Chapter 67 Jason's POV

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Climbing into the car I look to Liam
"Listen, I love you bro and I need you to have my back like you always have. Can you do that for me?" he asks and I sigh.
"Are we asking stupid questions now? Of course I fucking can. Dont be dumb Liam I love you and your my brother. I've got you" I tell him and he laughs. What the fuck?
"Thank you for answering.. Kind of. Are you ready?" he asks me and I take a deep breath.
"I'm ready brother" I tell him and he speeds off big fisting me.

"What is the plan anyways. You just said we was meeting Shane" I ask him glancing at him
"I have multiple meetings set up and where gonna go from one to the other and kill everyone that's there.. Happy with that?" he asks and laugh. Shit
"Are you serious.. You wanna kill them all" I ask him and he nods just like that.
"I need you to have my back brother. It's happening. It has to be today" Liam says and I sigh. Fucking hell.
"I've got you brother. But this doesn't feel right" I tell him and he chuckles.
"Never does with you. Don't worry so much it's fun time" he says chipper. Great. Beast is coming out. I hope he just stays on the enemy..

Finally arriving at the first destination, I look around and scan my surroundings. Where the fuck are we?
"Stop one bro, let's do this" Liam says and climbs out the car.
I walk around to the boot and grab a pistol with a crow bar and put on the leather gloves with a vest too. Can't be to careful. I'm not trying to die today. I need to sort my life out.
"Stay safe brother, I love you" Liam says and hugs me. Hugging him back he pulls away and looks at me.
"You too brother. I love you man" I say and turn to make my way into the building.
Creeping around I see two of them, I point to them slightly and Liam creeps the other way. Before I know it Liam's shot both of them and runs through a door what the fuck?
I follow him and suddenly I'm grabbed from behind so I swing the crow bar ducking my head and connecting with something. He let's go of me and I spin and punch him straight in the face and he swings at me so I swing the crow bar to his jaw and he drops to the floor. I turn around and see Liam just standing there watching us.
"Not gonna help a brother out no?" I ask him raising a brow
"I've got you, I was letting you have a little fun. Now finish him off" he says pointing to the gun on my side. Fuck sake
Pulling it out I cock it back and put a bullet in his head looking at Liam.
He stands there smiling at me and nods his head for me to follow him..
"We've got thirty minutes til the next one. Let's go" he tells me and I jog after him back to the car.

Pulling up at the second stop we do what we did before. Go around having each other's backs and killing them all. I'm starting to feel better. I like this..
"There's two through there and one over there" Liam points telling me quietly and I nod and point to the one with two. I've got this. Liam smirks at me and we go our separate ways. Pushing the door open they both see me and they come charging at me I hold the gun up and shoot one of them in the leg making him drop and swing the crow bar at the other guys side. I punch his face repeatedly and I hear the door open and foot steps. Turning to see who it is I get chokeheld suddenly by the guy. OK I wasn't expecting this. I swing my head back cracking his nose and move to the side of him and shove the crow bar into him hard. He let's go of me and drops to his knees I just turn and put a bullet in his head watching him drop to the concrete. Walking over to the other one who's holding his leg I stamp onit and put a bullet in his other leg hearing him scream out and I smile. This is what I needed. To take out some of this aggressiin I have..
"Please" the guy says to me and I laugh holding the gun up I cock it back again and he holds up his hand but I don't care. I pull the trigger shooting again in his head. Head shots mean dead.
"Brother, come on we need to go to the third one now" Liam calls out to me and I run over to him following him out..
Where's Shane then? I thought he's be first to be honest.

Third spot. We make our way around the building hearing voices and creep inside holding my gun to me. I need to do this for my family.
Walking in taking a deep breath behind Liam and look around. I see a few guys standing around and Liam pulls the trigger on all three and we run through when we hear shouting. Fuck.
I run and hide behind a bollard the same as Liam and watch to see how may there is. Five of them. OK so five of them two of us. They don't look to all have weapons either. If I can't take out one from here that evens out the weight for me and Liam. I watch them looking for us and they split up leaving two of them in here..ok better.
I point my gun at one of them and pull the trigger hitting him in his back. Fuck. I need heads.
Suddenly there's gunshots coming in my direction and I begin to freeze. Don't fucking move Jason. Liam will get you out of this. I can hear voices coming back this way so Liam needs to fucking hurry up and kill him. Now. But still nothing. What the fuck I look over my shoulder to where I seen Liam before and he's gone. He surely didn't leave me? Right? Noo Jason he wouldn't..
I hold my gun gripping it and turn out to face the shooter and pull the trigger shooting him straight in the forehead. Yes!
"Fuckkk!" I roar as I'm hit and I look to my left arm and see blood. I grab it and apply pressure and run to where I can hear screaming.
Pushing the door open with my body I find Liam covered in blood and smashing the life out of them with his fist and gun. Fuck. It's hard to bring him back when he gets like this we need to go.
"I've been shot brother" I tell him and he looks at me quickly and changes back getting up.
"I've got you bro give me one minute" he says and turns and puts a bullet in all three of them. Then fills it back up.
He hands me his gun and rips a strip from his t-shirt and ties it tight around my arm. I can't die from being shot in the fucking arm. Fuck sake
"One more, are you good to go?" he asks me and I nod. This needs to end today.
"Let's go" I tell him and he leads us out scanning the area.

Forth spot. Climbing out the car in fucking agony. I follow Liam into the building and we sweep the building finding no one. What the fuck..
He walks straight through a door that looks to be like the office and stops dead.
"Well hello there" Liam says in his creepy voice I hate. Who the fuck isit?
"Come on in Jason, look who I found all alone" Liam says looking like a physco covered in blood. I walk into the room holding my gun and see fucking Krystal. Her eyes light up when she sees me and I just want to poke them out. I hate her.
"Jason, what you doing here?" she asks me surprised to see me clearly.
"You not happy to see me either Krystal. It's always him now days. You wasn't saying that back then" Liam says and I clench my jaw. Dick.
"Go away Liam" she just says and looks back to me.
"Your the one going away here not me" Liam says and I look at him like no bro..
"And your doing it" Liam says looking at me. Fuck!
"You know this wasn't part of the plan" I tell him and he shrugs. Dick
"The plan was to kill everyone. She is apart of everyone too Jason." he says and I sigh. He's fucking right. Like fucking normal. Fuck!
"If you want my forgiveness.. You'll kill her. Now!" he says and I pause looking at him. Is he serious..
"No Jason, please. You can't kill me I'll leave them all. I promise. I don't want to die. I love you" Krystal says and I sigh again. What the fuck am I going to do. I need his forgiveness..
"Do it" Liam's says holding his gun to her head. I have to do this for my brother. I need him more than this bitch infront of me crying. You hate her Jason just do it I tell myself but still hesitate. What the fuck is wrong with me..
"Jason.. Just kill her already man, because of her your wife and my daughter was nearly fucking taken. You was taken and nearly killed. All because of her." Liam says and I pull my gun up. She made her bed. I pull the trigger hearing her scream with my eyes closed. Fuck. I just killed Krystal...
"I'm proud of you. I've wanted to do that since day one" he says and chuckles making me laugh. Lightening the mood.
"Where the fucks Shane?" I suddenly ask not understanding why he's not here with her. Dead.

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