Chapter 19

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"Angel, you ready?" I hear Ace call from the bedroom whilst I finish touching up my makeup in the bathroom.
"Yeah, coming" I shout back and put away the pink gloss.
"I don't like this at all angel. We can't both leave you here" Ace says to me as I
Walk back into the bedroom.
"Selines coming over, and I know Liam told her to" I raise a brow at him.
I grab my bag and follow a very handsome Ace out the door.
"Are you ready for your meeting baby?" I ask him as we walk down the stairs.
"Of course angel. You know me. Plus Liam will be there" he says with a smile in business mode.
"Morning you two" Liam says as we walk into the kitchen. Watching him have breakfast with Ruby is so sweet. I'll be doing this in a year with Lexi. I tell myself making me smile at the pair.
"Morning handsome, you both scrubbed up for the meeting I see. Big spenders coming in"
I tease them and Liam laughs anyways.
"Something like that love" Liam says smirking. What are they up to?

Grabbing bread from the bag I put in two slices and get the butter from the fridge.
"What do you want Ace?" I ask him looking over my shoulder. He shrugs and points to the toaster at my toast. I smile at him and nod. He takes a seat at the kitchen table and pulls out his phone.
"We still need to sort it today brother. I haven't forgotten" I hear him say to Liam and I wonder what. It's got to be about what happened yesterday at dinner.
"Are you talking about Shane?" I ask them and they both look at me.
"What.. Tell me" I ask as the toast pops up. I hear one of them sigh as I start to butter the toast.
"He text Liam yesterday. Robbie blabbed about Amy's family to Shane" he says and drops back into his seat. I place the toast down infront of him on a plate cut into triangles.
"Fucking Robbie. Again!" I say annoyed with his dumbness putting more bread into the toaster I push it down and wait for it to pop it.
"How does he even know Robbie tho?" I ask them and they both shrug there shoulders at me. Not helpful.

After kissing Ace goodbye for work and Liam going with him I stay with Becky in the house with Ruby. No one knows where we live. Yet..
I sit down in the living room to watch Ruby play with her toys and my phone starts to ring. Picking it up I answer to Seline..
"Hey babes" I say with a smile.
"Hi, I'm on my way won't be to long. Need to talk. Have the guys gone already" she asks and I wonder what's wrong.
"Yeah hun, they've just left. See you soon" I tell her and she hangs up. Weird.

Hearing knocking Becky gets up and goes to the door after checking it first. Per instructions from the guys. Like we're children.
Seline comes walking in with.. Robbie? What I'm confused?
"You know if they catch you in here, your dead right?" I ask Robbie and he looks around before shrugging.
"Why are you with Seline?" I ask him and Seline smiles.
"He's my brother Angelica. I've heard everything Jason and Liam's done to him. It needs stop now!" she starts to yell and I look at her raising a brow. Who's she yelling at?
"Don't yell at me Seline. You need to watch your tone." I warn her looking at Ruby.
"Sorry babe. Just I don't like the thought of them treating my brother the way they are. You know" she tries the nice approach now and takes a seat pulling Robbie with her.
"What have you exactly told her?" I ask Robbie unimpressed that he's in my house. Ace is gonna flip his shit when he finds out.
"Only what Seline's asked me" he says but that still doesn't help.
"Can I speak to you alone please Angelica?" Robbie asks me I roll my eyes sighing.
"Sure.. Can you two give us a minute please" I look at Seline and Becky and they both smile nodding getting up to leave.
Looking back at Robbie I raise a brow for him to talk.
"So you got married, and your having his baby" he states sighing looking me over as he shakes his head to himself.
"Of course. Now why the hell are you telling people about Amy and her family. Are you completely stupid Robbie?" I ask him looking at him being serious.
"I work for Shane. He's cool and so what I let slip a little something whilst drinking and having fun. You lot are to serious" he says shrugging. Is he fucking for real.
"You don't spill other peoples secrets... The way you're acting is going to get you killed" I tell him not caring anymore. These fucking people.
"You need to leave. I have zero interest in helping you Robbie. You have no respect for anyone.. Clearly. Get out now!" I tell him feeling my blood pressure start to raise. Fuck!
Seline and Becky come back in looking at Robbie.
"I think you should go before I ring Jason. This isn't good for Angelica or the baby" Becky says holding the phone in her hand ready.
"I don't care. Ring the twat. He ain't gonna do shit Shane will make sure of that" he says being cocky. We'll see.
I pull out my phone and hit call on Ace..
"Baby. We have an unwanted visitor in the house" I tell him calm.
"Good job we just pulled up then angel. Be right there" he says and I hang up smirking.
Suddenly the door bangs open and I see Jason come in though one door while Liam entered the other. Robbie's face drops and he looks like he's shitting himself now. Well I gave him a chance to leave. He made his bed. Now he can lie in it.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now