Two Pretty Hate Machines

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After I left Emma's after school class I knew I needed to let out some steam before I went anywhere near Brant later tonight. I decided to go back to one of my old favorite past times even before I got my powers: vandalism. Although now it was easier now more than ever with the ability to just hang onto walls without falling. The sun was going down and it was a nice view from where I was. I wasn't too far off from the abandoned Avengers Tower. I decided to get all of my emotions out at once with one big picture. I spent about an hour on it: there was a white and purple spider with eight X's over it's yellow eyes. Under it I wrote "Now the only pure thing left in my fucking world is wearing your diseases". I got it from a song. You could interpret it forty different ways and you'd still be right. A shot at Gwen, a shot at the Maximoffs, a shot at the X-Men, you name it. I was finishing up on it when I heard someone go "So are you just trying to get arrested or what?" I was surprised and lost my footing a little. I almost fell off but I caught myself and decided to jump down and meet my critic.

I looked up and I saw a hot blonde chick who was walking by with her groceries. She was about my height, slightly taller. The resting bitch face was immaculate. I dust myself off and walked up to her.

"Come again?"

"Like was this your half assed attempt to get arrested? Being a graffiti artist on the same street as Avenger's Tower?"

"People graffiti on this wall all the time."

"Artists are commissioned to make murals of The Avengers who died on this wall. You just made a crudely drawn 'Fuck the World' art piece over Black Widow's face."

"Like anyone's gonna notice Black Widow." I said before walking past her to my make shift work bench from old scraps I made in the corner and a beat up sofa I found on someone's lawn. I jumped on it and opened up one of the sodas I got in a six pack before coming here. I started drinking it before the girl put her groceries down and studied my work a little more.

"...You got the quote wrong." She said.

"Huh?" She looked back and with her bags down I now saw that she was wearing a Nine Inch Nails shirt underneath a green air force jacket.

"Disease is singular and not plural in that line. You got it from Ruiner, right?"

"Yeah, but it's kinda a double meaning. Kinda hate a lot of people right now."

"Who doesn't." She walked over and plopped down next to me. Seeing her up close she seemed real familiar. "Also that's not what double meaning means."

"Aren't you a little too cute to be giving English lessons to random degenerates you meet in alleyways?"

"Aren't you a little too cute to be calling me cute and causing me to have to throw you through the big sacred Avengers wall?" She said.

"My bad, I'm new to this trying to be nice thing. I forgot it's kinda weird to call someone you just met cute."

"As long as you don't tell me to smile we're fine." She said. "So who's this for? Ex-girlfriend? Ex-best friend? The man?"

"First two plus some other stuff I'm not willing to talk about with a stranger I just met."

"Fair." She said. Even though we literally just met it felt like we could've been hanging out for years. I tossed her a soda and she caught it with one hand before opening it, again, with one hand.

"Nice catch."

"Thanks. So this graffiti stuff, does it actually help with your anger or whatever?"

"In a way. Like how Taylor Swift writing songs about her exes does with her. It gives you a sense of control over everyone who's fucked you over in the past I guess. And I've got a long line of those."

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