Chapter 2 Jason's POV

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"Angel I need to go, Liam's waiting for me already" I tell her as she wraps her arms around my neck kissing me all over my face.
"OK, if you must, I'll see you later" she tells me and kisses my lips one last time. She drops her arms and I look at her sad face that she doesn't want me to leave her. I can't really blame her. She's bored that's all.
Walking downing the stairs I see Liam crouched down kissing Ruby goodbye as Becky stands with her holding her hand making sure she's stable. I was so enthusiastic when it came to learning her how to walk. Back and fourth between all three of us sat in different sections of the room. It was amazing to watch.
"Ready to leave?" I ask Liam as I grab my car keys from the hooks and make my way out to my car.

Parking up at work I look out my rearveiw mirror and see Liam pulling in.
Climbing out grabbing my bag I close the door and head over to the offices. Liam's got one right next to mine for convenience.
Not that I minded.
"How many clients you got today Jason" Liam asks walking into my office and taking a seat infront of my desk. I walk over to him and check my phones calender.
"Six. Two this morning and four after lunch. Why what's up?" I ask him looking back up at him from my phone.
"My client wants something getting and I don't have a clue where to start. You're good at this type of thing, help me bro" Liam asks me well.. Pleads. How can I say no to that face.
"Yeah man. What isit?" I ask him and he scrolls through his phone and hands it to me.
"He wants that. But the guy that's got it. I did some digging and he has top notch security. How the fuck am I ment to get that?" he says to me running a hand over his face stressed.
"Chill bro. I got you. I know him, I'll get you in. I don't mind blacking off with you. One last time" I tell him smirking.
"Yeah, how tho" Liam asks me
"He's having a party tonight. Where going, I got an invite but I wasn't going to go, but now we might as well" I tell him shrugging my shoulders. Its nothing, my angel won't mind. I hope..

"Ace. I'm going shopping" Angelica says excitedly down the phone as I pick up. I'm currently on my way back to the office after picking up some food for me and Liam.
"OK, angel you have fun. Don't over do it"
I tell her knowing she's prone to doing such things.
"I'm OK. I promise Ace, I'll see you later love you baby" she says happily.
"I love you angel" I tell her and hang up. Stepping out my car smiling, I head towards my office door and see the door creaked. Is Liam still in there?
Looking back at my phone I push the door and walk in putting the food on the desk.
"Hey handsome" I hear and I freeze looking up instantly knowing that vulgar tone. Fucking Krystal Ball

 Fucking Krystal Ball

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"How did you get in here?" I ask her annoyed that she'd just show up unannounced.
"Now Jay, is that anyway to speak to the love of your life" she mocks flipping her hair over her shoulder like she always does.
"You need to leave. Now!" I tell her and she takes a seat at my desk in my chair crossing her legs.
"Why the rush Jay, I've missed you baby" she says seductively biting her lip watching my cock. Shit!
"Jason, I'm starv.." Liam stops seeing Krystal.
"What the fuck is that tramp doing in your office?" Liam spits out looking at her angrily. He hates her. Still. OK good to know..
"I'm dealing with it brother. I'll be in soon take the food" I tell him wanting to know why she's shown up randomly. Today why?
"Sort it out Jason" he says and grabs the bag leaving closing the door a little bit.
"Why are you here Krystal?" I ask her not understanding.
"I told you. I missed you Jay. I want us to try again" she says looking me over and I can't help but laugh. Hard.
"I'm fucking married you dumb bitch" I spit getting pissed off. How dare she.
"I know, but what happened before. We was both young I want you now baby" she says leaning forward trying to entice me with her breasts on display. No thank you!
"I know you've missed me Jason, don't lie" she licks her lips at me and I swear I nearly threw up in my mouth. No one comes close to my angel. I don't know what I was thinking. I've seen the fucking light. Literally with my angel.
"You need to leave. I don't want you or to see your fucking face ever again. You won't like me if I see you again Krystal" I warn her with a deadly glare. She gulps audibly and stands up brushing of my warning and walks over to me.
"I really wanna fuck you Jay, right here on this desk. I don't care if you have a wife. I want you baby" she says with her lips so close to mine. Turning away from her I see my angel rushing away. Fuck!
"Get the fuck away from me" I rage at her pushing her away from me.
"Don't be like this Jay" she says beginning to get the point.
"You had me and you fucked it up Krystal. You lied countless times, manipulated and cheated on me on numerous occasions. You mean nothing to me" I spit and she grabs her bag moving towards me again.
"You'll regret that. I can guarantee it" she says angrily and walks out slamming my door behind her. Fucking bitch!
I need to find my angel. Fuck!

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now