Chapter 56

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After getting out the pool and dressing in something sexy I make my way to the mirror and apply mminmal make up for once and look myself over

After getting out the pool and dressing in something sexy I make my way to the mirror and apply mminmal make up for once and look myself over

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I feel good. That's all that matters. Ace is being weird lately and he thinks I haven't noticed like I'm fucking dumb. I will get it out of him. I hope he doesn't ruin this for all of us with this who's Stacey thing. I saw his face when Liam apologized. He looked guilty.. I know my husband and I'm just wondering what he'd be guilty of doing.. I thought we got everything out in the air with our truth games.. Looks like he has some more hidden secrets from me.. Us all apparently.
I walk down the stairs with a heavy sigh and walk into the kitchen hungry seeing Stacey with the girls.
"You alright babe you don't look it" Stacey asks me and I sigh again.
"Somethings wrong with Jason. I can feel it but he won't talk to me" I tell her and she looks at me sad and sighs.
"I'm sorry babe, I said the same thing to but Liam thinks he's OK now" she says and I nod my head feeling shit. Why won't he talk to me.
"I'll get it out of him I always do. It better be fucking epic" I tell her and she laughs.
"Well, if your feeling up to it you wanna help me make dinner?" she asks me and I perk up. Why not.. Its not like my husband's avoiding me now.
"I'll peel, you chop" I tell her handing her a knife and I start to wash the vegetables.

After washing the chicken I season it and cover it with foil and slide it into the over along with roast potatoes.
"So your planning a baby so soon babe" I ask her and she lights up.
"Yeah babe, I'm so excited, I hope it doesn't take to long" she tells me and I nod agreeing happy for her. She's an amazing mum to Mya.
"I'm so happy for you babes, I bet your hoping for a boy this time tho" I say to her chuckling and she shrugs
"As long as there healthy I don't mind. I was the same with Mya" she says and I think about before I found out I really wanted a girl and I got one. And I pray for a boy next.

Taking the girls to the bathroom to clean them up while Stacey finishes the dinner I wash there hands and faces and dry them quickly.
"Are we ready for dinner" I ask them both and they jump happy.
"Yes mummy, yes Gelica" they both say and I smile down at them.
"Then let's go get some" I tell them walking out the bathroom and back into the kitchen.
I go grab the guys from the games room and watch them play pool for a minute.
"Dinners ready you two" I tell them and walk out back into the kitchen to Stacey.
"What do you need babe?" I ask her and she looks at the girls running around. I laugh and grab them..
"I'll set the table and take the girls" I tell her and she blows me a kiss..
Becky comes walking into the main entrance with Lexi and the girls run over to her.
"Can you watch them while I set the table for us" I ask her and she smiles at me..
"Of course babe, you should of said" she says and I wave her off..
"You have Lexi it's OK babe" I tell her and she looks down at my baby smiling. Whys everyone broody of my daughter.
Placing everything down the guys take a seat and Becky hands Ace Lexi while she sorts the girls and I place down cutlery for everyone then go to help Stacey.
"We all ready babe?" she asks me and I nod
"Yeah let me help" I tell her picking up the two little plates for the girls first and quickly take it in to them.
"Here you go beautiful girls" I say and they smile up at me. I rush back out and grab the mountain of food on two plates and know that there Jason's and Liam's straight away. Fucking hell. Where does it go?
"Here you go" I say to them placing down there plates
"Thanks love, thanks angel" they both say to me and I smile at them both.
"It's alright, thank us when you've eaten it" I tell them and chuckle walking back into the kitchen.
I grab Becky's and my plate and look at Stacey.
"Just yours babe" I tell her and she nods smiling at me.
"Thanks I was checking dessert my bad" she says and I laugh at her.
"You did most of the cooking least I could do was serve" I tell her and walk out with the plates.
Sitting down finally I start to dig into my food. Oh my god its good. I can't wait to live with Stacey. Seriously..
Stacey finally takes a seat bless her and looks around at everyone smiling..
"This is beautiful my queen, thank you" Liam tells Stacey
"Thank you mummy" Mya shouts out making everyone laugh.
"Angelica helped too" Stacey says and I shrug it off. I cut up the vegetables and washed the meat..
"Thank you Stacey and my angel for dinner" Ace says and it's the first time I've heard him speak in a while. He's got a serious issue. And I don't like it..
"Thanks Stacey it's delicious hun" Becky tells her around mouthfuls.
"Your welcome all of you" Stacey says grinning happily. She truly is amazing and I can see how much Liam means to her and Ruby, as she helps her with her food. She's gonna be a great mum to Liam's baby, I can feel it.
They really do make a perfect family.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now