Chapter 72 Jason's POV

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"I want you to do it.. Be the boss I know you are baby" Stacey says and Liam's eyes go wide and the biggest grin forms on his face. What the fuck are they talking about boss? Boss of what?
"You being serious baby?" he asks her and she nods her head smiling at him.
"Deadly" she tells him winking and he groans. Gross.. But boss? I'm confused
"Do what? What you talking about boss?" I ask Liam looking confused.
"Listen, we're all gonna stay here for a while after what happened yesterday it ain't safe to go back now. I'm stepping in to take over" Liam says and Stacey looks at Angelica and me and I'm pissed. He's just got fucking out and now he's just going to skip fucking back.
"What about working together brother?" I ask him and he shrugs.. Like that now yeah Liam..
"You know I hated that shit man. This is me Jason, you know this, accept it because it's happening" he tells me and I sigh dropping back onto the sofa.
"Don't do this, you got out. Why would you wanna go back for. You wanna lose everything again" I ask him and he laughs.
"There's no being an errand boy Jason. I'll be demanding the shots, I will clean everything up and we'll all live safe and separately" Liam tells me and I'm fucking fuming. They all bothered me to live together now what one mishap and it goes down the fucking drain. What the fuck man
"I'm so confused. So your gonna be like what? The boss of a bunch of criminals?" Angelica asks Liam and Stacey laughs. What's fucking funny?
"A whole God damn network but not every single one of them are CRIMINAL'S" Liam tells her emphasizing on the criminals.
"So your sitting there telling me you can't trust me with my daughter, yet your about to become a crime boss. Are you fucking serious Liam?" Angelica says and Liam just stares at her.
"What I do with MY daughter has nothing to do with you love. You had your chance and you blown it and you don't regret it like you said" Liam tells her and she shakes her head looking pissed.
"Your a joke" she says to him getting up and walking off.
"Angelica wait" Stacey calls after her but she waves her off. Fuck!
"Leave her baby, it's got nothing to do with her. As long as your happy with this that's all that matters" Liam tells Stacey and kisses her.
"I'm happy with my decision baby, I'll be so proud of you" Stacey tells him smiling.
"Do you know what? I can't do this shit. Your pushing us away and being consumed by her like you always are" I tell him and she rolls my eyes.
Liam suddenly stands and stares me down.
"Who the fuck is her.. The woman you can't have? Say her fucking name Jason" Liam spits and I sigh irritated.
"You always let Stacey consume you. It's always the same shit" I tell Liam and Stacey looks at me offended.
"Because you want it right?" Stacey asks me and I look at her coldly. What was I thinking? She's a fucking bitch.
"I'll let you have that one. But if you ever look at my wife like that again your dead. Now get the fuck out my face" Liam tells me and I watch Stacey bite her lip. He's already sounding like a boss. Fuck.
"I ain't going nowhere this time. We will sort this" I tell Liam standing my ground. I don't care if he wants to let his fucking beast out I've had enough. I know he wouldn't kill me so it's all good. I can hold my own.
"Just leave already before my friend comes out" Stacey warns me and I swallow knowing exactly who shes talking about. I don't fucking care.
I just stand there watching them and I know I'm testing Liam's patience.
"You really wanna do this?" Liam asks me
"I ain't moving brother. If you wanna hurt me then hurt me" I say and Stacey shakes her head. What am I fucking doing?
"OK. I see, can you leave us my queen please" Liam ask her calmly and I begin to freak out inside anyways. What's he gonna do? Fuck fuck fuck!
"Baby no" she tells him and he looks at her
"It needs to happen sooner rather than later" he tells Stacey and she sighs standing up. I know he's right. It really does. But I hate the thought of it.
"I'll be in the games room with the girls" she tells him kissing him.
"Is this happening brother?" I ask him like hes readying himself. Shit.
"Soon as my queen leaves its fun time" Liam tells me and she shakes her head watching Liam stand up.
"If this is happening then it's me and you. No beast" I say and he just stares at me saying nothing. Fuck I hate this side
"Well you chose not to leave when my wife warned you. You asked for this, but I'll be nice.." Liam says cracking his neck to the side and Stacey walks out and Liam locks the door behind her. Great.
"You really wanna do this brother?" I ask him and he shrugs bouncing on the balls of his feet. Fuck
Suddenly he swings at me and I just manage to duck and smack him to his side. He comes at me swinging both arms and he connects a few and I feel slightly dizzy. I watch as his eyes change and I already no I'm dead. This is it. All because I want to secretly fuck his wife. He's about to kill me..
Ducking and confused to why his arms are moving so fast he connects with my jaw upper cutting me and I drop to the floor and I suddenly feel him sit on me and start to punch my face in. Left, right, left, right. My vision starts to go blurry and my hearing goes funny and I want to close my eyes but I can hear my angel faintly.
I hear her scream more aswell but I feel like I'm floating.
"He won't stop, make him stop" I hear her cry
"Baby" I hear banging on the door..
"Liam" I hear being shouted but nothing.. He won't stop hitting me. Fuck what did I do to get this much.
"LIAMMMM!" I hear Stacey scream so loud and he suddenly stops.
"Don't even fucking think about it girl" is the last thing I hear before the darkness takes over.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now