Chapter 70

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"Where's Liam?" I ask Stacey wondering where he is.
Liam comes walking into the room with an obnoxious smile on his face. Weird.
"How you both feeling?" Liam asks us and I smile at him.
"Better now your both back safe" I tell him and Stacey nods agreeing and looks to everybody.
"Who's hungry?" she asks and we all pipe up. Bless her.
"Chicken burger and.."
"One at a time" she tells us and we all quieten down.
"Me first baby" Liam says and she looks at him.
"What does my baby want to eat?" she asks him and she must do something because Liam raises a brow at her.
"I can't have what I want can I.. So anything will do if your making it beautiful" he says and she laughs.
"Angelica?" she asks looking back at me.
"I don't know now you've put me on the spot. You choose I'm not fussy" I tell her not minding and she nods and looks at Jason.
"And you?" she asks him and he looks away and to Liam. Fuck sake. Jason.
"Whatever there having, I don't mind" he says and she nods walking out leaving Liam with us.
"How you feeling about today?" I ask him and he just grunts at me and I sigh
Why's he still being difficult. I thought after we had a moment before he left he'd be OK now. Clearly not.
"What are we gonna do baby? I can't stay here and be like this. I don't like it" I tell Ace and he sighs.
"Angel he's hurting and stubborn the only way this will be fixed is time. I hope" Ace says and I know he's right but I just hate this uncomfortable feeling.
I'm sat here with Liam who I see as a brother and it feels like I'm in a room with a complete stranger. I knew I was going to hurt him with the decision I made but I thought doing it this way I'd get Liam back. Because he's my brother. If I turned my back on my husband there would of been no going back and I couldn't take that risk. We've been though so much I wasn't about to let this fuck us up. I hate myself for what I've done to him but I dont regret it because it was the right thing to do for my marriage.
Stacey walks into the room again smiling and Liam jumps straight up.
"Are you done yet baby? I fucking hate being in here alone" he says and I sigh thinking you are not alone. We are sat right here.
"It's awkward as shit. Soo yeah" Liam says
"Dinners done anyways. Come on" Stacey tells him and she looks to me nodding towards the dining room where she's obviously prepared dinner. I hope we can talk like adults and not have any more arguments. I can't deal with anymore.
Walking into the dining room I take a seat  next to Jason facing them and its already awkward.
"Smells so good babe" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"Thanks babes, I hope you all like it" she tells us and I don't see why I wouldn't she's an amazing cook. Sighing to myself I pick up my cutlery and start to eat.

