Ultimate Juggling Champion

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"Who's Jubilee?" Harry asked as I skated out of the rink.

"That little gremlin right there." I told him. Jubilee was over by the laser tag area but she wasn't alone. Next to her I saw Allie standing there with her arms folded looking in the same direction. I skated up behind them and //// tapped Jubilee on the shoulder causing her to wildly throw a punch behind her shouting "STRANGER DANGER!" that I caught. When she realized it was me she had a big smile on her face. "Howdy, stranger."

"Howdy. What brings you to these here parts?" I asked her. I waved at Allie. "Hey, Allie."

"Hey, you." Allie responded.

"Well you know, Allie wanted to go out roller skating and I figured maybe they had some decent arcade games here since I got banned from that one place and found out that there was laser tag. I wanted to try in play with Allie but THIS DICKHEAD OVER HERE WON'T LET ME!"

"Dude, I told you a thousand times you need at least six people to play!" The underpaid girl working the laser tag section said.


"Okay, yeah this definitely is a friend of yours." Harry said rolling up behind us. I noticed Pietro was nowhere to be seen so I looked over and he had managed to pull Wanda aside and the two of them were looking over at me with Allie and Jubilee. I assumed this would be the last I saw of the two of them tonight. Meanwhile the other three were coming over to see what was going on. "I'm gonna be honest, I thought you were a total outcast. Apparently you know half of New York."

"I get around." I shrugged.

"Why (Y,N) are you trying to ditch us?" MJ asked.

"No I just found these guys by coincidence." I said. "Jubilee and Allie, meet Harry, Felicia, Mary Jane, and Betty. They're friends from school except for Betty."

"Heya!" MJ waved.

"Sup." Harry nodded.

Felicia stayed quiet staring at Allie's face.

"Nice to meet you!" Brant said. Jubilee stared at her for a second.

"Is this Brant?" She asked me taking a long sip of soda.

"Yeah." I replied. Jubilee then suddenly spat out her soda onto Brant and started to choke.

"OHMYGOD!" Brant shouted in disgust as Jubilee coughed up some gum.

"Oh heavens, I'm so sorry! I forgot to spit my gum out!" Jubilee said before looking back at me and winking.

"Betty, are you alright?" MJ asked.

"I-I'm fine. I-I'm gonna go wash up." Brant responded. I'll be honest, I actually felt a little bad. She seemed like she was on the verge of tears now. This is the third time someone's fucked with her in the last two hours and the only reason it wasn't all in one hour was because she was locked in a closet. She was probably having a rough time, but she's also the same person who's been blackmailing me and seemingly just started hating me for no reason one day. As Betty walked away I was brought back to the conversation by Felicia saying something.

"Holy shit you're Dazzler!" Felicia told Allie. Allie was taken aback by someone else knowing who she was.

"I-I uh, y-yeah that's me, how did you-?"

"You're fucking awesome, that's why! I love your song Hit Your Knees! And Predictable Shame! And Kiss Me Deadly!"

"Wait, (Y,N), this is The Dazzler!?" MJ asked.

"I told you she was a friend of a friend when I showed you her autograph!"

"I'm, uh, wow. I've never met multiple fans at once in public before! And to think the first time meeting (Y,N) was jarring!"

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