Chapter 24

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Stretching my body after being sat for so long watching Run, I hear the front door open.
"It's just us" I hear Becky call out and Ruby comes running in.
"Mummy" she says and climbs up to us.
"Hi Ace" she says to him making me laugh.
"You had a good day baby?" I ask her giving her cuddles.
"The best mummy" she says smiling.
"So your ready for some dinner?" I ask her but she shakes her head.
"I eaten with Becky" she says happily patting my stomach.
"Oh, OK so bath time then?" I ask her and she lights up smiling at me.
"You bath me mummy" she asks and how can I say no to her little puppy dog eyes.
"Yes baby, let's go" I tell her and she jumps down holding out her hand for me. She's so cute.
"Do you need my help?" Becky asks from the doorway.
"It's alright hun. You can go if you like. We'll put her to bed after" I tell her as I walk towards her.
"Ace put me bed" Ruby says and I look to him.
"Whatever you want prinny. I'll run the bath angel" he tells me and I'm grateful.
"See you tomorrow Ruby, have fun" Becky says to her as we walk up the stairs.
"See you" I call out and she leaves.

After Ace runs Ruby a bath and poured in the bubbles, Ruby helps strip out of her clothes and takes the dolls dress off too and I pick her up placing her into the tub. Thank God Ace brought me the chair in.
"I love baths mummy" she says splashing and playing with her doll.
"What did you have for dinner baby?" I ask her wondering where Becky had taken her.
I had chicken and fries" she struggles to say but I caught on.
"Ohh was it nice?" I ask her beginning to get hungry talking about food.
"Yeahhh" she tells me and dunks her head under the water wetting her hair, luscious curls form and I love it.
"So pretty" I say running my fingers through it.

"Good night baby girl. I love you" I tell her kissing her.
"Good night mummy. love you too" she says smiling. She melts my heart.
I leave and make my way down stairs slowly. I'm hungry I think to myself.
I walk into the kitchen and decide I want a chicken and cheese sandwich. Delicious.

Sitting at the table eating my sandwich when I see Liam enter. I check my watch and see it's just past half seven. Where has he been?
"Hello love" he says sitting next to me putting his head in his hands.
"Hi Liam. What's wrong? Talk to me" I tell him putting my hand on his shoulder. He slowly looks at me and he has sad eyes.
"The date was a fucking flop. My head and heart are at war with each other. What do I do" he says starting to sound emotional towards the end.
"Just take your time and explain what you mean" I tell him with a smile.
"I like her, I have alot of feelings going on but.." he says standing up and walking to the fridge and grabbing us both a bottle of water.
"But what Liam" I ask and he just stares at me.
"Robbie.. Seline thinks she can tell me what to do. That ain't going to happen because no one can" he says handing me my bottle. I raised my brow at him and he just laughs.
"I want him dead for what he has done but I don't want too because of Seline" he says and I nod my head understanding what he means. Bless him.
"I wasn't looking for anything but Seline took me by surprise. My head wants to try with her so fucking bad but my heart is the total opposite" he tells me and I want to cry for him. Oh my god. I stand up and put my arms around him and squeeze tightly.
"I'm sorry your torn Liam. I didn't know you had such feelings for Seline" I tell him and he stares at me again.
"The truth is I want her and I'm scared to allow myself to be that vulnerable again" he says looking at the floor then stands up suddenly.
"And I hate Robbie. So I'm fucked" he says sighing. Wait a minute. Let's go back to the wanting part. Forget about Robbie.
"Oh my god Liam. You want her" I say beaming with happiness. He actually wants her. Wow.
"I don't know love" he says giving me a half smile.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask feeling left out. He just chuckles.
"I really wanted to but you are too happy and cheerful when it comes to love" he says rolling his eyes. Well he isn't wrong and I understand.
"We will deal with Robbie one way or another Liam but don't walk away from her please. You deserve to be happy. Ruby would want her daddy to be happy" I tell him hoping he will listen.
"I get what you're saying love and I want to be happy but it seems like I can't catch a break" he tells me hitting his hand on the table.
"OK. Take it easy" I tell him with a nudge and raised brow.
"Thank you for opening up to me Liam. I'm always here for you" I tell him with a smile.
"I know you are and I'm so grateful for that love. It means the world to me" he tells me with a smile and kisses my cheek.
"I'm going for a shower then straight to bed. Do you need anything before I go?" he asks and I shake my head.
"OK, sleep on it then? And I'm fine thank you" I reply and he chuckles.
"Yes I will love. Goodnight" he says with a smile.
"Good night" I say as he turns to leave the kitchen.

Ace appears in the door way looking me over.
"You know you've been talking for awhile angel" he says and I look at my watch. Wow it nearly 9pm.
"I actually feel quite tired even tho I've slept alot" I tell Ace and he chuckles at me.
"Come on angel. I'll run you a bubble bath and we'll go bed after. Sound good?" he asks me helping me up.
"Sounds great baby, thank you" I tell him and we make out way up the stairs.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now