A Quick One While He's Away

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"Ummmm, Gwen? Are you okay?" Betty asked me as she reapplied her makeup in the bathroom next to me.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Because you've been sulking all day with tear stains under your eyes and have been staring at yourself in the mirror for at least two minutes and not to mention you didn't say a single word or even look at your notebook in math class which you don't really expect from the valedictorian."


"Listen, Girl, If you need to talk about anything I'm totally here for you. What's up?"

"It's just... (Y,N) and I got into a fight last night-"

"Ugh, (L,N)?" Betty scoffed. "I can't stand him. He's such an asshole to everyone for no reason. Honestly you should just cut ties with him."

"I can't..."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because I think he already cut ties with me."

"He what!? Why would he do that? I'm not trying to be mean or anything but aren't you literally his only friend?"

"At least at school..." I said thinking about the kiss he had with Black Cat last night. I felt my eyes starting to water up.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." Betty said. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and lead me to a toilet with the seat down to sit down on. She gave me some toilet paper to wipe my eyes with. "So what exactly was the fight about?"

"I... I can't say much... but basically, (Y,N) had this secret he kept from me, and when I found out I got really upset-"

"What kind of secret?" Betty asked.


"What was the secret?"

"Look, me and (Y,N) may be fighting but that doesn't mean I'm just going to betray his trust like that."

"Why not? Didn't he already betray your trust by having the secret in the first place?"

"Betty, I know you're just trying to help but I'm not going to tell you so just drop it!"

"Alright, fine, go on." Betty said.

"Anyway, I got really upset about everything and then I gave him the cold shoulder for a couple days while I was trying to figure out how to talk about it with him. He confronted me about it and I told him, but when I did, he found out that I had a similar secret."

"You what?" Betty asked with////// widened eyes.

"I'm not going to tell you mine either before you ask!" I said. She seems really hung up on this secret thing. "...Wait, what do you think his secret is?"

"Ummm, well, I don't really have any idea. Hey, class is about to start! We should keep talking about this at lunch, though! Seriously! And maybe MJ can weigh in, too."

"I don't really wanna get-"

"It'll be fine! Just take a couple breaths, get through one more period, and we can talk everything out later."

. . .

"And now I just don't know what to do." I said as I finished explaining things to Mary Jane and Betty. "I don't understand why I'm so upset about this. I mean, I almost feel guilty like this is all my fault! Am I seriously the bad guy in this whole thing?"


"Wait, you're seriously siding with (L,N) on this?" Betty asked MJ.

"I mean, she's the one who really started this by making (Y,N) think she hated him. Not to mention the reason she started being a jerk to him in the first place she's also guilty of."

"Yeah but (L,N) shouldn't get a pass for being an asshole to the one person who tolerated him for the last god knows how many years just because of one mistake!"

"Gwen isn't the only person who tolerates him! In fact, I'll go one step further and say I like (Y,N)!"

"You what!?" Betty and I asked at the same time.

"'Like' as in like being around him and enjoy his company, relax!" MJ reiterated. "Anyway, if I still enjoy (Y,N)'s company even though he's only been nice to me once, I think (Y,N) should get a pass for keeping one secret away from Gwen once without being treated like a dipstick when he practically worshipped the ground she walked on. Especially when he has so many more secrets that only you know about."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he told me."

"Since when have you talked to (L,N) ever?" Betty asked.

"Since a couple days ago when the two of them had their fight and I took him to dinner at Friendly's to make him feel better."

"You what!?"
"You what!?"

"He was sitting on the roof of my apartment having a mental breakdown looking like he was about to jump off the building! Was I suppose to just leave him to kill himself!? And now that I bring it up, you really have to realize you're the bad guy in this. (Y,N) is broken because of you-"

"Don't pin him being a psychopath on me! He was screwed up way before any of this even happened!" I said before Mary Jane and I gasped at the same time and I put my hands over my mouth. "I-I-"

"I can't believe you!" Mary Jane said getting up from the table. "The worst part is that you know the reason he's, in your words, 'screwed up' and you said that. All I'm going to say is if you really want to fix things with (Y,N) is you need to apologize to him and never say anything like that again." Mary Jane then proceeded to walk away as I began to cry again.

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