This Hurts Me More Than It Will Ever Hurt You

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I don't really remember getting home last night, but I remember waking up on my couch in a much comfier position than I would've expected myself to be in. And for some reason I felt something cold moving across my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and saw this heavenly figure looking down on me. Whatever they were doing, they stopped once I started moving. My vision fully came back to me and I realized it was Gwen with a red stained washed cloth looking down at me, slightly embarrassed. Even though we're fighting or whatever, I couldn't helped to noticed how pretty she looked, even with the bruises and band aids on her face.


"...hey." We sat in silence for a second as I sat up. She was wearing a white North Face over a plain black shirt and black leggings. I then noticed I was halfway naked, not wearing anything on my torso. "So a couple things: First, you smell bad, so what's up with that? Second, How did you get in my apartment? Third, why did you undo my suit halfway?"

"Well, when I woke up this morning I was in a cesspool for some reason. And when I woke up instead of taking a shower I quickly went back to the scene of the fight and saw everyone was gone. I went home, slipped in and out without my dad seeing me and went looking for you. I went to see if you were here first when I saw you left your front door open when you came back last night and were halfway off the couch, unconscious in a torn up costume without your mask on. You seriously almost exposed yourself to your entire apartment, so I closed the door and saw in what bad shape you were in. I started to tend to your wounds after that, and you're shirtless because anyone with an eye could see the multiple cuts on your body from a mile away and I was just trying to cover them up before you got an infection or something."

"Okay, good to know..." I said before an awkward silence ensued. "...So do you wanna... talk about last night?"

"I kinda want to talk about the last week to be completely honest. But I can settle for last night."

"Okay. Do you wanna start?"

"I do, actually. Why did you save me? Why did you snap after you saw Captain Marvel attack me, even after I stopped you from... Y'know?"

"You're really gonna make me say it aren't you?" I asked her. She looked at me with an expression that read as both confused and understanding. I sighed. "I... love you. I have for years now. At least I think I do. I haven't really felt normal love since I was four. You're one of the only five people that have cared about me ever since my parents died. Despite the fact we're so different in certain ways we always got along until that stupid fight. Even after everything I can't just sit there and let some asshole attack you, especially when they have the audacity to call you a villain. Even before I knew you were the Spidergirl you were the nicest person in the world." I said. Gwen stared at me for a couple seconds with red cheeks before she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised but immediately went with it as I slowly fell back down onto the couch with her on top of me. After about 30 seconds she let go and I opened my eyes as we stared at each other. "What was-"

"I wanted to see how that would feel, because I love you too." She interrupted me. It felt like my heart grew 3 sizes with that. For a brief moment ////////// every scummy and villainous part of me died and I could start life over. "But we can't be friends anymore." And with that my heart shrunk about 4 sizes and I was back in business as asshole anonymous.

"But you just-"

"I know, I know, and I hate myself for it but it's the responsible thing to do. I can't keep worrying about what type of stupid way you might get yourself killed and I don't want you worrying about me being killed in a fight by someone like Doc Oc! Do you realize how much our lives have spiraled out of control since we found out who we both are? I cried myself to sleep every night except for last night when I was knocked out by Captain Fucking Marvel for protecting a criminal whose blown up buildings, robbed more banks that I can count, and made out with Black Cat. Which by the way, what was that about?"

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