Chapter 77 Jason POV

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A/N:Short chapter still 800words.
Sorry guys💜

After a long depressing night of sleeping alone I tossed and turned most of the night and now it's fucking bright as shit. Whats the point? I climb out the bed and make my way into the bathroom she wakes up and goes of at me.
Turning the shower on I strip and climb in letting the water wash away the tiredness that's taking over and think about what she said. How could she bring my mum into this. She knows how I feel about my mum and around this time of year and I dont like how she's turning this on Liam. I feel so fucking sad, lonely and depressed. She's not the woman I met or married. She's a disrespectful, disgusting little girl that needs to grow up. She needs to be more like fucking Stacey! I sigh to myself and start to wash my hair closing my eyes massaging my brewing migraine as best I can and rinse it off. Fuck why she got to be such a little bitch!
I grab my body wash and squirt in onto my wash scrunchie and lather it up and scrub at my body trying to wash everything away.
Rinising and repeating I sigh heavily having to get out and face her knowing she's gonna be awake or soon enough.
I don't know how long I can do this for. I miss everyone already. I feel isolated.

Finally dressed I sit on my bed I've took up vacancy in and put my head in my hands hearing her walk around. Time to face her Jason I tell myself and get up.
Walking down the stairs I hear her in the kitchen and sigh. Just where I wanted to be. So I walk into the living room not seeing Lexi and sigh again fuck sake.
Bracing myself I walk into the kitchen and she looks at me then turns away. Good I don't wanna talk to you either.

After eating my breakfast consisting of fucking toast I drink my coffee and think I really can't do this. Is this my life. Silence. Miserable. Alone. I feel like I'm with a stranger and I don't like it.
"Are you going to talk to me or be childish?" I ask her looking up at her as she feeds Lexi.
"I have nothing to say to you that won't lead to an argument Jason. What's the point? Your not gonna like what I have to say" she tells me and I sigh. Why even fucking bother..
"Try me.." I tell her and she sighs and finally looks at me.
"Im filing for full custody of Ruby when we get home. I thought about it and its the right thing to do for her and you know it. Shes gonna be living with a crime boss Jason. That's not being a parent or looking after them properly" she says and I clench my fists angry at myself for not knowing she would go down this road.
"Liam let us adopt her for security that we wouldn't take her away from him but you think you can do the same? Your fucking crazy if you think he's gonna let you" I tell her feeling my blood boil the more I look at her.
"I don't care I'm doing what's best for my daughter" she says shrugging.
"She's not your fucking daughter. How many times do I have to tell you this. She's Liam's not yours not mine. Liam's! Understand me!" I shout at her and she jumps.
"I don't care its happening" she says and continues to feed Lexi.
"He gave you two salons, my mums jewellery and your acting like an ungrateful fucking bitch. Just leave him alone" I tell her as she looks at me shocked
"I don't care he's getting nothing back. Everything's mine the salons are mine so he can't do shit" she says and I laugh.
"He'll burn them down Angelica with everyone inside. He doesn't care" I warn her.
"Dont fucking push him because you won't like what he does" I tell her and she just shrugs again not caring.
"Dont say I didn't warn you" I tell her getting up and moving into the living room. I can't bare to look at her right now.

After spending all morning alone in the living room I go into the kitchen and see that she's gone. What the..
"Angelica" I call out up the stairs I hear Lexi and then Angelica shushing her but she ignores me. Bitch.
I make myself another coffee needing it to keep me awake and sit at the kitchen table. What's the point of going home when we can't even tolerate being in the same room as each other let alone anything else.

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