Fight Club

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Laura told me to meet her at a gym before we went to GCW. I showed up looking super out of place due to my MDK hoodie over my RVD 4:20 shirt with all the meatheads. The baggy hoodie did a real good job of hiding my build. I found Laura beating the absolute shit out of a punching bag. She was hitting a crazy combo with each hit looking like it would hurt more than the last, ending with a kick that knocked the punching bag off of the chain holding it to the ceiling. A whistled to show how impressed I was.

"Hey! You can't keep breaking the equipment!" One of the employees yelled at her.

"I don't mean to. Maybe you shouldn't get such cheap crap." Laura retorted.

"Cheap!? Maybe if you weren't some sort of mutant freakazoid-"

"And what if I was a mutant? Got a problem with them?" Laura got in his face and he backed up. I think he meant mutant as an insult which probably angered Laura more than if he just called her out for being an actual mutant.

"Put him in a katahajime!" I shouted, practicing for the show when I inevitably shouted that at someone. Laura looked over to see who the obnoxious asshole was and realized it was me. She smiled and walked over to say hi.

"Hey, do you have a membership!?" The guy asked me.

"Nope. And don't start pedaling your shit to me because I don't do cults." I told him.

"If you don't have a membership you can't be here."

"Who are you? The President? Because I wouldn't let him tell me where to be either. I refuse to listen to any politician that doesn't have an answer to the very real problem sweeping this nation known as The Wolfman."

"If you give him enough alcohol he'll leave you alone. You'll still have to deal with him calling himself the best there is at what he does, though." Laura said.

"If you don't leave I'll call the cops!"

"Oh no. I'm so scared. That's sarcasm." I said.

"I had bacon this morning. I'm well accustomed to dealing with pigs." Laura said as she put an arm on my shoulder and leaned on me. I looked at her gym attire of a black sports bra with sweatbands on her wrists and black yoga pants. Hot.

"I mean it! I'll-"

"I'll tell you what. We'll leave immediately if you can beat me in a fight or a workout competition of your choice." I told him.

"Good idea. I have to still take a shower and get changed." Laura said.

"You think this is gonna last long enough for you to take a shower?" I asked.

"I don't fight kids." The employee said.

"Yeah, they're too challenging for you. You're lucky if a toddler doesn't outsmart you and put you in a submission first round of a fight." Laura remarked.

"That's it! I'm gonna-" I punched a hole into the wall. "...Leave you two alone." The guy finished his sentence before walking away. I looked over at Laura.

"So, nice moves." I told her.

"Thanks. Nice hoodie."

"Thanks. So you ready?"

"Still in my workout stuff, dude."

"Oh yeah, right. So I'll meet you outside?"

"Sounds like a plan."

. . .

Laura came walking out with a white t shirt with a giant black X on it and in the middle of the X was a blue skull. Over it she had on her leather jacket and on the lower half of her body she had black jeans on. As the sun beams hit her eyes she put on aviators to cover her eyes.

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