Pizza Time

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"So this is the best pizza place in New York?"

"Second best."

"Why couldn't we go to the first?"

"Because we trashed it the first time we met." I said as Rogue and I reached for slices.

"Really? You think some crummy arcade has the best pizza in New York?"

"It wasn't just some crummy arcade. It's got some sentimental value to me."

"And that's what?"

"It was the last place my parents ever took me." I said.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Rogue said.

"Yeah, they were good parents. Probably the best parents ever actually. Not because they took me to the arcades and stuff because they rarely did. Money's tight when you live in New York even when you're a big businessman like my dad was. And they could be kinda cold at times, but they were just preparing me for the real world. They didn't sugar coat things and they made it clear to me that life wasn't just a bed of roses. They could be mean and strict and stuff and I got my fair share of spankings and closet time, but the worst things they ever did to me was die..." I said. At the start of that I had a small smirk on my face but as I continued with the story I just felt sadder and sadder. "Sorry, you don't wanna hear me ramble on about my life story."

"I mean, I kinda do." She responded. "To be completely honest, I can kinda relate."


"I didn't know my mom and pop growin' up. Believe it or not I was raised by one of the members of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants."

"Wait, what? And also, did you just say 'evil' mutants?"

"Yeah. I was raised by Mystique, who more or less is their leader after Magneto. Anywho, I didn't leave the house much on account of my powers that she tried to keep a secret, but she was sure to teach me about how 'evil' all normal humans are. And she wasn't necessarily a bad mom, just strict and overprotective, Y'know? 'Course, I found out the only reason she ever treated me so nicely was because she was manipulating me into becoming her perfect little weapon against the X-Men because of my powers. But at the same time, I think because of her we wouldn't even be havin' this conversation right now. When I finally discovered my powers she introduced me immediately to the rest of the Brotherhood. They were my first set of friends. Well, except for Alvers and Scarlet Witch. I always thought Lance was a prick and Scarlet Witch could be such a-"

"Scarlet Bitch?"

"Yeah, exactly! But as I was saying if it wasn't for her I woulda never been friends with any of those guys in the Brotherhood and learned that being a criminal doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone could change for the better if they really made a conscious effort."


"Is not. I changed sides didn't I?" She asked with a smirk.

"I highly doubt you were a bad person even when you hung out with the criminals."

"Really? Not to brag but back then I would put a beatin' on both the X-Men and the Brotherhood when they got on my nerves. It's a wonder how Kitty and I ever became best friends after all the times I pushed her around." She laughed. Her laugh was kind of cute, I won't lie. Something about that southern accent. "I kinda wish she'd go easy on ya, though. I haven't really seen her get so uptight about someone since Lance Alvers."

"Lance Alvers? Is that that Alvers guy you mentioned earlier?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"He goes by Avalanche and like I said, he's a huge douche. Somehow him and Kitty were a thing over a year ago now." I choked on my pizza after hearing that.

"I'm sorry she WHAT?"

"Yeah, she was so adamant about hating Lance but after Sophomore year they dated over the summer and I had to keep it a secret from the rest of the X-Men until eventually it got out..." She said before her face changed like she just realized something.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just... do you remember if Kitty said anything to you, (Y,N) before she found out you were the one from the arcade?"

"Well I was trying my best to dodge her that day and the rest of you because I was freaked out but she did call me cute in history."

"Huh. Interesting." She said. She looked away like she was doing math in her head. I guess I was doing some mental math, too. Like, why the hell does Rogue seem like she's genuinely interested in me? I know she's putting on a front to get me into the X-Men but she seems like she's actually... nice? I don't get it. Like she just wants to spend time with me and there isn't a second motive. I already had thoughts that she was a good person before but due to recent events its harder and harder to believe people like her exist, yet here she is. She just giggled, and she looked kinda cute doing it, too.

"What?" I asked her.

"You're starin' at me all bug-eyed like." She said laughing again. I realized my posture had changed to the point where I was leaning on the table staring at her dead eyed like a fucking lunatic. I immediately jumped back into my seat. "Relax, sugar. I think you looked kinda cute doing it."

"Really? You think I'm cute?" I asked. She nodded.

"I didn't stutter, did I?"

"Well if we're being completely honest here, I think that laugh you did was kinda cute, too." I said. She giggled again. "Yeah just like that." I said. Then there was a moment of silence between the two of us and we just stared into each other's eyes. I felt us leaning closer and closer before Rogue gasped. I looked down and saw one of my hands ended up on top of her's and my index finger made it's way to the opening on the back of her glove and laid upon her skin.

"Sorry I-"

"N-no, no! It's fine! Keep it there... please." She said before she pulled off the glove on the hand I was touching and interlocked our fingers together. She shuddered in what seemed like ecstasy, before suddenly I saw a bright light and my everything hurt. Rogue jerked her hand away from me and we both held our heads.

"Ow! What the fuck was that!?"

"I... It must have been my powers!" She said holding her head. "Did you... did you almost murder someone last night?" She asked. I immediately started cold sweating. Did she just steal my memories!? How much is she seeing!? Is it just last night or-? "Wait... are you being blackmailed by some brat that's been harassin' you named 'Brant'?"

"Uhhhhh, y-yeah. I-I don't know why but she has a huge stick up her ass and a problem with me. I think it has something to do with Gwen." I said. I was hoping if we focused on this she wouldn't find any memories of me with Pietro or Wanda.

"Why not just tie her up and get rid of the pictures?"

"It's a little more complicated than that. Listen, don't worry about it, I've got everything worked out." I reassured her.

"A-alright. Sorry about that, honest." She said. We continued eating after that in awkward silence and I walked Rogue back to her place. The whole time she seemed like she was preoccupied with something else. I didn't dare ask her what it was because I was afraid my cover was fucking blown. But I walked her back to her place and she said goodbye and she didn't come out later with the other X-Men to arrest me and water lard me until I told them what the rest of the Brotherhood were up to. But when we got to her place she did something else that confused me. She came up to me and leaned forward for a slight second before stopping and stepping back. She quickly said "Bye" and then walked through the door. And now I can't help but wonder what she was able to find out from my memories...

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