Like Shit

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"So the kid's not coming?"

"No. At least not yet, anyways. And I don't think we've gotta worry about The Brotherhood taking him out anytime soon. They think he's just a mutate." I told everyone. It was me, Logan, Charles, Kitty, Alison, Scott, Laura, Kurt, and Storm.

"Really? How are they supposed to save mutant kind if they can't even tell the difference between a mutant and a mutate anymore?" Scott asked rhetorically.

"Very well then, we should respect the young man's wishes. If he does not want to join us we mustn't force him." Xavier said.

"So like, do we have to stay there? I don't think I can stand half the guys in that school." Kitty said.

"No you don't. I can transfer you both out as soon as you'd like."

"Sweet!" Kitty exclaimed.

"You have done well, girls. We can't expect every mutant to come so willingly."

"Actually... I was thinkin'," I began. "Maybe I could like, stick around a little longer, Y'know? In case he changed his mind or if the Brotherhood realizes he is a mutant and they come after him."

"Really? Big Apple's a pretty dangerous place, even for a mutant." Laura said.

"Pint Size has a point. Place is crawling with nut jobs and freaks even more out there than us. There's a reason half the Avengers lived there and a good chunk of capes still do." Logan added.

"Well like I said, I'm just going there to make sure The Brotherhood doesn't come gunning for (Y,N) that's all."

"And you know what the Brotherhood is and how many of them there are? We can't let you just stay in New York by yourself." Scott said.

"...I'll go." Laura said.

"Um, aren't you the one who said it was a bad idea in the first place?" Kurt asked Laura.

"No, I said it was dangerous, and I like dangerous. Dangerous is fun."

"Very well, if you two wish to keep an eye on The Brotherhood so be it. We will alert you if issues of much importance come up." The Professor said.

"Wait, are you two like serious?" Kitty asked.

"I am. I just wanna make sure nothing bad happens to (Y,N)."

"(Y,N) (L,N) is a jerk!" Kitty said pointing at me. "You really think he's worth staying in that rathole?"

"What's your problem with (Y,N)?"

"What's your deal with (Y,N)?" Kitty asked. I felt my cheeks heat up a little bit.

"Alright ladies, while you keep arguing about stupid shit I'm gonna go pack and by pack I mean put on my coat and wait in the Blackbird." Laura said walking away.

"I should go get ready, too." I said beginning to walk away.

"...Ugh, wait!" Kitty said. "I'll like go too, but only because I don't want you to die or anything." She added. I turned to her and smiled.

"Well alright then, come on and help me pack." I said.

. . .

School was let out and the entire day to my surprise I wasn't bothered by any mutant assholes. Unfortunately, I also hadn't been "bothered" by Gwen all day too. I decided at the end of the day I was going to get to the bottom of it and followed her home.

"Gwen, wait up!" I said as I caught up to her. She looked back over at me with a mix of hurt and anger? on her face. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing, I've just got a lot on my mind is all."

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