Triple X Girls (Phrasing)

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"So she got you a job?" Rogue asked me on the phone as I walked to her place, obviously confused with the information I just told her.

"Yeah. But I gotta keep robbing banks and getting into dog fights with the all of the animal themed supers in the city in order to keep it."

"I thought you liked robbin' banks and fightin' people?"

"Yeah but I figured you weren't a fan so I was thinking about stopping. At least the robbing people part. Beating Shocker up is too fun to pass up when he's not kicking my ass."

"Wait, you were gonna stop doin' crimes for me?"

"Yeah. For the most part." I said. There was still a part of me that wanted to do it to prove Gwen wrong. She was quiet on her end for a little bit. "Hey, you still there?"

"Y-Yeah I was just, uh, doesn't matter! Are you near by?"

"Yeah I think this is the same place." I said walking into the apartment and up the stairs.

"Okay, I'll be right out t-" She began to say before she gasped. "Jubilee! I told you to clean up a little!" I heard her shout away from the phone. I heard a faint "I said I'll get it later! Relax, you're not my mom!" Meanwhile I had gotten up to the floor they lived on. I started walking towards the room I remembered was theirs.

"When the blue hell is later supposed to be!? The Fourth of July?" I could hear Rogue ask through the door.

"Is that a joke about my powers? Because if it is that's racist!... I think."

"Now's not the time! (Y,N) is gonna be here any minute and-"

"(Y,N)'s coming over!?"

"I told you that's why I wanted ya to clean up your crap!"

"I had my headphones in and just woke up!"

"It was 3 in the afternoon!"

"I would've done it already if you put emphasis on the fact (Y,N) was going to be here any second!"

"(Y,N) is already here." I said through the door. Jubilee screamed and then it sounded like she fell onto the floor. The door was then opened by Rogue. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing different clothes from what she had on in school, now in a green crop top underneath a brown jacket with red X's patches on her shoulders. She still had on ripped jeans and her usual biker gloves.

"Heya. Sorry about the mess-"

"WAIT DON'T LET HIM IN YE-" Jubilee said before jumping up from behind the couch she presumably fell off of. She froze when we were face to face. She was a dark purple tank top with Devilman on it and hot pink short shorts that were only on halfway so I could see her black panties clinging onto one of her hips. She had a serious case of bed hair too.

"Uhhhhh hey, Jubilee." I said waving. She slowly moved her shorts all the way up to her waist and combing her hair back to make it look like anything but a train wreck.

"Hi." She said in a high pitched voice quietly.

"Come on in, I'll see what I can do." Rogue said pulling me in, but she didn't need to try hard.

"What uh, what brings you over here?" Jubilee said quickly rolling up a potato chip bag that was on the floor next to her.

"His back sucks." Laura as she walked out of her room with a towel around her neck. She had on a white muscle tank with Freddy Krueger's claw on it, her black bra visible from the oversized arm holes. She also had black jeans on. She started walking to the kitchen area of the apartment when she heard a crunch underneath her. She stopped and looked down before looking at Jubilee. "If we get ants because you just leave food on the ground like this, I'm cutting you into little ant sized pieces to feed to them." She warned her and Jubilee was beyond embarrassment. Ultra Embarrassment.

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