Chapter 40 Jason's POV

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After what my angel said I feel shit even more. I don't know why I started but it just all came back when I seen the look on Liam's face. His happiness with her never lasts. I need to talk to him.
Walking up the stairs I see them exit Liam's room with his bags packed. Fuck! He's actually going..
"Brother, wait" I tell him and he looks to my angel smiles and gives her a kiss.
"I'll see you soon love" he says completely ignoring me.
"Liam, you ain't going no where, don't fucking ignore me" I yell and he looks at me but it doesn't seem to work. Fuck fuck FUCK!..
"I'm going back to my house, I'll talk to you when I'm in a better mood" he says to me and I block the top of the stairs.
"You're not leaving this fucking house" I warn him and he just stares at me coldly.
"I don't want to have to hurt you bro, move! Please.. Don't do this" he says and I still just stand there not caring.
"Ace just move, he's going home for a little while but he'll be back I promise" my angel says I just shake my head.
"Its not fucking happening.. All of a sudden you can go home and be in that house yeah?" I spit annoyed and he drops his bags and his eyes change. Fuck!
"Jason this is my finally warning MOVE NOW! your not gonna like how I turn" he says and I just look at him thinking he wouldn't.. Surely?
Feeling Stacey duck under my arms she puts her hands on his chest and he sighs, eyes going back to normal, bringing Liam back..
"It's OK baby, just breathe I'm here" she says and wraps her arms around him and he hugs her back.
"Let's go baby, grab Mya" Liam says and I drop my arms. He's not gonna listen to me so what's the point.
"I'll talk to him Jason, don't worry your not gonna lose him, we're grown up now not kids" stacey says to me and I sigh.
"This is all your fucking fault" I spit and walk past her going into my bedroom and slamming the door.
"FUCK!" I hear Liam roar and the door flies open.
"You better watch your fucking mouth on how you speak to her or you'll regret it brother" Liam says angrily and I sigh again. Fuck sake.
"Baby, don't do something your going to regret, just leave it and let's go home" Stacey says to Liam and I laugh.
"Listen to your girl brother" I mock him and laugh again.
"You better fucking pack it in the pair off you, the girls are down stair" Angelica says walking into the room and both me and Liam sigh.
"He started it" Liam says.
"Well I'm fucking finishing it. Your brothers for fuck sake get a grip!" she yells at us and I sigh again.
"Angel, don't get involved you wasn't there" I tell her but she looks at me deadly making me gulp.
"I don't fucking care Jason. He loves her and that's the end of it leave them alone" she yells at me and I drop on the bed putting my head into my hands.
"Don't come crying to me when she breaks your heart" I tell Liam and look up to him shaking his head
"Don't worry I fucking won't" he says and turns to leave. I've lost him.. Fuck!

Liam and Stacey go and leave us with a crying Ruby for taking her friend away. Great thanks Liam.
"It's OK prinny you'll see her soon" I hold her rocking her soothingly and she sniffles.
"Play Mya Ace" she say in her little voice and I feel bad for causing all this. If I just kept my fucking mouth shut everyone would be happy. Fuck!
I look to my angel who doesn't look happy either and sigh. What have I fucking done?
"I hope your happy now Ace" she says and I shake my head.
"Obviously not angel, help me fix this please" I ask her and she nods.
"Of course, I was until you blocked his way now god knows when he'll be back" she says and I just think fuck sake Jason.
"He won't be able to stay away from Ruby so he'll be back soon" I say to her hoping I'm right. We need to sort this once and for all.
"Just leave it to me to sort you'll make it worse Ace" she tells me and I sigh knowing she's actually right. Like normal.
"OK angel, I can't lose my brother. He's all I have left" I tell her putting Ruby down now she's happier. I'm glad she is because I feel like shit.
"You have us baby, don't worry he'll come around" she says and I hope she's right.
"I know angel, but.."
"No buts Ace, your family are in this room we love you unconditionally. If you want Liam back your gonna have to accept Stacey and there relationship" she says coming to sit next to me.
"I can't see my brother go through that pain again. It hurts me too" I tell her and she hugs me tightly.
"I know but it's his life Ace, you have to let him live it how he wants to, you can't control everything baby just listen to me please" she tells me and I sigh pulling her back to lay with me.
"I am listening and I hear you I know deep down that she's not the problem and it is Liam, he breaks her everytime which then breaks him for fuck sake" I tell her annoyed with him now. Why can't he just be like me?
"Finally, stop moping about it and do something. You know you can't bad mouth Stacey so I don't know why you try.. Your just making him more mad and pushing you away. Your pushing him to her more. How would you feel if Liam treated me how you treated Stacey?" she asks and my blood boils. Is he fucking mad!
"I never thought of it like that.. I'll talk to him and sort it, I'll give him some space" I tell her and she kisses my chest then my lips.
"Thank you, Ruby doesn't need this baby" she says and I sigh agreeing. The children are all that matters.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now