The Bass of a Friendship

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I put on my fixed costume, which had been restored to its former glory by the Brotherhood, packed a bag with some of my new clothes in it, and snuck my way back into the crime scene of the third biggest building in New York (after OsCorp HQ and The Empire State, of course) bursting into flames and the building that happened to fall apart next to it and throw around the wreckage until I found my phone. After about two hours I found it and... a cracked screen. Great. I went to see if any of my favorite youtubers posted anything while I was gone and... phone is dead... don't know what I was expecting. I heard cops starting to come around the building before I webbed away and started to make my way back to my apartment. Before I did I stopped on top of a building and proceeded to put on some jeans, a random t shirt, a black hoodie, and some sneakers on over my costume before putting my mask and gloves in my pockets. Afterwards I jumped back down and proceeded to walk into the building through the front door. Yup. Back in the shitshow I know and love. I walked up the fucking three flights of stairs that you'd think wouldn't be hell after climbing them for five years and also becoming a radioactive bug man which somehow resulted in receiving the cardio of a cheetah on CrossFit, but here we are. I opened /////the door and-

"HOLY FUCK!" I shouted once I saw Mary Jane Watson sitting in my room.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"

"Then why the fuck did you break into my apartment!?"

"I didn't break in, your landlady let me in!"

"That still doesn't help!" I shouted before taking a deep breath. "Okay, now can you tell me what the fuck you're doing in my apartment?"

"I... what happened to your face?"

"Answer the question!"

"Alright, fine, I... just wanted to check on you." Mary Jane said.


"Look, don't get the wrong idea or anything, but it's just that you weren't in school yesterday and I... just wanted to make sure you were okay. You kind of disappeared on me when we went out to dinner the other night and I haven't seen you in school for the past two days. I wanted to make sure you weren't... ummm-"


"I was thinking more falling apart at the seems... You aren't suicidal are you?"

"No! Look it's just my first heartbreak, it's not the end of the world or anything."

"Alright, I was just making sure since you brought it up!"

"Well, thanks for pretending to care or whatever but I'm fine." I said walking over to plug my phone into my charger.

"I'm not pretending. I actually do care." Mary Jane said before muttering something.

"What was that?"

"I didn't say anything."

"It sounded like you said 'unlike some people'." I said.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about a fight I had earlier at school today... Is that a bass?" Mary Jane asked changing the subject. For some reason I started blushing in embarrassment. Probably because I was awaiting the stupid question of "do you play?" and "can you play me a song~? Pretty please~?".

"Uh, Yeah, it is." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Can I play it?"

"No, dumbass I just got it because it- wait, what?" I said starting to answer the question I thought she was about to ask.

"What was that?" Mary Jane asked with an offended look on her face.

"Uh, Nothing. Knock yourself out I guess." I said now embarrassed. Her face contorted into a smirk before walking over and putting the bass strap over her shoulder and turning on the amp. She started playing the bass line to a song I had heard somewhere before. "You can play?"

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