Road Trip Part 4

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I walked over to Laura who was standing next to a... really short guy who was leaning on a motorcycle. She had an uncharacteristically big smile on her face but her eyes looked like she was panicking. The guy had these crazy ass mutton chops and a crazy haircut to match. I cannot stress enough this guy is at least half a foot shorter than me I didn't know they made men this size. He had on this brown leather jacket over a black tank top and it honestly looked like the jacket he had on was an older version of... Laura's.

"(Y,N), this is Logan. Wolverine. He's my... relative."

"Your relative?"

"It's complicated." Laura said. Wolverine didn't say anything. He just stared me up and down momentarily. "Well, we should get going, it was nice catching up but we gotta find a spare room for (Y,N) and-"

"Hey, squirt. Gotta couple questions for you." Wolverine finally said.

"I... okay?" I said.

"You play pool?"

"No. I-Is that the question?"

"Get ready to learn. Don't worry, kid. I'll probably bring him back in one piece."

"Probably!?" Laura asked. Wolverine took his motorcycle and brought it back into the garage and stared back at me like he wanted me to follow.

. . .

"So you're the Amazing Spider-Man from Manhattan?" Wolverine asked as he broke up the balls at the start of the pool game.

"Is that name really getting so much traction you guys have already heard it before I even got down here!? Fine, I guess I'm Spider-Man!"

"Uh huh. But that's not your mutant power? It got added on later?"

"Uh, yeah. I uh I negate other mutant's powers."

"How long have you and the kid been on good terms?"

"You mean Laura? We've been friendly since I first met her but we got... closer after we went to a GCW show together a little while back."

"Uh huh. Do you know anything about where she came from?"

"I heard that she's your uh... your clone."

"Her life is real fucked up. Childhood was nothing a kid deserved to go through. She killed her mother, and she doesn't like getting close to people. She's afraid she'll hurt them sooner or later. It's in her DNA, and I know that because it's in mine, too."

"I had no idea..."

"So you can imagine I ain't exactly happy that the first person she's really taken a liking to outside of the X-Men reeks of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants."

"I... excuse me?"

"I could smell the Maximoffs when you five were a mile away from the Institute. So, I'm gonna need you to give me a good reason not to drive my claws through your skull, bub. I'm fine with asking the kid for forgiveness rather than permission." Wolverine said. When I agreed to go on this trip with the X-Men I didn't think I'd get potentially murdered. I can't get into a fist fight with this guy and then spend a weekend here either and honestly I think I'd lose. Especially considering (although I'd never admit it) the guy scared the shit out of me. He looked at me almost like saying "I've killed dozens of men and I'm not afraid of doing it again." So now I had to lie as best as I possibly could to get out of this... but in some ways tell the truth.

"You think I'm friends with those guys? They've been following me around just like you guys since I found out I had mutant powers! The brunette shapeshifts and catches me off guard sometimes! One time I was in the middle of a fight with a Hitman at a bank and she was one of the security guards and tried to kidnap me to take me back to the Cult! Dazzler and Kitty were there, they saw it. And besides, it's not like I would join them anyways! I mean sure, there was a point in my life where I would have maybe considered joining them because it was really grim about a month ago. I wanted everything to feel as shitty as I did. But that was before I met Laura and everyone else. I... I can't betray their trust now."

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