Chapter 59 Jason's POV

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Laying there contemplating getting up as I look at my beautiful wife. I love her more than anything so I don't know what these feelings are towards Stacey. I really thought I was over it.. Her. Yet here I am 27 and still crushing on some one from ten years ago. Who is married to my fucking brother.. Just. That news rocked me a little. The jealously I felt in that moment was scary. I know I don't love her. It's not that it's.. Lust.. Like fucking crazy. She's everywhere I go in the mansion. Her scents everywhere, she walks around in clothes that show her slim curved body and the way her smile lights up her face. Fuck. Stop Jason your losing it.
I close my eyes and take a deep steading breath and sigh. What has my life become?
I climb out the bed leaving my angel to sleep and make my way to the shower.
Turning it on all I see is flashes of Stacey in her tight red dress. Fuck.
Letting the water cascade over my taunt muscles I drop my head down and think about the consequences of what I'm about to do. But I suddenly hear her.. Moaning. Fuck. I don't know what to do. I'm standing here with a fucking throbbing level 10 hard on for someone that's not my wife. But for my brothers.. I sigh and grab my hard cock and slowly begin to stroke it. Shit. Its been awhile since I've done it myself. I rest my head on the tiled wall and listen to her moan loud as normal and close my eyes picturing her fucking herself instead.
"Fuck! Yeah" I groan out as quiet as I can and start to pump my hand faster.
I continue to listen to her as my cock oozes precum and I feel it throb in my hand. I start to pump faster as I feel my knees go weak as my orgasm flows through me and out into the shower in thick ropes. I continue to pump to completion and wash my hand. What the fuck was that? I ask myself suddenly feeling guilty. Fuck! As I wash over my body with gel I hear fucking Liam roaring so fucking loud. That is not helping me. Is she that good? Fuck no don't go down that road. I need out of this place and back in my own. Away from her. Away from him.

After dressing and packing away most of the stuff I wake Angelica and she looks at me sleepily.
"Morning angel, time to get up we're going home" I tell her and she stretches sitting up.
"Morning Ace, how you feeling today?" she asks me and I shrug.. The same as yesterday and the day before and the day before that.
"I'm good baby, don't worry" I tell her instead and kiss her forehead.
"Go shower I'll sort the girls" I tell her and she smiles at me. It's just not the same feeling. And that pisses me off. I stand up and look down at her.
"Come on angel, I will leave without you" I tell her being deadly serious. And the fun part is I'm about to spend three hours in the car with Stacey.. Its gonna be awkward as fuck.

After giving the girls there breakfast with Becky and getting them ready, everyone's ready to leave and saying there good byes. I'm driving and I'll have Stacey, Ruby and Mya in the car why Angelica goes with Liam, Becky and Lexi. It's gonna be a long ride.

"So as we're on our own I thought we'd have a chat" Stacey says to me and I slightly grip the steering wheel. Fuck.
"OK.. About?" I ask and just continue to stare ahead. I can't look at her right now. My guards fucking dropped..
"Us of course" she tells me and I nearly choke on my saliva. Shit.. Us? What does she mean us?
"Are you OK?" she asks me as I begin to shuffle in my seat and just continue to stare ahead. What is wrong with me? I'm a grown ass man..
"So you was saying... Us" I say and it sounds weird to my ears. Us? I test it feeling unfamiliar.
I hear her take a deep breath and feel her eyes burning into me
"Yes.. So.. I'm just gonna say it. Because like I said you are acting the same. Has your old feelings resurfaced?" my eyes pop and I swallow hard. Fuck how does she know? What the fuck do I even say back to that?
"I don't know what your talking about" I say and I see out the corner of my eye that she rolls her eyes..
"Just be honest Jason" she says to me sighing and I sigh to. How do I be honest with her when it could ruin everything?
"What do you want me to say Stacey?" I ask her glancing at her and she looks so God damn sexy. Fuck. No Jason! I scold myself and look away quickly.
"I want you to tell me what's wrong" she raises her voice a little at me and my dick twitches making me sigh again.. Please no
"We're adults Jason, talk for fuck sake" she says getting irritated with me
"Do you still like me?" she asks me and I sigh again. Do I still like her fucking yes!
"Yes and no" I just say and I feel her looking at me again. Fuck sake.
"Whats yes and no.. Start with one of them and explain we have three hours to kill" she tells me and I sigh heavily gripping the steering wheel tighter this time. 3 fucking hours of being trapped in this car with her smelling and looking delicious. Someone help me. Please..
"I see why I liked you before and it's fucking with my head" I tell her finally and she sits there in fucking silence. Fuck say something. Anything.. But she doesn't so I just continue..
"So being around you, and hearing you fuck my brother and all the flirty shit is getting to me OK" I tell her feeling my jealousy show like a fucking spot light on me. Fuck sake
"So how are we expected to go from here? Liam's gonna find out" she tells me and I don't fucking know all I do know is no one outside this car should fucking know least of all Liam and his fucking beast within.
"It's fucking with my head but let's not get ahead of ourselves" I tell her and she shake her head at me.
"We're supposed to be moving in together Jason. How's that gonna work if your jealous of Liam" she asks me and I feel like fucking growling at her when she says his name. I don't know what's become of me. It's ever since shes come back around. My heads seriously fucked.
"I don't even know. It's been one weekend and I already feel like this. A lifetime. I don't think so" I tell her and she nods because I'm right.
"You need to get this out like we did before. Because we're both married and we shouldn't be keeping secrets Jason" she tells me and I sigh again. Fuck sake. I know she's right but I don't need to be telling my wife I have some weird crush on my brothers wife. And Liam. Well.. Let's not think of what his reaction will be.
"We just need to be living back in our own homes and we'll go from there. It's the only way. I'll be fine" I say to her trying to convince myself.
"Either way you need to tell your wife and your brother. They need to know" she says again and I shake my head. Not yet.
"I can't. Not yet. But I will soon, let me just.." I try but she stops me
"There gonna question us as soon as we're back. You know this. What do you want me to do.. Lie? It's not happening" she tells me and I just sigh. She's fucking right again.
"It's not for you to tell them. I just need time and I'll tell her" I tell Stacey and she stares at me.
"Your fantasies are about God knows what.. You need to tell them BOTH." she warns me and I can't help the growl that escapes my lips. Fuck. What is happening to me. She doesn't even want to know about my fantasies. Or my shower show this morning.
I need to get my head on straight and think about what this is going to cause if it gets out. Fuck! What did I do by telling her how I actually felt?

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