Chapter 55 Jason's POV

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I can't help but find myself looking at Stacey. I see why I was attracted to her. She's just matured and she's fucking hot.
Now, I love my wife and find her overly sexy but.. There's just something about Stacey.. My brothers fucking wife. I need to get my head back on straight. I can't be having these thoughts. I scold myself and shake my head this can't be happening. Yet here I am side eyeing her and the damn dress she's wearing isnt helping my wild thoughts. I think about what I heard this morning and put my head down. They were loud. I heard both of them for fuck sake and there on the other end of the mansion. Seriously! I groan to myself annoyed at where my thoughts are taking me and look at my angel.
"Do you want to go in the pool?" I ask her needing to get away from her.. Stacey. How am I going to live with her permanently? Fuck!
"Just me and you?" she purrs and I smirk at her. Of course she wants more.
"Just me and you" I tell her and she jumps up.
"Let me grab a binkini and I'll join you" she says and runs off as I laugh shaking my head at her.
"You doing OK bro" Liam asks me and Stacey just happens to stand infront of me, her ass in my face. Fuck! This is not happening.
"I'm.. I'm good" I stutter and Liam gets up to her and wraps his arms around her waist and she melts into him. I can't watch them any longer.
"Me and Angelica are going in the pool watch the girls" I tell him and walk off.
I need to just take a deep breath, get in the water and my wife will relax me. I hope.

"You sure your OK Ace, you seem off somehow" she asks me and I sigh..
"I'm good seriously angel, don't worry about me" I tell her hoping she will drop it. I feel like I'm back to we're we was all them years ago. 17 and fucking hormonal, pining after my brothers girl for fuck sake what is wrong with me.
"Ace.. ACE" Angelica clicks her fingers at me and I snap out of my thoughts real quick..
"There's obviously something on your mind" she says and I sigh again. What the fuck am I supposed to say..
"Just thinking about work angel, hard client that's all" I smile down on her and she nods slowly half convinced. I need to change the conversation.
"You still serious about living here with them? You don't want your own home and family?" I ask her and she raises a brow at me
"This is our family Ace and it's what's best for Ruby baby" she tells me and I nod. She's right. I'll just have to deal with this.. Feelings? I don't fucking know.
"I know your right the girls come first" I say and I don't know what else to say. My heads mashed. I even have fucking Mia on my god damn mind. And how I lied to my angel about her. Fuck! This shits just gonna build untill I explode I can see it being ugly too..
Hearing the door open I look in that direction and see Liam in shorts and Stacey walks in behind him I keep them in my side vision and watch how in love they are and how there beginning marriage bliss is between them. I hate how I feel but I'm not totally happy for them and that makes me sad. I hope I feel better asap because I know that it's gonna get worse the longer it goes on.. I'm going to have to tell my angel no matter what. It's just a matter of when..
"Becky's got the girls" Stacey says and Liam jumps in like a big fucking kid..
"Let's have some fun while we can then" Angelica says and splashes.
"Game on love" Liam tells her and I just shake my head. He practically drowns my wife with the splash and I grab her pulling her up as she tries to catch her breath.
"Beast wanna play." I hear Stacey say and Liam growls. Fuck sake. Please tell me she hasn't turned his beast sexual. Shit!
"You OK baby?" I ask her sitting her on the ledge.
"I'm good, thanks" she says and laughs.
"I'm sorry love I forget how small you are" Liam says and laughs. Dick!
"That's what happens when you come over to the adult side love" Liam teases her and Angelica laughs splashing him again. Clearly not learning.
"He will drown you angel, I'd like to keep my wife" I tell her and Stacey laughs.
"Aww baby, I'll be good" my wife says to me. Suddenly Liam grabs her and throws her in the air and drops her in the water catching her like she's his fucking kid. And she's there pissing herself laughing and I just stand there watching like Stacey awkwardly. Erm.. Now what? I look her over quickly and smirk to myself. Fuck!
I watch how she floats on top of the water just relaxing while my wife and her husband fuck around like children. I'm sure I was ment to be getting some?
"Your quiet" Stacey says swimming across to me and pulling herself up onto the ledge swiftly.. I can't help but look at how the water trickles down her body. What the fuck Jason? I close my eyes dropping my head down.
"Just work stuff bugging me that's all" I say to her not looking at her and she sighs. What's wrong with her?
"I thought we was past this Jason" Stacey says and I peak up at her. Past what.. Clearly I'm not or I wouldn't be acting fucking weird.
"I don't know what your talking about" I tell her and she laughs. Great.
"Your acting like you did before. Tell me am wrong" she asks looking out to Liam and Angelica. Fuck..
"I don't know OK Stacey, just drop it" I tell her
"Drop what Ace?" My wife fucking asks swimming over to us. Great more lies. And Liam's still splashing around on his own for fuck sake
"Well?" Angelica asks me and I sigh.
"I don't know what you want me to say angel" I tell her shrugging. This is not me.
"I'll repeat it for you shall I? Your acting like you did before. Tell me am wrong" Stacey says standing up and I don't know what to fucking say because she's fucking right. Shit shit shit!
"What's going on?" Liam asks coming over to us and I sigh. Fucking great. Think Jason. Fucking think.. Shane..that will throw them off..
"Fucking hell what is this. Can a guy not have a bad day. Shit" I say and my wife just stares daggers into me.
"I was thinking of the repercussions of what happened" I tell them and Angelica sighs. I think I got them.. All. Thank fuck.
"Wait a minute that's not what I heard my wife say" Liam says and I sigh.
"Look repercussions mean you being how you used to be, I just feel shit being around you lot if something was to come back on you OK" I tell them and put my head down.
Liam walks up to me and puts his hands on my face looking me in the eyes. Is he seriously checking to see if I'm telling the truth. What are we kids again.
"Bro I'm the one that did it so let me worry about it. I'm sorry you feel this way" He says and hugs me. Making me feel so much worse right now Liam. I'm imagining alsorts about your wife and your the one apologizing. Fuck.. What's happening?

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now