The Triple Threat

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"Are you sure you can't come over?" I asked Gwen on the phone. Meanwhile I was outside with my mask on webbing Flash's car to his house while he was at the game tonight.

"Look, (Y,N) we're best friends, so you know if I had time I would. But something came up and I can't skip out on work tonight." She said.

"Well, alright then. Don't do anything stupid. And when you get to work you should stay inside and avoid Times Square. I heard that Electrodes guy is out of prison." I began to walk away and put my phone on speaker while I looked through my notes and at the blueprints to a bank not too far from here.

"His name is Electro and I know. Also you don't do anything stupid. I can't bail you out with a fake alibi again."

"...Yeah I'll stay out of trouble." I said while taking off my hoodie and street clothes to reveal my suit underneath it. Then I heard what sounded like a huge zap on Gwen's side. "What was that?"

"Gotta go!" She said before hanging up. I looked at my phone before shrugging and swinging away to the bank. From the outside it looked like the bank had below average security. No visible guards, the cameras looked off for some reason. I shot to the top of the bank and went in through the ventilation system. Once up there I made my way into the bank and to the vault. Just to be sure no one saw me before I got what I wanted I shot webs at the cameras that were still in motion. Once I got to the vault I prepared to open /////// it. I ripped the door off its hinges and-

"Aw shit." I said before like 10 people tased me at once and I passed out.

. . .

I felt a splash of water hit me in the face waking me up. I coughed up water and felt someone lower my mask. First thing I knew was I was in some warehouse.

"Good, you're awake." I've heard that voice somew- Aw, shit he found me.

"No shit I'm awake! You just dumped water in my nostrils!" I shouted at Kingpin. He stood there with a cigar in hand surrounded by a bunch of no names.

"My, where did you get your manners from? Surely not your parents."

"Oh, I'm gonna kick your ass so god damn hard now-" I said before getting punched in the stomach by some huge dude. That's when I realized I was tied up, with my arms and legs bound to a wall. Must've been one of Kingpin's safe houses.

"Now, what do you call yourself, my little nuisance?"

"Eat my shorts!"

"What a charmer..." Kingpin rolled his eyes. "Do you have any idea how much money you've cost me in the last month?"

"Enough to pay rent in New York and get me the new iPhone so I'm gonna say 'a lot'."

"To think this whole time you men were bested by a mere child."

"'Ta dink u men were'- Shut up!" I said. Kingpin growled and grabbed me by the neck. "Ack! Jokes... on you! If you were... a girl... I'd be... enjoying... this!"

"I had to pull a lot of strings to get that bank emptied so my men could get the element of surprise. You must realize you are at my mercy and my mercy alone! And you will show me the respect I deserve as the king of New York!" He said before letting me go.

"You're not much of a king... if I could outsmart you... more of a Pinhead if you ask me..." I said. "Also... how did you get a bank to like close and give you keys and let you in the vault and tell their security not to come into work? And how'd you known I was gonna go to that bank?"

"I've had enough of this buffoon. You will stay here as my prisoner until I figure out what I want to do with you. Until then I shall leave you in the care of my men. They are very good at their jobs. Unfortunately for you, that job is not babysitting." Kingpin said.

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