Mr. Popular

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I got to school the next day. My whole body was killing me. As I walked to my locker I realized Gwen was also at her's. She was tiredly putting books in her bag that matched her classes. I walked towards my own locker and opened it, causing her to look over at me before going back to throwing books in her bag emotionless.

"(Y,N)." She finally said.


"I hope you're doing well." She said causing me to hold back a laugh. "What?"

"If you meant that you would've called to see how I was doing."

"That kinda defeats the purpose of distancing ourselves, doesn't it? And I didn't really need to considering I saw you're doing pretty well with that girl with the white hair. Didn't take you long to move on."

"There was nothing to move on from and Rogue is just a friend, okay?" I said closing my locker to look at her. She looked at me and gasped.

"What happened to your face!?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it." I told her.

"No, I'm going to worry about it! What-"

"Look make up your mind, okay? Be my friend or hate me! Figure it out, because this right here hurts me way more than any shithead criminal in this rat hole ever could physically!" I told her before we noticed a bunch of people walking over to a familiar sight from not too long ago. Everyone seemed to be crowded around Brant and those who weren't had their eyes glued to their phones. I was able to catch a glance and saw what looked to be some dork filming the fight between me and Vulture. I snuck my way into the circle of people around Brant and Gwen followed me.

"It was so terrifying! Like, these guys are maniacs, right? At times I honestly didn't know if they were going to join forces and start killing us or not! I mean Vulture is nuts and like, Spider-Man can't be too far off! I mean, he dresses like a spider for fun!"

"Okay, but like, are we sure his official name is Spider-Man? I mean, he may be crazy, but crazy enough to agree to a name so mind numbingly autistic?" I asked.

"Shut it (L,N)!" Flash shouted.

"Yeah, shut it, (L,N)." Brant said glaring at me. "As I was saying, I was able to get some really good pictures. And after, I caught a glimpse at  Rhino and this cat-girl who joined the fight too, for some reason."

"Did you get any pictures of her- I mean, them?" Felicia Hardy asked.

"Yeah. She was siding with Spider-Man towards the end of the fight. I think they might be partners in crime or something. Maybe even dating."

"Well let's not go around putting labels on-" I began to say before Gwen grabbed me by the backpack. She dragged me over to a janitors closet around the corner.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Gwen asked me. "Fighting Vulture, Rhino, and Shocker!?"

"Why'd you put emphasis on Shocker is he supposed to be stronger than the-"

"That's not important! You could've died!"

"You know, for someone who broke up with me, you're awfully clingy."

"Is that your excuse!? I 'broke up with you' so now you're gonna go on tirades destroying entire malls in dog fights with the Vulture!?"

"That wasn't the plan, alright!? I was just planning on stealing a camera real quick!"

"A camera!? What the fuck do you need a camera for, dude!?" I was taken aback. This is the first time since I've known her I've ever heard Gwen say "fuck".

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