My Own Worst Enemy

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"Wait, he invaded Wakanda? And won!?"

"Yes! How did you not know that!? Do you live under a rock or something!?" Brant said as she read out an article about Dr. Doom.

"Give me a break! I had really bad cable on a tv the size of a Windows 95 monitor until a few months ago!"

"What happened a couple months ago?" Brant asked.

"I got better stuff."

"Yeah, and I bet I can guess how you got them." Brant muttered under her breath.

"Hey, can we like, do anything about the time he became the Silver Surfer?" Kitty asked.

"No. Silver Surfer sucks." I said.

"Yes. He almost killed all of the Fantastic Four." Brant rebutted.

"He does that on a regular basis. Also, The Fantastic Four suck, too."

"You just hate, like, all the good guys, don't you?" Kitty asked.

"That's not true. I like R-" I began to say before I caught myself.

"Who?" Brant asked as Kitty raised an eyebrow. Last thing I needed was to expose Rogue to this psycho, Brant, or expose that I like Rogue to Kitty... you know, like a friend.

"Oh, Mr. (L,N), can you come here and help me for a moment?" Emma asked from the front of the classroom. I got up and walked over to her desk. "I can't quite find where the stapler is." She said. Wait did she really just-

You're very bad at hiding your weaknesses, you know. The last thing we need is Ms. Pryde discovering you have taken a liking to Rogue. Now be a doll and play along with the ruse I came up with. Think your answers.

"Uhhhhh, have you checked the drawer right there?" I asked. Right. I keep forgetting you're a telepath.

"Oh no, I haven't." You really should have a better grip on your emotions. "It appears that the drawer is jammed."

"Let me look at it." So what? I can't be happy because then I can't nullify people's powers and I can't get agitated when these pains in my ass keep hounding me because-?

"Of course." You seem to have diarrhea of the mouth every time you get agitated. That is unless you get to punch your problems away I assume.

"There, I think I got it." So what the fuck am I supposed to do then? Not have emotions?

"Alright now let's see here... I don't think I see the stapler." No, just simply learn how to control them. You are your own worst enemy.

"Maybe I could get one from another teacher." Are you sure it ain't my ex-best friend who's been fucking with my head since she found out I was a criminal? Or the mob boss who put a hit on my head? Or maybe one of the X-Men who don't trust me that's in the very room right-

"You don't have to it's not all that important." You're proving my point right now. Ms. Pryde was the only one of those things I knew about until you tried to retort my statement.

"...Can I go use the bathroom?"

"Yes you may." We can continue this conversation at a later date if you'd like.

I walked out of the room pretty pissed about the fact Emma was right. I started to take a walk to clear my head when I got a text. I looked at my phone and it was Brant.

Fuckhead: hurry up and get back to work on the project. Also meet me after school in Anderson's Class, 316.

. . .

"You sure you don't want us to help with your bounty thing?" Rogue asked me as she put her books away for the end of the day at her locker.

"Yeah, like I said I'll be okay." I said.

"Okay. Just know, you can always come to the three of us for help if you need it. You don't hafta pull the tough guy act around us."

"Oh Ha ha. Just so you know, //////it's not an act." Rogue went to punch me in the rib where Laura did earlier and I lazily dodged it.

"Then why don't you let me check your ribs again like Laura did earlier?"

"Wha- if Sylvester Stallone got punched full force in the broken ribs he'd collapse too! Punching me again would prove nothing! That's like shooting someone in the leg and going 'how come you can't walk that good?'"I said making Rogue laugh as she closed her locker.

"Speakin' of, you gonna do somethin' to fix that? I heard you aggravated it earlier in gym today from Laura."

"I don't have insurance."

"Well maybe you can come over to our place right now. We'll get ya patched up real good."

"If you keep inviting me over like this I'm gonna start thinking you've got a thing for me or something."

"Well maybe I do." Rogue said getting closer to me which actually made me take a step back.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"I'll let you figure that out on your own time." She said before tapping me on the cheek and stepping back to give me space.

"Well, as much as I want to go over I can't. I've gotta go do something."


"Just this thing I can't really get out of."

"Why are you bein' so..." She asked with a confused look on her face before she began to look angry. "It's that blackmail thing, isn't it? You're being forced to do something by that Brant girl."

"You are scarily good at reading me." I said.

"Do you want me to come with?"

"Don't think she'd like that. Plus I have a bad feeling if you hang around me long enough with her in the room she'll be able to figure out that you know my secret and that you have one of your own. I'll tell you what, I'll come over and hang out and you guys can help with my hurting everything after I see what she wants?" I told Rogue. She smiled and lightly nodded.

"Yeah, okay. That sounds nice. Just be careful, okay?"

"She's a dumb high school loser with no friends and no powers, I'm sure I'll survive."

"I'll see you later then, 'kay, sugar?" She said beginning to walk away.

"Yeah, I'll see you." I said before my phone buzzed.

Fuckhead: Hurry up we don't have all day

"And I'll see this cunt in two minutes too. What bullshit do you have for me today, Brant?" I said before making my way to room 316.

. . .

"Took you long enough."

"Don't give me attitude, Brant."

"Don't give me attitude, (L,N). And by the way fuck you for that shit you pulled the other night. I'm still getting webs off of my shirt, I think you ruined it."

"Sucks to suck."

"Oh shove it up your ass." Brant said. "By the way, what did you do to Gwen? She was found unconscious by the janitor's room and had to go home early. I did some snooping and I saw some oversized webs on the walls. Care to explain?"

"One, none of your business. Two, she started it. Three, I didn't do anything to her and her being unconscious was from her being an idiot. Honestly, better question is what did you do to her? She wasn't such a bitch until you started hanging out with her."

"Maybe look in the mirror. She didn't change herself up until after you ruined her life."

"I ruined her life!? Eat shit." I told her.

"You know, you should be a lot nicer to me, especially because I called you over here so I could do you a favor."

"A favor? What favor could you possibly be doing me as you hold me for blackmail?"

"Well come on and I'll show you."

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