Imaginary Friend

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"So like, I get where he's coming from, right!? I'll admit I like kind of blew things out of proportions but saying I was looking for a reason to hate him!? Why would he even say that? You get what I'm saying, right?" I asked Vulture. He was unconscious trapped in a cocoon of webs. He had tried to steal some jeweled egg from a museum. I sighed. "I mean I get that he has a tough time connecting with people. I'm his only real friend because of his trust issues. But like... I'm his friend! Why would I ever just decide one day I hate him? I know this is hard to believe because I don't have that many more friends than him, so I couldn't possibly-"

. . .

"-do it to get in with the other crowd! That's exactly why she did it! Why the hell else would she? Fucking snake..." I said to myself looking up from the top of this huge apartment closer to Times Square. I sighed. "No... she wouldn't have done it for that. She wouldn't stoop that low for popularity. There's no way she'd do that to her friend... But then again, I was never her real friend in the first place!" I shouted. "Maybe she's trying to distance us so she can-"

. . .

"-turn him in to the NYPD and dad easier? Like did he think I would've just had him get arrested by the cops as soon as he got to school? Like, that's ridiculous! Doesn't he know me at all!?" I said talking to myself before looking at my reflection in a piece of shattered glass from the window Vulture had busted into the museum in. "Oh... I guess that's the whole point... he doesn't know me anymore than-"

. . .

"-I know who she is..." I looked at my mask that was sitting in my hand. "I should put on the mask and fake a robbery just to lure her over for me to kick her ass..."


"I should go find wherever he ran off to and tie him up for the police...."

"But I can't... I still..." I said before sighing and trying my best not to start crying. ////// "I still love him."

"Awwww, poor baby!" I heard someone say behind me. I looked over and saw Black Cat perched on top of a glass case. "Want my advice? Love is overrated. You know what isn't? Money. So be a gal pal and be honest: how much do you think this'll run for?" She asked holding up the- how did she get the egg!?

"I'm not in the mood for this Black Cat!"

"Alright, then let's just skip the chase and I'll be on my way and you can continue your hissy fit!" Black Cat said before I groaned and she began to run off.

"That's barely a cat pun..." I muttered before shooting a web in the direction of where she was running.

. . .

"But I can't... I still..." I said before groaning in anger. ////// "Why do I love someone who hates me!?"

"(Y,N)?" I heard someone say behind me.

"WOAH, JESUS FUCK!" I shouted before trying to keep myself balanced on the edge of the building. I quickly hid my mask and looked behind me. "Watson?" I said. Sure enough, Mary Jane Watson was standing at the opposite end of the roof at the door that led to the actual apartments.

"What are you doing up here?"

"...What are you doing up here?" I asked her. She let out a short laugh.

"Usually I come up here to think. I'm guessing you're doing the same but it makes a little less sense because you don't actually live here."

"You live at this joint?"

"I live here with my mom. Well every two weeks I do. Dad problems."

"And I missed the part where that was my problem." I said. She scoffed.

"Well can you at least explain how exactly you ended up on top of here? Considering once more you don't live here and you need to pass a lot of security to get here."

"No. Because the whole point of me coming here was to be left alone."

"Alright. You know what? I'm sick of trying to be nice to you. You're impossible to talk to."

"Oh yeah? Why do you think that is? Maybe it's because I like it that way. Maybe it's because I like to build walls like I'm a god damn architect! Maybe it's because I've seen Carrie and the only reason little miss perfect cool girl would talk to someone like me is because everyone's in on a conspiracy against me! Even Gwen! And maybe I'm impossible to talk to because I just got made the bad guy in a fight with my only friend in the world over some stupid shit I found out she's guilty of too which I'm certain she only brought up to have a good reason to turn her back on me and either I want to make sure that if people are going to hate me, it's gonna be something I'm absolutely in the fucking wrong for or I want to make sure I never get put in the position to get fucked over by someone again!" I shouted. After a few seconds me and Mary Jane stared at each other as I panted due to being out of breath. "I get it, I'm leaving." I said before beginning to walk away.

"(Y,N), wait." I stopped before Mary Jane walked in front of me. "Come on." She said opening the door for me.

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