The Brotherhood of [Redacted] Mutants

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I woke up with an aching headache. I was on a cold concrete ground. I looked around and saw I was locked in some sort of dark underground cell. I assume it's underground. I started to get up but all of the sudden I felt something pulling my arms back down to the ground. I looked and saw some handcuffs that were chained to the ground.

"Heh... idiots." I muttered. I moved my arms apart to break the chains but for some reason they weren't breaking.

"Ademantium." Someone said. I looked out of the cell and saw someone walk out of the shadows. It was a girl with blue skin, yellow eyes, red hair, and tight black leather clothes, her stomach was exposed. "Even with your enhanced strength you won't be able to break out. My name is Mystique. I'm sure you have various questions and you may ask them if you'd like."

"Alright, first things first: where am I and why the fuck am I chained up like some sort of animal!?"

"I'm sure the why is easy to figure out. The last time we tried to get you here you almost killed two of our members and you were threatening to kill Blob as we caught up with you this time." Mystique said. "As for the where, You're not too far from home. You're in the base of The Brotherhood of Mutants. We've been trying to contact you for some time."

"You fucking guys again? You have a weird fucking way of recruiting people! First you reject them before they give you an answer, then you almost murder them if they say no, and now you kidnap them after beating the shit out of them!"

"I apologize for the inconvenience. The Maximoffs were too dimwitted to complete the simplest of tasks. However it's very important that I had the opportunity to speak to you, which is why we have been so persistent in getting you here. I also apologize for the pain you might have endured from the ambush by Blob, Avalanche, and Toad but violence seems to be the only thing you understand and they were told to go easy on you."

"Listen lady, I don't know how and I don't know when but just know I'm gonna get out of this cell and every single one of your fucking brotherhood butt buddies are going to get their asses handed to them by me. So far I've got two down and four to go, are there any other of you peons I should know about!?"

"Peons? That's kinda a smart word for you, dude! You learn some new vocab since the last time we met?" I heard a familiar voice say. Out of the shadows came Pietro and Wanda, both in their Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch costumes. Pietro seemed surprisingly cool even though I almost killed him but Wanda looked about as pissed as you'd expect.

"I know the three of you are already well acquainted." Mystique said.

"Yeah, don't mind us, we're just here to enjoy the show." Pietro said. The whole time Wanda was giving me the meanest death glare.

"As long as you keep your mouth shut, I suppose I should get down to business, then." Mystique looked back over at me. "You have an exceptional gift, (Y,N). If you haven't caught on it's not your spider like abilities it's-"

"How I can turn off people's powers, yeah I know I've heard this from like three other people already!"

"It's gonna be best to just try to talk over him. He just loves interrupting you to shout and swear."

"Fuck you!" I told Pietro.


"AS I was saying," Mystique gave both of us cold stares. "You've had this ability since you were born but it hasn't become active until recently. How much do you know about the relationship between mutants and humankind?"

"How much do I know about this thing I just found out existed and I had a few days ago?"

"Just answer the question, bud."

"I thought you were just here to watch, dick for brains!?" I shouted at Pietro.

"One more interjection from you and I'll lock you in a small room with (L,N) and let him do whatever he wants to you!" Mystique snapped at Pietro. "I'm sure it'd be hard for you to run away without your powers." I actually chuckled, thinking about what happened last time. Mystique looked back at me. "The non-gifted humans of this world have always tried to oppress us mutants as it's in their nature to fear superior beings, whether it be us, death, God, and so on. For years they have persecuted us and ridiculed us for our gifts, even wanted us exterminated to the point they've created machines with the sole purpose of wiping us off the face of the Earth. Meanwhile they celebrate their man made 'heroes' that merely impersonate our abilities like Captain America and The Hulk. Now that you've unlocked your talent, the world as you know it will cease to exist and turn it's back against you. To them, you'll be just another freak."

"... I already am just another freak to them."

"Then how about something different for a change?" Mystique smiled at me. "How about gaining a family? A brotherhood? And how about getting a little revenge? We plan on moving forward in the near future to end mutant discrimination once and for all. Join us and you'll be joining something greater than you, doing something for your kind that millions had only dreamed of doing before you. And as an added bonus, all of those who have treated you like worms inside of the dirt will grovel at your feet and beg for forgiveness. It'll be fun, I promise."

"We have cupcakes." A cold look returned to Mystique's face before she quickly turned her head to face Pietro and jumped over to him before kicking him in the throat and pushing him against a wall, keeping him there with her foot still on his neck. She slowly put a finger to her mouth and shushed him. Pietro had a conflicted look on his face, on one hand he looked extremely pissed like he was ready to tear Mystique a new one, on the other hand he also looked like he had false courage like he feared her or something even more dangerous. Mystique looked back at me and whipped her hair back to move the hair out of her face before smiling.

"So, (Y,N), interested in joining The Brotherhood?"

"... You know, if you guys opened with this, I wouldn't have questioned joining." I told Wanda and Pietro. "It's not like I have anything left to lose. Nothing else the non-mutants can do can hurt me anymore. I'll join, but if any of your boys try to lay a finger on me again, you're all going down." I said. Mystique let out a stiff chuckle as she moved her foot off of Pietro's neck and Pietro bent over coughing and holding his breath.

"I like your confidence in your abilities but don't be stupid." She said. She opened the cell and walked over to me, undoing my shackles. I walked over to Quicksilver.

"So, are we like, cool now?" I asked.

"Ah, water under the bridge, amigo. Literally. All you gotta do is buy me a soda and let me punch you in the face."

"As long as it stops you from betraying me later." I told him before lifting up my chin for him to punch.

"Well I'm not gonna do it now! I'm sure you've been through enough tonight, being so close to Blob's armpit and having Toad's Tongue Touch'ya." Pietro said. I looked over at Wanda.

"What about you? We cool?"

"I hope you die." Was all she said before walking away.

"She waited all that time just to say that? Talk about a buzzkill. Must be her time of the month." Pietro said before patting me on the back.

"Now come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the team."

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