Chapter 17 Jason's POV

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Finally going home after saying our goodbyes to everyone and collecting all the gifts, we make our way to the car.
I think about what Liam just said to me and feel a little weird but OK. I think.
Krystal's words come back to me too. 'Liam did sleep with me. Remember' and it makes my blood boil that I'm allowing myself to get this angry. Over her! I fucking hate her. No I don't I have no time to be hating her she means absolutely nothing to me anymore.
"You OK Ace. You're quite?" my angel asks and I can't exactly tell her what I'm thinking about.
"It's just been a long morning angel. I need some proper food in me thats all" I tell her thinking randomly looking around seeing a restaurant.
"Let's go eat out shall we?" I change the subject and she smiles up at me.
"Let's go baby" she says and climbs into the passengers seat.

As I'm driving I think hard about what my father said and look in the rearview mirror at Liam. He actually told me he thought about if he could dick down my fucking wife. Like my fucking wife!
I knew he felt guilty because he avoided me and Angelica till he clearly asked her. And she told him what it was. There back to normal and that's all I need. Thank fuck.
So at least I know Liam's alot better and it was Father that was manipulating him into thinking about my fucking wife. I death grip the steering wheel and growl suddenly. I feel a hand on my thigh and I instantly calm relaxing from her touch.

Arriving at the restaurant I feel alot better holding her as we walk in and get seated by a waiter.
Ordering our drinks and food knowing what we all wanted, he jots it down quickly and walks off to place our order.
Feeling my phone vibrate so I pull it out and checking it quickly I see a text from Mr Lockwood.. Wonder what he wants done?

Mr Lockwood: I'm in town next week, expect a visit.

I sit there staring at my phone wondering what he's gonna want done this time.. I hate killing people. Beatings and that type of stuff I'm with it but death.. Hmm not for me.
"You OK. You've been staring at your phone for about ten minutes baby?" I hear Angelica pull me from my thoughts.
"Oh yeah, sorry.. Client that's all angel" I tell her and smile. I text back quickly.

Jason: Ready when you are.

I hit send and put my phone back into my jeans pocket.
I look around the table at my family and see Seline just gazing at Liam. What isit with them two lately? Are they on or off? Fuck knows.
Our food arrives and I look at the gigantic burger infont of me ready to devour it like a beast.
It's a comfortable silence as we all eat our meal accept from Ruby babbling like normal. Smiling over at my prinny I then see Liam's screw face randomly. What's up? I look at him giving him the look but he just shakes his head at me looking at his phone quickly. He stands up suddenly and walks towards me handing me his phone. I look at it seeing a text.

Shane: I know about 'Amy and her family' Robbie sure likes to talk when he's drunk.

Fuck! Fuck! I shout in my head wanting to rip the little bastard apart. I should of let Liam kill him. I'm to fucking nice! Shit!
I pull myself together. I need to reign Liam in it's still Ruby's day.
"Don't worry about it today. That's tomorrow's problem. We'll deal with it brother" I tell him with my arm over his shoulder whispering into his ear.
He nods, calms a little and goes back to his seat.
"What's happened now?" Angelica asks looking, raising a brow at me.
"Nothing that can't wait till tomorrow angel. Today's about prinny" I tell her smiling at Ruby who's having fun with her food.
"OK. If your sure baby.. Can I get some chocolate cake now please" she whines giving me puppy dog eyes.
"You can get whatever you want angel" I tell her with a smile.
The waiter collects our empty plates and tells us he'll be back in a minute.
I watch as Liam gets out the baby wipes to clean up Ruby before she gets her dessert too. She just sit's there happily. Such a good little girl.

After having dessert we head on home as Ruby's beginning to fall asleep in the carseat now. I turn down the music so she can nap and speed off.

"Today's been a good day accept the interruption. I can't believe my baby's one" Angelica says as I pull up outside our home.
"I know angel. She's growing up fast. Lexi will be here before you know it" I tell her with excitement bubbling inside me. I can't fucking wait to have my baby girl.
She smiles at me and runs my leg letting me know she's ready to get out now.
Climbing out Liam follows suit and I walk around to help my angel out the car.
"Come on you" I say to her as she struggles. I bet she can't wait to have Lexi for this reason. She hates the loss of independence.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now