Chapter 30

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Pulling up outside our home I see the biggest banner outside. 'Welcome home Lexi' I read it and tears form in my eyes. Liam's so sweet. I just know it was him.
"Welcome home baby girl" I say to a sleeping lexi quietly.
Ace climbs out and I unbuckle lexi for him to take her. I open the car door and Liam appears.
"Come on love. I've got you" he says picking me up and carrying me into the house. I look at Ace and he just laughs shaking his head.
"You just look after your baby" I tease Ace chuckling.
Entering the house I see Becky standing with my baby girl and Liam sets me on my feet gently.
"I've missed you baby" I say as she hugs my legs.
"Missed mummy" she says sadly and my heart breaks. I couldn't help being away but..
"Where's baby" she points to my stomach looking confused. Chuckling Ace walks around me and crouches down with Lexi in his arms.
"Meet your little sister, prinny" Ace says to her smiling and her face lights up.
"Mine?" she asks pointing to herself looking up at me.
"Yes she's for you to look after and play with when she's bigger like you" I tell her and she looks back at Lexi with so much love.
"My baby" she says and kisses her head. Oh my god my baby girl is adorable. She's just gonna love her. I know it.

Settling in the living room feeding Lexi, Ruby sits next to me with her baby watching cartoons while Liam and Ace do last minute bits around the house and make sure we have everything for both girls.
"I bet your much happier now she's out and here" Becky says looking towards me.
"Oh my god yes! I can be Angelica again and get my independence back too. I'll miss being pregnant tho" I tell her smiling happy. I can't believe she's actually here.
Finishing up feeding her I wipe her mouth with the bib and sit her on my lap winding her.
"Mummy look" Ruby says copying me smiling and I can't help but laugh she's so young and switched on already. She'll be an amazing mother one day.
"Good girl" I tell her running my finger through her curls.
"Can you put Lexi in her crib over there hun" I ask Becky not wanting to stand unsteady with her.
"Of course babe, just relax" she says getting up and happily taking her. I watch as she holds her cooing how adorable she is and how much she looks like me with her daddys eyes. Thank God. I thought smiling.

"Do you want something to eat angel? You want me to order you McDonald's?" he says and I think I threw up in my mouth eww.
"Oh my god no! Why was I obsessed" I say disgusted.
"I have no idea angel" Ace say laughing.
"Order a Chinese enough for Becky aswell" I tell him and he nods at me pulling out his phone to order.
"Did I hear Chinese?" Liam says walking into the room grinning rubbing his hands together.
"Yeah fat shit" I say laughing at him as Ruby climbs onto my lap.
"Mummy miss me?" she asks looking into my eyes. Where did that come from?
"Of course I did baby girl. More than anything" I pull her into my arms cuddling her tight. Looking back at her I tell her
"I love you baby girl. Nothing will change, OK?" I smile and hug her again.
"OK mummy" she says into me as she wraps her arms around my neck.
"Foods gonna be awhile, shall we watch a film" Ace suggests and Ruby climbs off me to grab the remote.
"Mummy choose" she says handing me the remote and sitting back next to me.
Ace comes and sits himself next to me cuddling up with me and Ruby. Liam sits on the other sofa with Becky and I look over at them smiling. They'd be a weird couple. But cute.

After finding a child friendly film the food finally came half way through and the guys plated us all up some.
I didn't have Chinese through my whole pregnancy so it's a much welcoming taste over fucking McDonald's.
"You enjoying that baby?" I ask Ruby as she sits next to me with her own food.
"Mm mmm" she says smiling. And I take that as a yes. Atleast she tried it I was doubting it when it came out to her.
I look around at my growing family. There is 5 of us now. I'm so happy and lucky to have each and every one of them.
"Mummy smile" Ruby says with an adorable smile of her own. My beautiful sweet girl.
"Everyone smile" Liam says looking at us all and we all comply. Ruby claps her hands happily.
"Yay. All happy" Ruby shouts and we all laugh.

Making my way back downstairs after reading Ruby a bedtime story because she demanded I do so. I see Liam appear at the bottom of the stairs and he just looks at me raising a brow.
"I'm OK" I tell him with a smile and he walks up to me anyway. I roll my eyes.
"Just take your time love, I'm right here if needed" he tells me standing in front of me, walking back down the stairs backwards.
"I've got this brother" I hear Ace saying coming down behind me.
"I'm OK. Honestly" I say with a little giggle.

Finally reaching the sofa, Ace brings Lexi over to me. It's time to feed my little baby girl.
"Are ya'll good if I go out for a hour max. Got something to sort out" Liam says walking into the living room.
"Everything OK brother?" Ace asks him spinning to face him. I look at Liam and he just shrugs.
"Nothing for you to worry about bro, just work related" Liam says and Ace nods.
Work related? That could mean anything.
"But is everything OK Liam?" I ask looking at him again and he smiles.
"Yes love. I promise" he says and I feel alot better knowing it isn't another problem that has popped up out of nowhere. I smile at him and look back at Lexi who is getting impatient bless her.
"I'm going Lexi ain't impressed waiting" Liam says laughing and turning to leave.
"Bye Liam and thank you" I tell him and get back to my beautiful Lexi.
After sorting Lexi. I relax back on the sofa with Ace and that's the last thing I remember before drifting of to sleep.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now