After about five minutes its fucking silent still and no one's talking. Shit it's ment to be getting better. This is worse.
"Fuck this shit, I'm sat in my home feeling uncomfortable. What the fuck" Liam says getting annoyed and Stacey just sighs. Great now he's about to start.
"I'm sorry you feel that way Liam, I just don't know what to say to you because you keep changing the way you are with us" I say and Liam sighs.
"I'm fucking trying, I don't want to but I fucking am, what more so you want? I don't see the same in return and I ain't done shit wrong. This is all you two" he says to us both and Jason sighs and I just put my head down. I've apologized for what I did. What else can I fucking do?
"Do you want to sort this out?" Stacey asks us looking between me and Jason.
"Of course I just don't know how" I tell her and she nods. I'd be stupid not to want to. Liam's done so much for me over the years and I don't want to lose my brother.
"Jason?" Stacey asks him looking at him
"Yes I want to fix this. I'm lost and need my brother" he says and Stacey looks at Liam who's just sat there eating his dinner not even listening. Fuck sake this is not helpful.
"Liam.. Are you listening. They want to fix this" she nudges him and he sighs.
"I'm listening I just don't care to be honest. I tried baby they didn't seem interested. What more do you want?" he says and she raises a brow at him.
"I want you to fucking talk to them like a fucking adult. All of you for fuck sake" Stacey says banging her hand on the table.
Liam stares at her wide eyed not expecting her outburst. She looks annoyed.
"Baby don't get stressed please, you see what your doing. You fucking happy" Liam says to us and Stacey sighs dropping her head back. How is this our fault she's pissed?
"You know what, I tried. Sort your own shit out" she says then cross's her arms. Damn girl. I know she wants to help but fucking hell
"Really?" Liam asks her and she just ignores him still staring up at the ceiling.
"Great now all three of you are being weird with me" Liam says sighing putting his head in his hand.
"I'm not being weird with you. Your.. I hate you then I love you. I don't know how you really feel Liam" I say and Liam just looks at me.
"You chose your fucking so called husband over MY daughter. I'm sorry if my feelings and emotions are all over because of that. I won't feel fucking guilty" Liam tells me and I sigh. What's the point?
"I went above and beyond earlier and told you both how I feel when I really didn't want to. But I did that for you two. Can I not get the same level of respect back" Liam adds and how could he think I don't respect him. The audacity.
"I've apologized and I want to fix this Liam please" I say looking at Liam but he doesn't seem interested at all.
"Brother, I thought after what happen in the last spot we was getting past this" Jason says and Stacey looks at him confused. He's talking about fucking kyrstal fuck sake.
"You did what you did to gain my forgiveness, that doesn't mean we're past it and its gonna be fixed today" Liam says and Stacey looks at him.
"What happened Liam?" Stacey asks him and he sighs
"Jason killed kyrstal" he says and she looks at him even more confused. Liam sighs and spins to face her.
"Right, kyrstal is his ex who fucked him over and tried to ruin their marriage. She's the reason all of this is happening because she was with Shane, understand now baby?" Liam gives her a little summary and she looks at Jason.
"You actually killed her for Liam's forgiveness?" she asks him bewildered.. This is a good thing babes..
"Basically.. I know she needed to die and I didn't want to do it but Liam said he'd forgive me if I'd do it, so I did it in a heartbeat" Jason says and she sighs. Well that was a lie because you hesitated..
"But I don't feel like you've forgiven me brother" Jason says and I hear Liam sigh
"If I must be honest, I'm struggling with how I feel. I know I love you both but what you've both done hurts so much more than I thought you would hurt me" Liam says and I don't even know what to say. I just hope he can forgive me soon.
"Yeah but you didn't answer my question" Jason says and sighs again.
"I'm struggling to forgive either of you for what you've done to me and my princess. Why should I?" Liam asks us and Stacey puts her head in her hands. I need to do something. He can't hate us forever. Right?
"Because where family Liam and we love you" I tell him and he just laughs.
"You love me but you drop MY DAUGHTER like a used pair of knickers at the end of the day. For someone who had feelings for my wife. Seriously" Liam says and Stacey shakes her head.. Fuck sake
"And another bit of honesty for you, I've never sat this close to someone who has hurt me the way you both have and kept my cool because trust me I want to rip through both of you, to try and make myself feel a a little better. But I can't and I won't" he says to us and I'm hurt to think that he actually wants to hurt me.. Us. I thought giving Ruby back would make him happier like Stacey said. He misses her. Shit!
"I just want it to go back to how it was before we got home, when we was all happy and together" I say and Liam laughs again.
"Was we really happy tho because we were and I know he wasn't. He spent the whole weekend lying, frothing at the mouth over my fucking wife" Liam says getting angry standing up.
"Baby, calm down its OK. Sit back down please" Stacey says reaching out to Liam and he sighs dropping back into his seat.
"I've apologized for how I feel Liam. I can't help it. I'm trying" Jason says and it's good to know that he is trying at least.
"OK so say we did move past this, I know deep down inside me I couldn't trust you both the same ever again and I hate that I've just said that but it's the truth" Liam says and I don't feel like I've broken his trust. I just gave him back his fucking daughter. What the fuck?
"Then what's the fucking point?" Jason yells standing up and Liam jumps straight up to.
"The point Jason is you would need to earn my trust back, now I suggest you sit because you standing up at me is making me wanna hurt you brother. Sit!" Liam warns him and Jason sighs dropping back down and Liam does the same.
"I want my baby back" I suddenly say and Liam laughs again. Loud.
"After you dropped her. Why would I do that? Like you said she needs a stable home and that's not in your broken household, she's staying here with me period" Liam tells me and I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. What does he mean no? I can't have seriously lost her no.. I can't. My heart hurts.
"I made that decision thinking Jason was making me chose but he wasn't" I say and Stacey's eyes go wide. Yeah my husband made me fucking choose..
"So now it's actually coming out. You didn't want my daughter then Jason" Liam says fidgeting
"I didn't mean it brother I was angry with everything. You know I love prinny" he says to Liam and he just stares at him clenching and unclenching his fists. Shit.
"You know to always say what you mean" he tells Jasons and he nods putting his head down.
"I'm sorry brother. I just thought it be easier if we lived separately while I sorted myself out and shit" he tells Liam and sighs.
"So you got rid of my daughter so I don't come around, so my wife wouldn't come around. Is that what your telling me" Liam asks him and Jason slowly nods sighing with his head down still.
"I thought it would be for the best" he says and Stacey rolls her eyes.
"I can't" Liam says looking at Stacey and she nods at him giving him a smile. Well this is going nowhere fast.
"Don't leave, we need to sort this brother" Jason says but Liam just stares at Stacey.
"You know what, dinners done. I hope you enjoyed it but it's time we both slept on this and we'll try again tomorrow" Stacey tells us and Liam jumps up pulling her out the room..

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now