Chapter 14

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Walking through my front door I brace myself making sure my face is free of any tears before Ace sees me.
"Angel is that you?" I hear Ace call out from the kitchen.
"Yeah, be there in a minute" I call out walking as fast as I can to him wiping my still flowing tears. My heart feels like it's been stabbed repeatedly. Every time I say it or think it. Stab stab..
Walking into the kitchen I see Ace has made us dinner, he's so kind hearted I love him. My husband.
"Angel why have you been crying? What happened?" he asks and I start crying again feeling the sharp stabs.
"Liam, he was so horrible. What he said to me Ace" I cry and he pulls me into his chest shushing me whilst running his hand up and down my back soothing me.
"I spoke to Liam angel. He's devestated that he said that to you. You know he didn't mean it baby" he says still rocking me.
"What if that's how he really feels tho Ace? Like I'm not actually her mum and I know that but I've been her mum that's the point. When he walked out on her when she was born I didn't hold that against him even knowing it was the wrong thing leaving his child. But I became her mum in them moments. And for the rest of her life, all she knows is me to be her fucking mum" I rant at him and he just stares at me clearly not knowing what to say. Or maybe processing it.
"Don't overthink this angel, if Liam had a problem you'd know.. I'd know" he says but it's hard to believe when he's not even here I bet.
"Where is he and Ruby?" I ask him.
"Becky's giving Ruby a bath. Liam's gone out. I don't know where and I don't know when he'll be back" Ace tells me. Wait..
"But its Ruby's birthday tomorrow what do you mean he's gone.. Again?" I stress feeling fucking annoyed with Liam more.
"I don't know angel, all he said was that he had things to do and he don't know when he's coming back. He knows her birthdays tomorrow" He says and I look at him pissed.
"How dare he say his daughter yet where the fuck is he? We adopted Ruby to give her a better life. This isn't better Jason. What the fucks he playing at" I stress and he runs his hand through his hair beginning to pace. I know I'm putting him in a situation but this is about our children now.
"I hear what your saying angel, but let's not do this now OK" he tells me sighing. I don't want to make him choose but sooner or later he's going to have too.

Not feeling like eating I take myself upstairs and check on Ruby.
"Mama, sleep" she says running to me from her bathroom.
"Yes baby girl. Choose a story for mama to read" I pick her up just barely and walk climbing into her bed with her.
"Thank you Becky. You can go early I've got this" I tell her with a smile.
"Thanks Mrs King" she says and I hold up my hand.
"Call me Angelica please Becky, you make me feel old" I tell her making us both laugh.
"Sorry Angelica, I'll see you both in the morning" she says with a smile.
"Bye Bek, see you hun" I tell her smiling at Ruby. Aww she's so cute.
"Story mama" Ruby says now Becky's closed the door.

"Night baby girl, mummy loves you" I whisper and kiss her head as I get off the bed to leave.
Shutting the door to I see Ace walking towards me.
"I don't want to fight angel" he says sadly and I shouldn't be mad at him it's not his fault his brothers a shit head.
"Me neither baby, I'm sorry" I say hugging him to me tightly.
"Let's get you a bath run mama" he says making me smile like normal. I love it.
"Please, my body's aching baby" I whine and start to walk toward the bed to strip from these things called clothes. I hate them lately. I just want to live in my robe. Am sure Ace would appreciate that I thought with a smirk to myself.

As I step into the bubbly water holding Aces hand I relax back and he pulls up a stool.
"You OK angel?" he asks and I sigh out as he scoops water over my bump.
"Not really Ace. What he said has really made me think about everything. When he said it I felt like he stabbed me in the heart. And I don't care if I'm over reacting" I tell him because I don't think I am. Think being the key word.
"Your not over reacting angel, your hurting and that's OK. I promise I will talk to him" he tells me and kisses my forehead.
"I love you angel. Your my wife." he says looking at his own wedding band.
"I love you so much baby.. My husband my Ace" I tell him offering him my lips this time and he leans forward to meet mine.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now