Heart of Glass (Kitty Pryde Alternate Ending to Road Trip)

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"(Y,N)?" Kitty scared the fuck out of me by phasing through the door. "What happened? You like totally bailed out of nowhere."

"Things were kinda getting to me down there. I needed a second to myself is all."

"What's up? Wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe, I don't know."

"Would you rather I got Rogue or something instead?"

"Why would I?"

"I dunno, I just kinda got the impression that like, you'd rather hang out with anyone that wasn't me sometimes."

"Kitty, I mean this in the nicest, least confrontational way possible but until recently you've acted like a total bitch who hated my guts."

"I can accept that as long as you can accept you've also been a total asshole seventy percent of the time." Kitty said walking over to me and sitting down with her arms folded.

"You know what? Fair. But you started it."

"How did I start it!? You were a jerk to me in history class first!"

"You were being really mean the night we met!"

"You mean the night where you and The Maximoffs were robbing a Discovery Zone and I didn't even know you were Spider-Man?"

"It wasn't a Discovery Zone it was a- wait you know what Discovery Zone is? Good for you."

"By the way, I never told you but you like, need a better pick up game."

"I don't know, I think my pick up game is pretty good. Besides I don't know how much I really need to improve it if you were head over heels once you saw my beautiful face." I said leaning closer to her. She pushed my face away and giggled a little.

"Pfft, sure, okay, whatever lets you sleep at night."

"Come on you can't deny you totally thought I was hot when you met me."

"I did not!"

"Lying makes you ugly."

"For your information I called you cute, not hot."

"What makes the distinction in your world? What's stopping me from being hot tier?"

"Like I said before, you're a complete ass."

"But you didn't know I was a complete ass when you thought I was cute."

"Well I know better now." She said sticking her tongue out at me.

"What else is stopping me from being hot in your eyes?"

"Why do you assume there's more?"

"So you secretly do think I'm hot then!"

"Oh my god you're like, unbearable!" She laughed. "Another problem is well... you kinda remind me of an ex I had."


"His name was Lance. Mutant with a bad boy streak, got his powers and immediately used them to like, get back at the people that wronged him. Problem was the people who 'wronged him' were people like the cop that arrested him for carjacking and the science teacher that failed him. He's actually apart of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants now."

"Why'd you go out with him? He sounds like a bigger asshole than me."

"Don't laugh but... I thought I could fix him." She said. I did in fact burst out laughing. "I said don't laugh, you jerk!"

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