her duffel bag again and picked up her mask.

"Great, now it's short circuiting! I'd say I'd get you back for this but another humiliating defeat to the Black Cat should be good enough. You do owe me another wig though. Later, loser. If you see Spider tell him to give me a call after you tell him how bad I kicked your ass." She said as everything really started to fade. I heard her grappling hook shoot off and her jump off the ground before I started to stand up again.

"(Y,N) is Spider-Man... Felicia is Black Cat... next I'm gonna find out MJ is really Electro..." I said making a few steps closer to the edge of the greenhouse. "(Y,N)... I gotta... gotta tell (Y,N)..." I said before shooting a web. "But first... up up and... awaaaaaaaayyyyy..." I said before passing out.

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