Chapter 73

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Sitting on the floor next to my husband as I cry looking at him. What the fuck did Liam do to him. Family.. What a fucking joke. My baby's face is fucked. There's so much blood and I don't even know where to start. I jump up and run to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit and run back rushing to get to him.
I start to wipe away the blood but he's not moving. Why? I can see him faintly breathing so he's not dead. He's obviously unconscious and I hate the fact I can't help him other than this. I dab at his wounds with a cotton ball and antiseptic and slowly start to see his face. Fuck it's bruised so much and he's got a cut through his eye. My baby. I'm soo sorry. I cry. Why did I have to leave him, he said we needed to be a team and I ran away like a coward I always run. My emotions get the better of me and I couldn't handle what Liam was saying. Now look. My husband's fucking out cold and I'm a crying mess next to him
He needed me and I wasn't here. Please don't hate me too. I'm so sorry for running baby. I repeat over and over and his eyes slowly start to move then open slightly.
"Angel?" he says and I cry more
"Ace, baby. I'm so sorry" I tell him and he looks at me hissing in pain..
"It's not your fault I pushed him to this, we needed to do this" he tells me and I shake my head. Noo! Liam did this because of that slut Stacey.
"I shouldn't of left you Ace, can you sit up for me?" I ask him and he shrugs not even attempting to.
"Baby I need you to try for me. Something might be broken" I tell him and he tries to sit up groaning in pain.
"Where is Liam?" he asks me and I roll my eyes.
"Somewhere around with Stacey, why? He's just done this to you. Your done Ace" I tell him and he shakes his head then hisses in pain.
"Get me Liam angel" he says and I sigh
"Fine, I'll be back" I tell him and get up I walk around the mansion not finding him anywhere and sigh. Great.
I walk back down the stairs and into the lounge where Jason is to see him standing holding himself up right.
"I can't find him anywhere, you'll see him soon enough" I tell him and wrap my arm around his waist to help him.

After slowly walking to the living room with Jason I sit him down and make sure he's good.. Liam and Stacey walk in and I look at Liam cold. Dick
"I'll be back in a minute baby" I tell him and kiss his head as its the only free spot available now great..
Getting up I make my way to the kitchen and see Stacey.
"I didn't appreciate you grabbing me earlier" I tell her crossing my arms at her. I just want to shove her face in the fucking hot sauce. Stupid bitch.
She just stares at me.
"Well I didn't appreciate you going for my husband either. Jason started this" she says and I roll my eyes.
"We were better off before you ruined everything" I tell her and walk out. Bitch.
"What you gonna do about it babes" she calls out after me and I just continue back to Jason.
Walking into the living room Liam's just standing there staring at Jason with a blank face like he doesn't know how to feel. Well I can't read him anyways. He should feel fucking bad and guilty. Look at my fucking husband's face. For fuck sake.
He shrugs looking at me and leaves. Is he seriously not bothered about what he's done to Ace. His fucking brother.
"I'm hungry angel but I don't know how with my face like this" he says and I give him a sad smile
"I'll help and Stacey's making dinner now baby" I tell him and relax into his arms.

Wondering what's taking so long when I seen her cooking ages ago and the girls have gone in with Becky. I get up checking on a sleeping Lexi and make my way to the kitchen.
"You really had dinner without us?" I say walking in on them just finishing up. Oh my god.
"I'll think you'll find you need to make your own too" Stacey tells me getting up to take Liam's plate.
"Are you serious, you really didn't make us anything. How childish" I tell her and Liam laughs.
"Your the one that said everything would be better if she wasn't around, so make your own God damn food" Liam says and she smiles at me. I'm fucking fuming. You beat my husband to near death and now you couldn't even make him some food. OK.. Shove your family up your fucking arse.
"Fuck this, I wanna go home. Now!" I say and walk out back to Jason.
"They seriously ate dinner and didn't make us any" I tell him as I enter the room and he just sighs.
"What's happened?" he asks me and I sigh dropping down next to him careful not to hurt him.
"I went into the kitchen when she was making dinner and I told her straight. It was better before her" I tell him and he sighs dropping his head back with a groan.
"And you expected dinner after that? None of this is her fault angel, please understand that" he tells me and I roll my eyes. I don't care. I no longer like her.
"I don't care Ace, everything's been ruined since she came around" I tell him and he just looks at me.
"No angel, we fucked up" he says and I drop my head on the sofa. We did..

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now