Chapter 75

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Arriving at the new safehouse I climb out the car and take Lexi with me leaving the bags to Jason because I don't fucking care.
I stand at the door while the driver climbs out and helps Jason. He hands him a key and he opens the door. Walking in I look around and sigh. The mansion is so much better. Fucking bag of shit. I walk straight to the living room and sit down holding my baby and I just feel like crying. Why am I getting the blame for everything when they started it. Like it's my fault that MY so called husband has feelings for Stacey. Like it's my fault he's been lying for all these years. I'm done playing nice. He wants to push us out I'll take my fucking daughter. Whether she's mine or not I'll take her just to spite them all.
"The drivers gone can you help with all your crap" Jason says and I roll my eyes at him
"Well that crap is important to me so get over yourself" I tell him putting Lexi down on the floor to lay on the plush carpet. I grab my suitcase and roll it into the bedroom and I decide not to unpack. I don't intend to stay here for to long. I want to go fucking home.
"Why you not unpacking? You know where staying here until Liam makes it safe to go home" Jason says and I roll my eyes at him. Liam this Liam that fuck sake.
"I don't care I'll live out the God damn suit case. I don't want to be here. I want to go fucking home. But your not man enough to make it safe for me and your daughter are you. Your just a boy" I spit and walk past him.
"Really? Man enough. Is that how your going.. Your a joke" he tells me and I laugh at him.
"It's OK babes, your brother will make it safe won't he. Like you done well said" I mock him looking him over with my arms crossed. What did I marry?
"Keep going angel, yes my brother will make it safe and we'd still be at the mansion if it wasn't for you. Yes YOU not my feelings and thoughts I'm welcome your not!" he says and I laugh.
"So that's what he told you. I'm not welcome anymore. Your all pathetic. He's a little boy, just like you. Not even man enough to tell me to my face" I stress and he just shrugs. What the fuck.
"You got nothing to say bitch" I say to him and he looks me over.
"You know Liam feels no way of telling anyone straight, he's doing this for you. For me really so be grateful and if I'm a bitch what the fuck are you" he raises his voice and I smile at him. Finally a reaction.
"None of you deserve your kids. I'm taking Ruby and Lexi and getting the hell away from all of you. I kinda feel sorry for Mya being left with you lot once I'm gone" I tell him and he sighs.
"It's not happening, you will not have Ruby. Get that into your head. Liam will kill you, stop pushing for that" he tells me and I laugh.
"He ain't gonna do shit to me. He wouldn't" I say to him and he looks at me like I'm the crazy one.
"You really do not know him do you? He's killed for less. He's not in this world for the fun of it Angelica" he says and I shrug again not caring. I want my fucking daughter!
"I don't care Jason. What are you not getting. I'm done being nice, he better give her to me or I'm reporting him for kidnap. She's legally mine.. Ours. Why are you not on my side" I ask him pissed off and he fucking sighs. I swear to God.
"Have you seen my fucking face. This is just because I think his wife's hot for fuck sake get it in your head you report him your definitely dead. Don't be fucking stupid" he says and I just walk away not caring to hear any more.
"That's right walk away because you know I'm right, I thought we was fixing us, you gave him Ruby so we could. What now you don't want to?" he asks and I sigh at him.
"I want to fix us but I want my daughter Jason. I'm not giving up" I tell him and he shakes his head.
"Fix us then we can fix our relationship with Liam and go from there" he says and I laugh.
"I don't want a relationship with any of them. I just want my fucking daughter" I start to get mad hes not fucking listening to me!
"We are in a safehouse which isn't Liam's. No one knows where we are. Do you know how easy it would be to be taken out. And you wanna be acting stupid. Grow up" he tells me.
"And why the fuck you telling Stacey to call you. Having a little secret rendezvous behind my back now. What else was you doing in the mansion behind my back?" I ask him and he looks at me laughing.
"For fuck sake. You are so childish. Stacey is trying to help fix things and she agreed to ring me to do with Liam. He wasn't talking to me. She wanted to help. Get over your self it's not about you" he tells me and I raise a brow.
"Of course. You wouldnt admit it anyways. And I'm childish.. You had to play a kids game to get you to tell the fucking truth. You can't be trusted anymore Jason" I tell him and he laughs again.
"That's fine don't trust me and there's nothing to admit my brother is going to ring me he's what I need" he tells me and I laugh.
"Aww boohoo your fucking brother. It's always about your fucking brother. You need to get a grip Jason and live your own god damn life" I stress at him
"Dont be jealous, just because you have no one outside of me left" he says and that hit hard.
"Fuck you!" I spit and walk out. I need to breathe. I need my daughter and I need to get out of here. Someone help me
"You fucking wish I couldn't get hard if I fucking tried" he calls out and I take deep breathes and take myself for a walk. I can't do this anymore.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now