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(Y,N) began to walk away quickly as it all came crashing down on me. He really was the other spider person. Even though I had been upset with him when he came over to talk to me earlier part of me still wanted to believe he wasn't actually the guy and I had just made a mistake. But the way he caught that football and almost cleared the entire crowd before falling... and the way his head snapped over to look at the ball like he also had his sixth sense went off... I felt a tear fall out of my eye for some reason. Was I really that hurt (Y,N) didn't tell me about this? Actually am I more hurt he didn't tell me or hurt that my best friend is a super criminal that has tried to kill me on multiple occasions? And am I more hurt that he's capable of murder or more hurt that he tried to kill me specifically? I wiped my eye before I walked to class to try to take my mind off of it.

Betty Brant

Everyone was sitting their impressed that (L,N) caught the football except me. Was no one going to question the fact he almost jumped over everyone in the hall? And the way he walked away like suspiciously? Something seriously weird is going on with that creep. He's always rubbed me the wrong way but maybe there's something more to him. I slowly began to follow him before someone called out "Hey Betty, where are you going?"

"I think that was a good point to stop the story, You know?"

"Midway through a sentence?"

"Well, I mean-" I said before (literally) being saved by the bell. "Class is about to start. We should all get going." I said. I walked away to History, before realizing that that was one of the classes I had with (L,N). I guess I'd better get started quickly.

. . .

"Seriously what the fuck." I muttered to myself. "Why the hell are those two here now? Are they stalking me or some shit?"

"Um, (Y,N)? Are you okay?" I looked over and saw Mary Jane Watson staring at me.

"Huh? I'm fine." I said before pulling out a comic book from my bag and hiding my face behind it.

"You look a little pale. Are you sure you're-"

"Listen, Watson, I said I'm fine. Take a hike." I said before looking down at my comic and laughing. "Radioactive Semen. That's stupid." I looked back up and saw that thankfully Mary Jane had fucked off and went back to staring at the front of the class.

Rest of the class filed in and I went back to thinking about what the fuck Pietro and Wanda want. Also did they like join the school or something? What's their angle? I need to get to the b-

My thought was cut off by hearing a familiar voice go "Sorry, but is this seat like, taken?"

"Oh no, take it! It's all yours." Mary Jane Watson said. I looked up and-

"AH!" I accidentally yelped before hiding my face behind the comic again. It was that fucking brunette girl from last night. Is she fucking stalking me, too!? If the fucking goth chick shows up I'm going to lose my mind.

"Is he like, okay?"

"He says he is but I'm not too sure. It's best to leave him alone, though. He's not much of a people person."

"What about a cat person?" I looked up and saw the brunette girl looking at me with a smile and waving to me. I, once again, hid behind the comic and waited for this nightmare to end. "I'm Kitty, by the way. Kitty Pryde."

"Mary Jane Watson."

"And what about moody cutie over there?" Kitty asked. Is she talking about me? Didn't she yell at me to stop hitting on her last night?

"That's-" Mary Jane began to say before the teacher ordered everyone to pay attention to the front of the class. Oh thank god.

"Alright, class, I'm sure you are aware that we have a few transfer students. They're coming from Westchester County after a sizable donation to our school from a Mr. Charles Xavier. One of them has joined this class. Would you please stand up?"

"Oh, um-" Kitty said before almost tripping getting up causing some kids to laugh. "Uh hey, my name's Kitty and it's like, a pleasure to meet all of you." She said.

"That being said we have a new project to work on. We will be doing a debate where in groups of three you'll have to defend the case of one tyrannical leader in a court of your piers."

"What? What type of stupid fucking-"

"What was that (Y,N)?" The teacher asked. I looked up and saw Kitty jerk her head around.

"(Y,N)?" She repeated. Aw, shit.

"N-Nothing!" I said before ducking my head down once more.

"As I was saying, I'll be assigning the teams. Harry, Felicia, and Flash will be defending Mussolini."

"Oh, brother!" Felicia groaned.

"Mary Jane, Randy, Samantha, you'll be doing Ghengis Khan. Betty, (Y,N), and Kitty, you'll be doing Victor Von Doom."

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me. "...I seriously can't believe that she was killed by his radioactive semen!... heh." I said trying to cover up my outburst.

"(Y,N) go to the principle's office." The teacher said. I groaned before shoving the book into my backpack and quickly walking past Kitty.

"Talk to you later, partner." I heard Betty whisper to me.

"Bite me." I muttered before leaving the room. I was about to walk into the principal's office before something grabbed me and next thing I knew I was behind the bleachers. I looked around before my eyes landed on Wanda with her arms crossed and Pietro with her arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Hey, Buddy! We need to have a talk!"

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